
  • 网络static planning
  1. 长期以来,我国土地利用规划基本上是一种静态规划。

    Over the past years , basically the land utility in our country is a static planning .

  2. 静态规划建立了混合整数规划模型,利用基于线性规划换基运算的支路交换法有效地求解该模型。

    The static planning constructs the mixed integer programming model . A branch exchange technique based on the change base of linear programming solves the model effectively .

  3. RSI将点检过程分为静态规划和动态调整两个阶段。

    RSI is made of two phases which are static programming and dynamic regulation .

  4. 静态规划问题的动态规划解法

    On the Solution to the Problem of " Static " Programming by Means of Dynamic Programming

  5. 其规划可分为两种:静态规划和动态规划;

    The planning can be classified into two types : static expansion planning and dynamic expansion planning .

  6. 在单目标输电网规划建模及优化求解方面,论文首次将序优化理论引入到输电网规划领域,分别开展对输电网静态规划与动态规划的研究。

    Chapter 3 introduces the ordinal optimization theory to solve the single - objective static transmission expansion planning .

  7. 然后建立了阻塞指标约束下的输电网静态规划模型,并用IEEE-24RTS实验系统进行了验证。

    A new optimal planning model with the congestion index constraint is presented and applied to an IEEE 24-bus example system .

  8. 该路径算法可根据网络的分布情况实现实时地路径规划,避免了静态规划中路径冗余的现象,节省了锚节点的能量。

    According to the distribution of network to realize real-time path planning , avoid the path redundancy phenomenon in static path planning .

  9. 本文主要给出一类静态规划-资源分配问题的动态规划解法,同时为了说明动态解法在解决静态规划问题中的优越性,给出了一个实例。

    This paper presents a solution to the problem of " static " programming by means of dynamic programming in the problem of assigning resources and an example has been given .

  10. 为了提高加工中运动控制的稳定性,减少冲击和加工误差,提出了基于速度静态规划的微细电火花成形加工运动控制策略,通过加工实验验证了控制策略的可行性和可靠性。

    In order to improve stability of motion control and decrease geometric error and motion delay , a static velocity planning based motion control strategy of NC for micro sinking-die EDM is presented .

  11. 以往的公路景观规划是一种静态规划,其核心思想是:规划就等同于编制规划方案,制定出公路景观建设最终状态的详细方案及详细周密的实施进度安排。

    Previous highway landscape planning is a static planning , and its core idea is planning means compile planning scheme , which means formulating final status construction plan of highway landscape and elaborate implementation schedule .

  12. 将台风信息系统引入到防灾减灾领域中,就可以由静态规划转为动态管理,为城市的防灾减灾水平的提高和观念的更新做出贡献。

    Leading the Typhoon information system to prevention and mitigation field , the static programming can be converted into dynamic programming , this will make due contribution for improving the prevention and mitigation levels of cities and renewing the concepts .

  13. 与传统静态规划不同之处在于,,螺旋模型并不是只进行一次完整的规划流程就结束,只要规划评价结果和三维仿真结果的反馈不符合规划的既定目标,这一过程将不断重复迭代。

    The difference with the traditional static planning is that it is not only one time and end . As long as evaluation and 3D simulation result can not meet the need of planning target , the process will go on . 2 .

  14. 目前我国城市规划领域正发生了如下变化:由静态规划向动态规划发展、从物质规划转向社会型发展规划、专家审查到公众参与规划、规划实施由行政管理转向法制化管理。

    The field of urban planning in our country has been having the following change : from Static Planning to Dynamic Programming ; from Physical Planning to Society Development Planning ; from expert examination to Public Participatory Planning . Planning Implementation has changed the legalization management by the administrative management .

  15. 针对静态路径规划方法计算量大、整个AGV系统运行耗时过长等不足,本文提出一种基于时间窗的动态路径规划算法。

    The paper bring forward an dynamic path planning algorithm based on time window calculation , considering large calculation and time consumption of static path planning method .

  16. 现代城市静态交通规划建设新探讨

    New Discuss on Static Transportation Layout and Construction in Modernized Urban

  17. 中山市居住小区静态交通规划发展动态研究

    Research on Residential Static Traffic Planning in Delta-Pearl Area

  18. 普陀区静态交通规划构想

    Conception of Static Traffic Plan for the Putuo District

  19. 本文针对静态路径规划方法的不足,提出了一个更具灵活性的动态启发式路径规划方法。

    To improve the static methods , we propose a novel heuristic dynamic path planning method with a better flexibility .

  20. 然后,分别建立了海运集装箱空箱调运的静态整数规划模型和动态整数规划模型。

    Secondly , the empty container allocation models of sea transportation based on static and dynamic integer programming are presented , respectively .

  21. 仿真结果显示,利用粒子群法优化的静态航迹规划能有效减小搜索空间,提高规划效率,同时,动态航迹规划能回避新威胁。

    A dynamic window is used simultaneously to deal with the newly appeared threats in the original route planning for realizing dynamic route planning .

  22. 仿真结果表明,该算法模式较静态多元规划模式具有更好的总体收敛性能。

    Simulation results show that this kind of fuzzy multi-optimum programming mode has better general convergence performance than traditional PSO algorithm and the static multi-optimum programming mode .

  23. 本文根据笔者在实际工作中的一些经验,主要探讨了企业内部网中静态IP的规划与管理的一些方法和原理。

    In this article , author talked about the method and principle about how to design and manage Intranet IP address . These talked method and principles are based on experience from his actual work .

  24. 采用强化学习中的Q-学习(Q-Learning,QL),提出一种通过慎思行为学习来产生反应式行为的自动设计方法。这里的慎思行为是一个局部静态最优路径规划行为。

    The deliberative behavior is a static local optimal path planning , which is learned by Q-Learning ( QL ) method of the reinforcement learning .

  25. 即就工作环境中的静态障碍,规划一条避障的最短距离路径;

    The upper level is a path planner , which plans a shortest path avoiding collisions with static obstacles in environment .

  26. 然后,通过对路径规划方法和遗传算法的研究,设计了一套专门用于离线条件下的应用遗传算法的静态全局路径规划程序,该方法可以在一定程度上弥补传统方法的一些不足。

    Then , based on the path planning and genetic algorithm a static global path planning program for off-line application was given .

  27. 通过以上计算和分析,使静态的线性规划模型向动态模型方向迈进了一步。

    As the above mentioned calculation and analysis , the static linear planning model is made to move a step forward toward the direction of the dynamic model .

  28. 在经典的车辆路径规划问题中,道路的交通信息如行车距离、固定的交通管理信息等,在路径规划前是已知的,这些信息不随时间的推移而变化,属于静态的路径规划。

    In the classic problem of vehicles path planning , the road traffic information , such as distance , fixed traffic management information , which can be known before path planning .

  29. 静态无线频谱规划体制是造成频谱利用率日益低下的主要原因,频谱共享通信系统是该问题的解决方案之一。

    Fixed wireless spectrum assignment policy is the main reason of the lower and lower spectrum utilization efficiency . Spectrum sharing communication system is one of the solutions to solve the problem .

  30. 为提高财务公司日归集资金的使用效率,设计了静态资金运营规划模型,可用之对日归集资金的调配、使用的效率效果进行预测;

    For improving the utilization efficiency of the daily accumulated capital , a static model has been programmed for rational allocation of the capital and for prediction of the efficiency and effectiveness of the capital utilization of the financial company of a corporation .