
  • 网络dry;dry basis;Air Dried Basis;Air Dried
  1. 研究空气干燥基无烟煤对甲烷(CH4)的等温吸附/解吸特性,发现其对甲烷的解吸残余率达56%。

    Studying adsorption / desorption character of anthracite on air dry basis in CH4 isotherm experiments was performed , and the result shown that the desorption hysteresis is obvious and remainder percentage of CH4 is as high as 56 % .

  2. 龙口油页岩含油率高,为14.38%(空气干燥基),是热解提油比较理想的原料。

    Longkou oil shale is an ideal material for oil recovery by pyrolysis , with a high oil content of 14.38 % .

  3. 对不同产地SS干燥培养基质量的实验观察

    Experimental observation on quality of SS dry culture media produced in different places

  4. 使用计分法对干燥培养基质量的评价

    Assessment of quality of culture medium powders using scoring method

  5. 抗氯喹恶性疟原虫体外微量测定用冰冻干燥培养基的制备及涂氯喹板的改进

    Preparation of the freeze-dried medium and microplate for the assessment of sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to chloroquine in in vitro microtechnique

  6. 本文采用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)对14种含有不同挥发分的中国煤,在20~170℃范围内测定了煤的比热,并校正为干燥无灰基煤的比热。

    The specific heat of fourteen types of Chinese coals with different volatile matter contents were measured in the temperature range of 20 ~ 170 ℃ with the differential scanning calorimeter ( DSC ) .

  7. 干燥的培养基易导致原球茎及幼苗萎蔫、褐化。

    Dry medium led protocorms and seedlings to shrink and die .

  8. 较干燥的培养基更利于小孢子胚成苗,最适的琼脂含量是1.2%。

    Dry culture medium was favor of regenerating plantlet , optimum agar content was 1.2 % .

  9. 在干燥无灰基碳含量45%~90%之间,于80%~85%区域多环芳烃的总量最大。

    Total content of PAH appeared in the region 80 % ~ 85 % of dry and ash free carbon content .

  10. 干燥作用对水泥基材料影响的研究

    Drying Effects on Mechanical Behavior of Cement Based Materials

  11. 研究发现,无论是在过热蒸汽还是在热空气条件下,介质温度越高、颗粒粒径越小,则油页岩颗粒的干燥速率越大,干燥至同一干基含水量所需要的时间越短。

    And the drying rate in both drying drying medium under the same conditions are compared , the result indicates the quicker drying rate and shorter drying time , the smaller the particle diameter of oil shale and the higher the drying temperature of superheated steam or hot air .

  12. 阐述了微波干燥复肥的可行性,进行了微波干燥复肥的实验,得到微波干燥尿基复肥的失水曲线、温度曲线及养分曲线。

    The feasibility of drying compound fertilizers by microwave is stated . The relations of water , temperature and nutrients with the lenth in the time of microwave drying are gained from experiments on drying compound fertilizers by microwave .