
  • 网络decoy;Disruptor Ammo
  1. 二元统计编码图像处理在干扰弹遮蔽目标中的应用

    Application of Binary Statistic Coding Image Processing in Decoy Enclose Target

  2. 基于虚拟样机的机载干扰弹投放系统的研究

    Research on System of Airborne Decoy Dispenser Based on Virtual Prototyping

  3. 某型干扰弹投放器故障的模糊诊断

    The fuzzy diagnosis of X-type disturbance bomb throwing device 's malfunction

  4. 某型箔条/红外干扰弹投放器检测系统

    Detecting system design of the chaff / infrared ray disturber - thrower

  5. 红外烟火剂是红外干扰弹的重要组成部分。

    IR pyrotechnic materials are the important components of IR decoy flare .

  6. 某型红外干扰弹运动特性研究

    Research on the Movement Characteristics of An Infrared Countermeasure Bomb

  7. 在此基础上根据红外干扰弹投放后不同阶段的特性构建了仿真模型。针对点源制导与成像制导分别建立了干扰仿真模型。

    Countermeasure models of infrared guidance and imaging infrared guidance are constructed respectively .

  8. 论红外导弹与红外干扰弹的对抗

    Discussion on Infra-red Guided Missile and Infra-red Decoy Flare

  9. 基于辐射特征的干扰弹检测方法研究

    Study on Decoy Detection Method Based on Rise Time

  10. 红外干扰弹干扰性能参数及测试方法

    Performances and Measurement Method of Infrared Countermeasure Bombs

  11. 红外增强器与干扰弹抗红外干扰弹的脉冲幅值序列算法研究

    A Study on the Algorithm for the Analysis of Pulse-peak Time Sequence to Counter-infrared-decoys

  12. 烟幕干扰弹是对抗光电制导导弹极其有效的对抗手段之一。

    Smoke jamming bomb is one of the efficient countermeasure to electro-optical guidance missile .

  13. 最后探讨了不同平台上面源干扰弹的适用条件。

    Jamming principle of surface-source infrared decoy for jamming infrared imaging guided system is analyzed .

  14. 红外干扰弹的工作原理

    The Working Principle of Infrared Interference Missile

  15. 干扰弹运动学模型;红外干扰机的干扰机理模型。

    And the jamming cartridge kinematic model , jamming principle model of IR jammer were built too .

  16. 概述了红外干扰弹的工作原理、战术使用和投放发射技术等方面的发展现状。

    This paper briefly describes present state of operation principle and tactical application and dispensing / launch technique .

  17. 水声干扰弹的研究正是在这一应用背景下提出来的一个全新的课题。

    The study on acoustic interference shrapnel is a new topic which was put forward in this application background .

  18. 红外探测器发展述评四元正交探测器抗红外干扰弹干扰方法综述

    Review of Infrared Detector Development Antijamming Methods of Counter - Infrared - Interference-Missile by Using Cross - Shaped Detector Array

  19. 红外干扰弹作为红外对抗的重要组成部分,经过几十年的发展,今天已达到相当高的水平。

    As an important part of IR countermeasures , IR decoy technique has reach rather advanced level in the past decades .

  20. 用二元统计编码图像处理方法,对不同平均辐射强度下干扰弹遮蔽目标效果进行了计算机模拟。

    Using binary statistic coding image processing method , the effect of decoy enclose target is simulated by computer in imparity average radiance .

  21. 四元正交探测器抗红外干扰弹干扰方法综述阵列探测器与成像技术的广泛应用;

    Antijamming Methods of Counter - Infrared - Interference - Missile by Using Cross - Shaped Detector Array detector array and image technique ;

  22. 讨论仿真系统的结构,目标运动、干扰弹投放和复杂背景的建模。

    The architecture design of the simulation system was discussed in detail , and the modeling of target movement , interference missile and complex background scene was investigated .

  23. 水声干扰弹是依靠弹药水下爆炸产生的噪声来降低鱼雷声呐接收端的信噪比,来达到提高舰船生存概率的目的。

    It relies on the noise generated by underwater explosion of ammunition to reduce the sonar receiver SNR to achieve the purpose of improving the probability of ship survival .

  24. 根据开发的光电对抗系统仿真平台,重点对红外干扰弹的干扰效果进行评估,并且对干扰策略进行初步的研究。

    We evaluate the interfere effects of the IR interfere bomb based on the platform proposed in this paper , and develop the prelimary research of the interfere strategy .

  25. 实验证明,该方法效果明显,是对多频谱红外烟幕干扰弹反制最为关键的一步。

    The experiment proves that the means of this paper have good effects , and it is the critical step for the countermeasures of the multispectral infrared interference bullet .

  26. 通信干扰弹如何分布才能使干扰弹数量最少,干扰覆盖面积最大,干扰信号的收信功率最强,这是一个比较复杂的多目标优化问题。

    How to distribute communication jammer shells can get least quantities , maximal interference cover area , and the highest receiving power , it is a complex multi-target optimization problem .

  27. 仿真结果表明,算法能够找到符合分布覆盖要求的干扰弹分布方案,并且算法本身具有较好的收敛性和稳定性。

    The result of simulation indicates that algorithm can find the requisite distributed schema of communication jammer shells , and the algorithm has been provided with good astringency and stability .

  28. 利用干扰弹与目标运动特征的不同进行干扰弹检测是一种比较有效的方法,通过对比仿真选择目标图像在焦平面上的运动加速度作为特征量进行干扰弹检测。

    The acceleration of the target image on the focal plane arry ( FPA ) is selected as motion characteristic quantity to find decoys in IIR FOV and is verified by digital simulations .

  29. 直升机载红外对抗系统主要包括红外干扰弹及发射器和红外干扰机,是电子自卫系统的一部分,是军事装备现代化的一个重要标志。

    Helicopter-borne IR Countermeasures System include IR decoy flare and IR jammer and is a part of Helicopter-borne electronics self-defense system , this fact becomes a very important symbol of modern military affairs .

  30. 作为通讯干扰弹总体技术的重要部分,本文通过对通讯干扰弹工作原理的分析,基于系统对干扰子弹的各种要求,对子弹进行了结构设计。

    Being the important part of the head technique of communication-jamming projectile system , this thesis deals with the structural design of the cartridge according to the working principle and demands of communication-jamming projectile system .