
  • Lobby Bar;The Lounge;Lobby Lounge
  1. 大堂吧提供各式糕点、小吃和鸡尾酒,是您全身心放松的理想之选。

    The lobby bar serves all kinds of pastries , snacks and cocktails .

  2. 我们有咖啡吧、大堂吧、音乐吧和星吧。

    There are the coffee bar , lobby bar , music bar , and star bar in our hotel .

  3. 每晚都可以在大堂吧享受免费牛奶一杯。

    Daily complimentary glass of milk for the child at Rendezvous Bar .

  4. 大堂吧提供各式咖啡、茶水、饮料。

    Various beverage including coffee , tea and drinks are available in the bar of the lobby .

  5. 或在大堂吧的迷人氛围中惬意品尝美味鸡尾酒或清爽饮料。

    Enjoy the ambience of our Lobby Lounge bar while you linger over a cocktail or refreshing beverage .

  6. 另外,在一层的大堂吧和红橙西餐厅有免费的无限网络。

    And we provide the free wireless internet in Piano Lounge and Red Orange restaurant on the first floor .

  7. 酒店大厅内设有商务中心、大堂吧等服务场所,可满足您在酒店内的多种需要。

    The hotel lobby has business center , lobby bar , and other services which meet your various needs .

  8. 大堂吧提供品种齐全的饮料及精美小点,为酒店来宾提供舒适的交流天地。

    The Lobby Bar is fully supplied with various drinks and tasty bites , offering a comfy space for socializing .

  9. 马哥孛罗咖啡厅、大堂吧、中餐厅和日本风味餐厅为客人提供多样化的用餐选择。

    The dining options will include Caf é Marco , the Lobby Lounge , a Chinese restaurant and a Japanese restaurant .

  10. 谢谢,您就在大堂吧那边坐着等会儿好吗?如果一有空桌,马上请您入座。

    Could you take a seat in the lobby bar for a while and I will inform you when a table is free ?

  11. 大堂吧舒缓的音乐和满眼的花园绿意盎然则为商务洽谈或者放松休闲提供了绝佳的场所。

    Soothing music and a magnificent view of the garden make Lobby Lounge a pleasant place to discuss business matters in an informal environment .

  12. 雅聚廊、大堂吧的亮点是创造出乎意料的元素来提升整个市场的品味;

    The emphasis of our lobby bar and lounge is to create a chic and up market atmosphere , a retreat from the outside world ;

  13. 环境幽雅、乐曲悠扬的大堂吧、西餐厅,是您享受闲逸浪漫的气氛,洽商会友,品尝美食饮品的好去处。

    While the relaxed atmosphere of our Coffe Shop , lobby lounge'is sure to provide light music with lovers of fine wine and Western specialities .

  14. 翠弧大堂吧,是商务联谊,好友相聚或是自我放松的最佳场所,点心,鸡尾酒及现场演奏更是令人为之神往。

    Wind down at Chatz Lobby Lounge with your business associates or close friends and enjoy the evening with a delicious variety of snacks , cocktails and live entertainment .

  15. 一楼设有商务中心、航空售票处、书吧、花店、精品店、咖啡厅、大堂吧及饼屋;

    There are business centre , ticketing centre , book cafe , flower shop , gift shop , coffee shop , lobby lounge and cake shop on the first floor .

  16. 傍晚来到驿动大堂吧,把酒言欢,这里充满了令人食指大动的各色茶点,鲜美醇香的咖啡,还有黄昏时分的鸡尾酒。

    The warm ambience of Pulse lobby lounge is the perfect stop-off point at evening for an appetite-tempting spread of sweets and other savories , freshly prepared specialty coffees and cocktails .

  17. 在餐饮设施方面,宁波万豪酒店将拥有4家特色餐厅:翡翠轩、江户银、大堂吧及万豪咖啡厅。

    For dining and entertainment , the Ningbo Marriott Hotel will have three restaurants and a lobby lounge : River Cafe , Emerald Sea Chinese Restaurant , Edo-gin Sushi Bar and The Lounge .

  18. 邀约亲朋好友相聚在盛宴全天候餐厅和雅日本餐厅共享美食,或者前往怡聚大堂吧来上一杯香浓咖啡或清爽酒品放松身心。

    Choose from Feast , our all day dining restaurant , Miyabi Japanese restaurant , or you can have a cup of coffee and great selection of refreshing libations at the lobby lounge .

  19. 特设保险箱、礼宾部、大堂清吧、商场、美容美发等。

    Set up safe , Concierge , market , cosmetology , etc. especially .

  20. 宁静的午后在优雅的大堂悠点吧品味传统英式经典下午茶,惬意十足。

    On a peaceful afternoon , one can also choose to relax and enjoy a traditional British afternoon tea at The Point bar in the lobby .