
  • 网络keynesians;Keynesian school;Keynesian Economics
  1. 后凯恩斯学派的内生货币假说&中国的例证

    Post Keynesian School ′ s Endogenous Money Hypothesis & Empirical Evidence from China

  2. 后来出现的是凯恩斯学派,凯恩斯经济学,而非熊彼特学派,也实在没有熊彼特经济学家。

    There would be a Keynesian school , a Keynesian economics , but no Schumpeterian school , and really no Schumpeterian economists .

  3. 凯恩斯学派认为,降低政府开支将不可避免地阻碍GDP的增长。虽然这种说法的支持者在不停地鼓吹这种观点,但眼下这一点远不确定。

    But the Keynesian argument that lower government spending automatically hampers GDP growth , right now , is far from the sure thing its champions keep trumpeting .

  4. 这种现象与经典的凯恩斯学派理论奥肯定律描述轨迹相背离。

    The phenomenon departs from the classical theory of Okun 's law .

  5. 后凯恩斯学派微观基础研究的新进展

    Review on Some Recent Advances of Post Keynesian Economics in Micro-Foundation Research

  6. 这些研究为传统凯恩斯学派的经济调整理论提供了强有力的支持,使其更加严密、根据说服力。

    These studies enforced the logical relationships of economic adjustment theory of Keynesianism .

  7. 第二节主要针对凯恩斯学派的财政政策展开经济分析。

    Section Two targets on economic analysis of Keynesianism .

  8. 凯恩斯学派认为,正是个人消费不足导致了大萧条。

    The Keynesians argued that a lack of private consumption led to the Great Depression .

  9. 凯恩斯学派人口理论

    Population theories of Keynes school

  10. 宏观经济学在凯恩斯学派诞生后就一直是经济学中尚未得出系统性定论的分支。

    Macroeconomics has been after the birth of the Keynesian economics has not yet come to systemic conclusion branch .

  11. 凯恩斯学派主要倡导利率中介目标,而货币学派主张以货币供应量为中介目标。

    The Keynesians advocate interest rate target while the monetarists support money supply target to be the intermediate target .

  12. 凯恩斯学派的信用调节论则说明,放宽信用(包括消费信贷),将可以增加投资和消费,从而扩大国内需求;

    Credit adjustment theory of Keynesian economics regards that broaden credit including consumer credit can increase investment and consumption and thus enlarge domestic demand .

  13. 1944年,在华盛顿与一群凯恩斯学派经济学家用餐后,凯恩斯评论道:“我是那里唯一的非凯恩斯主义者。”

    After dining with a group of Keynesian economists in Washington , in 1944 , Keynes commented : " I was the only non-Keynesian there . "

  14. 在各种税收理论学派中,论述税率确定问题较为系统的应属凯恩斯学派的税收理论和供应学派的税收理论。

    In various tax rate of theories , this paper discusses the problem of system should be the Keynesian school theory and the tax revenue theory .

  15. 本文主要分析了李嘉图学派、新古典学派、凯恩斯学派三大学派的公债理论观点及其对我国现实的适用性及理论指导意义。

    This paper mainly analyses their applicability of Chinese practice and theoretical guidance by discussing the bonds theory of Ricardo 's school , Neoclassical school and Keynesian school .

  16. 由后凯恩斯学派创立的货币交易需求模型已成为金融理论中的经典模型理论,并延用至今。

    The models of the transaction demands for cash established by the school of post Keynesians have been the classical models and studied by students in finance for many years .

  17. 主要介绍了凯恩斯学派理论、货币主义学派理论、理性预期学派理论和宏观金融博弈理论,阐述了这些学派对货币政策数量效果的理论观点。

    I introduce the west theoretic view about the quantitative effect of the monetary policy , which include Keynesian school , Monetarism , Rational expectations school and game theory of macro finance .

  18. 本文着重对凯恩斯学派和供给学派减税理论进行了比较分析,并认为各减税理论主要观点之间既有联系也有区别,但都具有促进经济发展的共同诉求。

    Based on the comparative analysis of the theories of the Keynes school and the supply-side economics , it is illustrated that each commonly aspires to promoting economic development , and has connected but different views .

  19. 凯恩斯学派的经济学家们认为,失业最直接地表现为劳动力供求总量失衡和劳动力供求结构的失衡。

    The economists of Keynes school think , it is out-of-balance with workforce 's structure between supply and demand and out-of-balance in total amount that the unemployment is shown as workforce 's supply and demand most directly .

  20. 历史上,关于税收思想的理论学派主要包括古典学派、凯恩斯学派、货币学派和供给学派,这些经济学流派从不同的角度论述了税收的性质、特点和对经济的影响。

    Historically , the theoretical school of thought on the major taxes , including classical school , Keynesian , monetarist and supply-side , the schools of economics are discussed from different angles , the nature of taxation , characteristics and impact on the economy .

  21. 本文的理论基础是NOEM框架,对于该框架,分别从新凯恩斯主义学派角度、动态随机一般均衡方法角度和新开放经济宏观经济学三个角度对本文的理论基础进行一个梳理。

    Of this article the theoretical basis NOEM framework for this framework , new Keynesian perspective , the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium approach angle and the new open economy macroeconomics three angles a comb on the theoretical basis of this article .

  22. 构建宏观经济学的微观基础&论新凯恩斯主义学派对凯恩斯经济学的完善和发展

    Constructing the Micro-foundation for Macro-economics : On the Contribution of Neo-Keynesianism to Keynesian Economics

  23. 古典学派、早期凯恩斯主义学派、货币主义学派和理性预期学派认为货币政策无效。

    Classical School , the early Keynesian school , monetarism school and ration expectation school holds the idea that the policy is invalid .

  24. 在理论分析部分,本文分析了货币政策中介目标的性质和功能,之后,比较分析凯恩斯主义学派、货币主义学派以及后凯恩斯主义学派的相关理论,各学派的相关理论都有其合理之处。

    First , for the part of theoretical analyses , the author analyzes the properties and functions of intermediate target of monetary policy . Later on , the author makes a comparative study of some related theories coming from Keynesian school , Monetarism school and Post - Keynesian school .

  25. 萨缪尔森是美国当代著名的经济学家,后凯恩斯主流经济学派的主要代表,新古典综合派的奠基人。

    Paul Anthony Samuelson , who won the Economic Nobel prize in1970 , is one of great American economists , representative of post-Keyness economic school , and the founder of neoclassical synthesis .

  26. 主要回顾了通货膨胀的相关基础理论,包括新古典学派、弗里德曼、凯恩斯、剑桥学派的通货膨胀理论等经典理论,并根据经典理论,对通货膨胀的定义、度量、分类和原理进行了阐述。

    Reviewed the basic theory of inflation , including the classical theory of neoclassical , Friedman , Keynes , Cambridge School of inflation theory , and in accordance with the classical theory , I explain the elaboration inflation definition , measurement , classification and principle .

  27. 著名经济学家海曼明斯基(hymanminsky)曾解释道,这是凯恩斯新古典综合学派理论的固有缺陷之一。

    Renowned economist Hyman Minsky explained that this was one of the inherent flaws of the Keynesian neo-classical synthesis .