
  • 网络tea
  1. 分析用各种提取方法制得的茶汁儿茶素单体,结果显示:鲜茶汁里EGC占儿茶素总量的比例远高于常规干茶中EGC占到的比例。

    Analysising the monomer of the catechins in the juice . The result showed as bellow : the ratio of the EGC in total catechins is far higher than the normal in the made tea infusion .

  2. 通过对高山茶园茶叶生产成本构成、等级干茶产量收入的分析比较,总结出提高高山茶园经营效益的有效途径。

    The compose of production cost , the dried tea output and income of different grades in Alpine tea field were analysized in this paper , and the efficacious way of improving economic benefit was summarized .

  3. 红茶和乌龙茶色素与干茶色泽的关系

    Relationship Between Pigments and the Colors of Black Tea and Oolong Tea

  4. 将真空冷冻干燥技术应用于清香型乌龙茶干燥工序(冻干茶),与冷冻茶和烘干茶进行比较试验。

    The vacuum freezing dry technique was applied during the drying process of the faint-scent type oolong tea .

  5. 论文首先考察了茶叶各种情况下的咖啡碱脱除状况,分析干茶在减压升华条件下对咖啡碱的脱除条件。

    Analysis has been done about requirements on the caffeine removing from dry tea in the reduced pressure condition .

  6. 试验测得,茶叶的比热为1.59&1.66千焦耳/公斤·开,加工1公斤干茶所需的热量理论值为1750大卡。

    The specific heat of tea leaves is 1.59-1.66kj/kg . K , the total amount of heat needed for making 1 kg made tea is 1750 kcal .

  7. 分别以鲜茶、杀青叶、干茶为试材,采用四因素四水平正交试验设计对茶绿色素浸提工艺参数进行了系统的研究。

    Optimum extraction conditions of green pigment were selected by orthogonal test of four factors and three levels with the fresh tea , enzym-denatured leaf and dry tea .

  8. 而氨基酸、水浸出物、可溶性糖总量有增加的趋势,其干茶中的含量分别比鲜叶增加0.06%、2.00%、0.21%。

    But contents of amino acids , water extract and soluble carbohydrates increased by 0.06 % , 2.00 % and 0.21 % respectively , as compared with fresh leaves .

  9. 产量产值仍处于较高水平,全年干茶产量为3000kg/hm2以上,年产值9452.10元/hm2。

    Tea leaf yield remained at relatively high level , with an annual output of dried tea leaves of > 3000 kg / hm2 and an annual output value of 9452.10 yuan / hm2 .

  10. 主要研究结论主要有以下万面:1、针对干茶的烘焙提香工艺,在前人研究结论之基础上,本文通过试验,提出慢升温这一新的工艺技术。

    The study obtained conclusions as follows : 1 . Based on previous studies , a new process for baking and aroma-improving technology was proposed , that taken slow heating rate in baking process .

  11. 其基本工艺为:杀青-闷黄-揉捻-干燥,关键工序为闷黄,因此具有独特的三黄品质:干茶金黄、汤色杏黄、叶底嫩黄。

    The basic process : Fixing-boring yellow-rolled-dry , the key process of boring yellow , and therefore has a unique " yellow " quality : dry tea golden , liquor color bright yellow , the bottom yellow .

  12. 在理条机中加理条棒辅助理条,干茶外形紧直,并改善了香气和汤色,且提高了工效,生产效率是传统工艺的2.6倍。

    Sticks were applied in the band-forming procedure , and the shape of dry tea was tight . The procedure ameliorated the aroma and liquor color , and enhanced the work efficiency . Its producing efficiency was 2.6 times of traditional technology .

  13. 骨髓间充质干细胞联合茶黄素治疗兔激素性股骨头坏死

    Theaflavin plus bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in treatment of steroid-associated femoral head necrosis in rabbits

  14. 马黛茶有特殊的成熟的风味,稍甘而微苦,像紫花苜蓿的干叶,像茶的味道。

    Mate has a characteristic mature flavor which is somewhat sweet , bitter , withered leaf like , and alfalfa-like , similar to that obtained from tea ( Camellia sinensis ) [ 1 ] .