
ɡān zào shè bèi
  • drying equipment;drying apparatus;drying plant
  1. 介绍了全自动内置式蒸发系统的煤油汽相干燥设备在应用中的一些改进措施和效果。

    The improving measures and their results in applying the vapor phase drying plant with the automatic internal vapor system are introduced .

  2. 利用充填干燥设备干燥PET瓶片生产涤纶短纤

    Producing the polyester staple fiber with the drying recovery PET chip through filling dry machine

  3. PVC空分干燥设备中程序控制器的改进

    Improvement on the program controller for drying equipment in the air separation plant for the production of PVC

  4. KD系列闭式真空热风循环干燥设备

    KD Series Closed Vacuum Hot - air Circulating Dryer

  5. 对DBS类成核剂物料特性进行了分析,选用双轴搅拌干燥器作为干燥设备。

    The properties of DBS nucleating agents were analyzed , and the double-axial agitator dryer was selected as drying machinery .

  6. 以VAE乳液-707为主要原料,利用喷雾干燥设备制备了可再分散乳胶粉。

    Taking VAE-707 as major raw material , re-dispersible emulsoid powder was prepared using airflow spray dryer .

  7. 真空热风干燥设备(VDH)的新进展

    New Development of Vacuum Drying Equipment with Hot Air , VDH

  8. ZDG-160食品真空冷冻干燥设备

    Zdg-160 vacuum freeze drying equipment for food

  9. PWG-300型喷雾干燥设备的研制

    Study on PWG-300 Type Spray Dryer

  10. 介绍具有气调功能的食品干燥设备QTM,研制一种基于上、下位机的串行智能测控系统。

    A food drying equipment QTM with the function of air conditioning is introduced and a serial intelligent system of measurement and control based on superordinate computer and subordinate computer is studied .

  11. LHV-301型切片干燥机是我国在吸收国外干燥设备的设计与制造技术、立足国内机械制造能力的基础上试制成功的。

    The model LHV-301 chip drying device is domestic made based on the design and manufacturing techniques of overseas drying equipment and the machine producing ability in China .

  12. 本文以VDH型真空热风干燥设备为核心。着重论述了该设备的结构特点、主要技术性能、干燥机理以及用户评价。

    On the center of vacuum drying equipment with hot air , VDH , the structure , main technical specification , drying mechanism of the equipment and the customer value are emphatically described in the paper .

  13. 干燥设备在纳米碳酸钙生产中的应用

    The application of dryer in the production of nanometer calcium carbonate

  14. 多级蒸汽喷射器在真空干燥设备中的应用

    The multistage steam jet used in the equipment of vacuum drying

  15. 微波干燥设备的性能特点及其市场前景分析

    Performance Characteristics of Microwave Drying Device and its Market Prospect Analysis

  16. 适合高湿、高黏物料的干燥设备的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Drying System for Waterish and Sticky Material

  17. 高纯纳米碳酸锶干燥设备的选型和使用

    Choice and use of microwave dryer to hi-pure nano strontium carbonate

  18. 我国干燥设备行业现状及发展建议

    Present Status and Development Proposals of Drying Equipment Industry in China

  19. 皮革热泵干燥设备合理设计的探讨

    Approaching A Reasonable Design of Heat Pump Dryer For Leather

  20. 小型木材除湿干燥设备的合理配置及应用

    Rational Configuration and Application of Small-sized Dehumidification Dryer for Wood

  21. 两种干燥设备及其工艺过程的解析

    Analysis of two different types of chips drying device and their process

  22. 浅谈压缩空气干燥设备选型

    Preliminary Discussion on Selection of Air Drying Devices of Compressors

  23. 时间顺序控制器在乳品干燥设备中的应用

    Application of Time Sequence Control Unit in Dairy Drying Equipment

  24. 基于工控机的气相干燥设备控制系统

    Control System in Vapour Phase Drying Equipment Based on Industrial Control Computer

  25. 方便面油炸-微波混合干燥设备的设计思路

    Design thinking for deepfry & microwave mix dryness equipment in snack noodles

  26. 新型谷朊粉干燥设备的研制与开发

    Research and Development of New Drying Equipment for Gluten Flour

  27. 畜禽粪便快速干燥设备的研究

    Research of Quick Drying Equipment for Livestock and Poultry Wastes

  28. 脱水蔬菜内循环式热泵干燥设备节能研究

    Energy-saving reform of inner re-circulating pump drier for dehydrated vegetables

  29. 塔形连续式真空干燥设备节能方向的分析

    Analysis of Saving Energy Direction of the Tower Type Continuous Vacuum Dryers

  30. 水相法氯蜡-70干燥设备选型的探讨

    Discussion on choice of drier type for aqueous phase chlorinated paraffin 70