
  1. 2采用HPLC-MS法测定3种加工方法对紫甘薯(美国黑紫)花色苷含量及其组成的变化。

    The anthocyanin content and compositions of the purple sweet potato was evaluated by HPLC-MS methods .

  2. 以新引进的美国黑宝石李子皮加工后的皮渣为原料,系统研究了提取溶剂、温度、时间、pH值等因素对提取率和红色素稳定性的影响。

    Based on the residue skin of the newly imported American Black Treasure plum after further processing , the factors as solvent , temperature , time pH , etc which affect the extraction rate and stability of haematochrome are systematically analyzed in the paper .

  3. 以美国黑树莓叶片作为外植体,以MS为基本培养基,添加不同浓度的6-BA、NAA或IAA进行愈伤组织诱导及植株再生试验。

    The leaves of the blackberry as the explant , and MS contained different concentration of 6-BA , NAA or IAA as the media , the callus induction and the plant regeneration of the blackberry were studied .

  4. 根据连续2a的11个品种的2~3a实生美国黑核桃生长量的观测结果,分析认为:试验范围内,黑核桃实生幼苗物候期因品种不同而不同。

    The results of continuous 2 years growth volume survey of 11 varieties Juglans nigra seedling , which are 2 to 3 years , show that seedling phonological periods are different because of different varieties .

  5. 美国黑核桃种质资源及开发利用

    The germplasm of American black walnut and their exploitation and utilization

  6. 美国黑琥珀色素稳定性的研究

    The Study for the Stability of American Black Plums ' Pigment

  7. 美国黑李引种试验

    An Experiment of the Introduction of American Plums The Dark Eye

  8. 美国黑核桃的栽培及在我国的发展前景

    American black walnut and the prospective of its extension in China

  9. 高山地区美国黑树莓的栽培和管理

    Cultivation and Management of Rubus occidentalis at High Mountainous Area

  10. 层积催芽对美国黑核桃种子发芽和苗木生长的影响

    Seed germination and seedling growth associated with stratification ways on Juglans nigra

  11. 河南美国黑核桃害虫调查初报

    Investigation on the insect pests of American black walnut in Henan Province

  12. 山区高架桥高墩施工技术高山地区美国黑树莓的栽培和管理

    Construction Technologies for High Piers of Viaducts in Mountainous Regions

  13. 美国黑核桃组织培养的初步研究

    The Primary study on tissue culture of Juglans nigras

  14. 美国黑核桃播种育苗试验

    Experiment on Seedlings and Cultivation of American Black Walnut

  15. 不同基因型美国黑核桃对干旱胁迫的适应机制研究

    Studies on Adaptive Mechanisms of American Black Walnut with Different Genotypes to Drought Stress

  16. 对美国黑核桃的组织培养及其繁殖进行了初步的研究。

    This paper made a primary study on tissue culture and propagation of Juglans nigras .

  17. 美国黑核桃种质资源变异分析

    Analyses on Variations of American Black Walnut

  18. 美国黑核桃实生苗单叶片光合作用生理生态模型的建立与验证

    Establishment and Verification of a Ecophysiological Model for the Leaf Photosynthesis of American Black Walnut Seedlings

  19. 美国黑核桃木材化学性质能满足胶合板生产要求。

    Also the chemical properties of American black walnut wood satisfy the requirement for plywood and veneer production .

  20. 核桃楸枝条、插穗中生根抑制物质的含量美国黑核桃与核桃、核桃楸木材材性的比较研究

    Dynamic State of Rooting Inhibitor in Branches and Cuttings of Juglans mandshurica Research on wood properties among Juglans nigra , Juglans regia and Juglans mandshurica grown in China

  21. 上海红虹木业是美国黑胡桃制造商协会和美国阔业木协会会员企业,全球最大的美国黑胡桃供应商之一。

    ShangHai Hong-Hong Lumber , as a member of American Walnut Manufacturers Association and American National Hardwood Lumber Association , is one of the largest American Black Walnut suppliers .

  22. 美国黑核桃实生苗干物质积累与分配过程的数值模拟

    Mathematically Modeling of Ecophysiological Process Response to Environmental Factors for American Black Walnut Seedlings ( IV ): Dynamic Models of the Accumulation and Distribution for Black Walnut 's Dry Matter

  23. 据一位芝加哥大学的经济学家考证,使用“典型黑人式”的名字的美国黑人们越来越穷,教育程度也越来越低下。

    Increasingly it is poorer and less educated black Americans who use " typically black " names , according to research by Steven Levitt , an economist at the University of Chicago .

  24. 文章报道河南危害美国黑核桃的15种害虫。介绍其中5种主要害虫的生活史、生物学特性,提出了具体的防治措施。

    Based on the investigation on 15 species of insect pests infecting American black walnut , the paper introduces the life history and bionomics of 5 species of important insect pests and provides the concrete control measures .

  25. 美国黑核桃主要木材物理力学性质与国产核桃、核桃楸以及北方常见的速生树种杨树、泡桐相比,木材材质好,但木材干缩性略差;

    The physico-mechanical properties except shrinkage of wood of American black walnut is better than that of not only the English walnut and Manchurian walnut , but also poplar and paulownia wood that are fast-growing species mainly produced in North China .

  26. 在本周拉斯维加斯的美国黑帽安全峰会上,所议问题包括微软层出不穷的漏洞,还有刚刚发现苹果手提电脑电池,运行谷歌安卓运系统的移动设备,移动水表的各种问题。

    The agenda for Black Hat USA , a security shindig this week in Las Vegas , ranges from the perennial flaws of Microsoft 's software to newly discovered weaknesses in Apple laptops " batteries , in mobile devices running Google 's Android operating system and in wireless water-meters .

  27. HackingTeam不会将产品卖给被欧盟(EU)和北约(NATO)等国际组织、以及美国列入黑名单的国家。

    Hacking Team does not sell to countries blacklisted by international organisations such as the EU , Nato and the US .

  28. 投肥均使苜蓿草和水稻土壤中多环芳烃总量(11种列于美国EPA黑名单上的多环芳烃)降解率提高,这一降解促进效果在水稻土壤中好于苜蓿草土壤。

    The degradation rate of total PAH s ( 11 PAH listed in USEPA ) was increased by fertilization both in alfalfa and in paddy rice soil , and the promotion effect of fertilizer was better in paddy rice soil than in alfalfa soil .

  29. 美国东部黑核桃种子层积催芽的探讨

    Study on the Stratified Conditions of Black Walnut of the East America

  30. 美国东部黑核桃与核桃的嫁接亲和力研究

    Study on Grafting Affinity Between Walnut and American Black Walnut