
  • 网络hydrostatic test
  1. APISPEC5L标准和GB/T9711.1-1997标准中都明确规定,外径尺寸不小于508mm的焊接钢管必须进行静水压试验,所以静水压试验机是重要的检验设备。

    Since it is specified in both API Spec 5L and GB / T9711.1 - 1977 that any steel weld pipe with O. D. no smaller than 508 mm shall be subject to hydrostatic test , the hydrostatic testing machine is regarded as a rather key inspection facility .

  2. 计算机在钢管静水压试验中的应用

    Computer Application on Pipe Hydrostatic Test

  3. 指出静水压试验压力应按照APISPEC5L《管线钢管规范》4.3.3附录K计算值确定。

    It points out that hydrostatic testing pressure shall determine K calculation value in accordance with appendix 4.3.3 of API SPEC 5L .

  4. 简要介绍了静水压试验机的液压工作原理。

    The hydraulic pressure working principle of the static hydro tester is introduced .

  5. 介绍了一种适用于石油油管、套管进行静水压试验的全自动试验装置。

    An automatic hydrostatic testing device suitable for tubing and casing is introduced .

  6. 端面密封条件下钢管静水压试验压力的确定

    Determine of Pipe Hydrostatic Pressure Value Under Ends Sealing

  7. 全自动石油油管(套管)静水压试验装置的改进

    An automatic hydrostatic testing device for casing tubing

  8. 端面密封的静水压试验压力计算方法

    Calculation Method of Hydrostatic Tester with End Seal

  9. 油管、套管(以下简称油井管)在静水压试验过程中要产生剧烈的噪声,对环境造成污染。

    Noise emanated in static hydraulic test for tubing and casing pollutes the surrounding .

  10. 钢管静水压试验机电控系统及试验压力记录仪的研制

    Electrical Control System of Hydrostatic Tester and Research & Development of Test Pressure Recording Instrument

  11. 分析了静水压试验过程中钢管的受力情况,简要介绍了试验压力计算公式的推导过程。

    It analyses stress sustained by pipe during hydrostatic test and briefly introduces calculation formula deduced process of test pressures .

  12. 而钢管水压机正是基于此背景开发的一种利用油水平衡控制对钢管进行静水压试验的机组。

    Pipe hydrostatic tester is developed based on this background , a balance control on the use of water pipe for hydrostatic testing unit .

  13. 对公司原有螺旋焊管静水压试验机进行了技术改造,重新设计了电气控制线路,增加了计算机控制系统。

    The original hydrostatic tester for spiral submerged arc welded pipe has technical rebuild and electric control line is redesigned as well as increasing computer control system .

  14. 通过对静水压试验机主油缸压力波动原因的分析,提出了静水压试验机的改造方案,改造后的静水压试验机满足了正常生产的要求。

    Through analysis on pressure fluctuation reasons of the hydro tester 's main oil cylinder , the reforming scheme of the static hydro tester is proposed . The reformed hydro tester meets the requirements of normal production .

  15. 进行了恒侧压、反复加压、等比加压、应力常量,卸荷等试验研究,此外还进行了无侧向应变及静水压等试验。

    The tests that have been conducted inc - luded the constant confining pressure repeated loading , constant stresses , equal proportional loading or unloading , the hydrostatic and uniaxial tests .