
  • Caesar Salad;Salad Caesar
  1. 好吧,你想知道凯撒沙拉代表什么?

    Okay , you wanna know what Caesar Salad stands for ?

  2. 这是凯撒沙拉代表的每件事情!

    It 's everything the Caesar Salad stands for !

  3. 凯撒沙拉有什么不好?

    What is so wrong with a Caesar salad ?

  4. 但我们可以不要再为了凯撒沙拉抓狂吗?

    But can we please not freak out about the Caesar salad again ?

  5. 你知道凯撒沙拉是多大一份吧?

    You know the size of those Caesar salads ?

  6. 他继续说:先给我们来一份凯撒沙拉。

    I think we will begin with a Caesar salad , he says .

  7. 仅仅是你俩都点了凯撒沙拉可不代表你们就是天生一对。

    Just because you both order the Caesar salad doesn 't make you compatible .

  8. 你瞎编的吧你准备说“凯撒沙拉”的

    You made that up . You were gonna say " Caesar Salad . "

  9. 不要杏仁的大虾凯撒沙拉是给极易过敏只在重大节日进行犹太洁食的霍华德的;

    Howard : Shrimp Caesar salad with no almonds for the highly allergic kosher-only-on-the-high-holidays .

  10. 我们想要普通的凯撒沙拉。

    We want a simple Caesar salad .

  11. 我对凯撒沙拉是很挑剔的,但他家没让我失望。

    I 'm pretty picky when it comes to Caesar salads ; but I wasn 't disappointed .

  12. 而在返航航班上,他们选择了鸡肉凯撒沙拉,而不是香辣鸡肉沙拉和牛排卷饼。

    Buffalo chicken salad and steak fajita wraps , the options for the return flight , lost out to chicken Caesar salads .

  13. 他说,我准备将它稍事打理后调味烘烤,用于凯撒沙拉。

    ' I 'm going to trim it up , season it and then grill it'for the Caesar salads , he says .

  14. 女孩开始点菜了,她几乎点了菜单上所有的东西,鸡尾虾、派、凯撒沙拉、龙虾、柳橙可丽饼,完全不考虑价格。

    The lady begins ordering practically everything on the menu , shrimp cocktail , pate , Caesar salad , lobster , crepes suzette , with no regard to the price .

  15. 马克:我只吃过一次。吃的是凯撒鸡肉沙拉。

    Mark : I only tried it once - a Caesar salad with chicken .