
  • 网络Direct Cost;direct charges
  1. 另一个从表现形式来看,就是以定额子目构成直接费,并以直接费为基础,乘以各种费用项目的费率,计取其他费用。

    The other one , from the form of expression , is to calculate the direct cost out of the quota items and then to calculate other costs based on the direct cost multiplied by different ratio for different items .

  2. 直接费主要包括直接人工、直接材料和施工机械费;

    The former mainly includes the fees for direct manpower , direct materials and construction machinery ;

  3. 分项工程造价按直接费由高到低排序;

    Subitem project cost is arranged from the high to the low according to the direct expense .

  4. 注:此表投资统计口径含包干内项目直接费、政策性资金、派生资金以及规划调整新增资金。

    Note : The statistics of investment in this table include planned funds , adjusted funds , input funds and derived funds .

  5. 工程造价通常讲就是工程的价格,一般由直接费、间接费、计划利润和税金组成。

    The engineering cost is the price of engineering , which usually consists of direct fee , overheads , planned profit and tax .

  6. 根据所设计出的三种住宅结构的施工图,按湖北省现行估价表,计算编制出它们的结构造价预算(直接费),比较分析三种结构主要分项的造价和单位面积经济指标。

    According to the structural design of three residential construction plans , according to the current valuation of Hubei . Cost calculation compiled their budget structure ( direct costs ) .

  7. 使用操作平台装置的直接费较钢管脚手架降低率为81.9%,并且随着建筑高度的增加,造价差异趋向扩大。

    The direct fee caused by platform can be reduced 81.9 % to that of steel scaffold . The difference will expands along with the increase of height of high-rise buildings .

  8. 山西省1995版定额中明确规定了冬雨季施工费费率:直接费基础上的1.28%(一类)、1.09%(二类)、0.82%(三类)、0.34%(四类)。

    The ratio of construction in winter and rainy season is exactly specif ied in Shanxi 95 version quota . It is 1.28 % ( A ), 1.09 % ( B ), 0.82 % ( C ), and 0.34 % ( D ) over the directly fee .

  9. 施工企业项目管理中直接工程费的监控研究

    The Research on Monitoring Direct Costs of the Project by Construction Enterprise Project Management

  10. 直接工程费由直接费和其他直接费组成。

    The " direct engineering fees " consists of direct fees and other direct fees .

  11. ~4场的量子单圈修正,所得结果与直接利用费曼图计算的结果一致。

    ~ 4 theory is calculated by use of the above technique . The result is the same as the result obtained from using Feynman diagram directly .

  12. 在四川盆地的地震勘探工程中,地震资料野外采集施工费用,即地震工程预算中的直接工程费,占整个地震勘探工程成本的80%左右。

    The expense for the field acquisition of seismic data , i. e. the direct cost in the budget of the seismic engineering , accounts for about 80 % of the whole engineering cost of seismic exploration .

  13. 买方提起反诉,声称应从卖方所索费用中扣除买方估计应由卖方赔偿买方的一笔费用,即:直接损失费、财务成本费、所损失的利润及利息费。

    The buyer filed a counterclaim alleging that the seller 's claim should be set off agai t the amounts which the buyer estimates to be payable to the buyer by the seller , i.e. , the direct lo es , financing costs , lost profits and interest .

  14. 学生:那政府为什么不直接增收通行费和税呢?

    Student : So why don 't the governments just raise tolls and taxes ?

  15. 业主直接支付安装费和每月租线费用。

    The installation cost and monthly leased line rental will be borne by company directly .

  16. 国家以让税和财政补贴的方式承担费用,而单位和个人以直接缴纳保险费的方式承担费用。

    The country bears cost with allowing the kind of duty and finance allowance , and unit and individual bear cost with the means of direct pay insurance premium .

  17. 另有一些人则因为支付了医疗费而深受其害:每年,有1亿人因为不得不直接支付医疗费而陷于贫困。

    Others suffer because they do pay : every year , 100 million people are pushed into poverty because they have had to pay directly for their health care .

  18. 除了直接赚取手续费收入,蚂蚁金服与腾讯在中国移动支付市场占据主导地位,也有利于它们获取宝贵的用户数据,这些数据可以用于很多方面,从信用评级到定向广告以及产品开发。

    Beyond the revenue earned directly from processing fees , the dominance of China 's mobile payments market by Alibaba 's Ant Financial and Tencent gives them access to valuable user data that can be used for everything from credit ratings to targeted advertising to product development .

  19. 井巷断面大小直接关系到掘进费、维护费和通风电费。

    The sizes of cross-section are related to the drivage costs , maintenance costs and ventilation electric costs .

  20. 第一层次认为现行分货种分操作过程装卸成本计算办法对装卸直接费用(人工费、机械费、工具费等)基本上查找了成本动因,是作业成本法思想的体现。

    The cost factors have been checked out for basic direct loading & unloading fees , which include labor fees , machineries equipment fees and tool fees .