
  1. 儒家以善为人格培养的最高目标,常常将善置于美之上,有时甚至为此而取消了美的独立存在价值,压抑了人性的发展。

    The Confucian consider that the good is the highest aim of personality fostering , so they usually put the good above the beauty , even sometimes abolish the independent existence value of beauty and depress the development of humanity .

  2. 然而,银行间资金成本昨日仍维持在美联储目标水平之上,表明投资者仍感到不安。

    However , the cost of interbank funds yesterday remained above the Fed target , suggesting investors remained uneasy .

  3. 美飘荡于大地之上,游弋在深海之中,它闪烁在海摈贝壳和宝石的色调中。

    It haunts the depths of the earth and the sea . It gleams from the hues of the shell and the precious stone .

  4. 品德之美应列于其他美之上。

    Moral beauty ought to be ranked above all other beauty .

  5. 它在美善不分或美善合一的先秦时期,明确地将美置于善之上;

    It obviously lay beauty above kindness in the Pre-qing Period when beauty and kindness were not distinguished or they were united together .