
  • 网络voting behavior;Voting Behaviour
  1. 投票行为研究的发展及范式转换

    The Development of Voting Behavior Study and Paradigm Transformation

  2. 推荐和选举是竞争性选拔的重要环节,其中的投票行为影响最终选拔结果有效性。

    Recommend and election are the important parts of selection , voting behavior in which affects the final effectiveness .

  3. 法学教授丹尼尔•马丁•卡茨(DanielMartinKatz)设计了一个预测美国最高法院投票行为的系统。

    Daniel Martin Katz , a law professor , has designed a system to predict the voting behaviour of the US Supreme Court .

  4. 浅析政治选举中的不投票行为?

    Why abandon the voting right in political election ?

  5. 如同运动员抗议那样,奥拉朱旺的信仰支配了他的投票行为。

    Just like athlete protests , Olajuwon 's faith interceded into his voting practices , too .

  6. 选民中的政党,主要是指政党认同对选民个体投票行为的影响;

    As to the Party-in-the-Electorate , party identification plays a central role in the electorate 's voting choice .

  7. 我们查看了吸烟和喝酒行为,投票行为,离婚&也是可以传染的,还有自闭症。

    We looked at smoking and drinking behavior , and voting behavior , and divorce which can spread and altruism .

  8. 他的学术研究的重点是美国政治中,其中的重点是运动和选举中,选民投票行为与民意。

    His academic research focuses on American Politics , with an emphasis on campaigns and elections , voting behavior and public opinion .

  9. 在断定投票行为确实有此变化之前,我需要更多的例证。

    Before extrapolating that as a change in voting behavior , I have to see more than one exception to the rule .

  10. 首先,本文将空间效应界定为空间异质性与空间相依性,并论述其影响投票行为的过程。

    First , by defining spatial effects as spatial heterogeneity and spatial dependency , it could be then revealed how it influenced voting behavior .

  11. 参与管理的行为包括:投票行为、参加成员大会、与管理者沟通的行为。

    The actions in management cover the action to vote , the action to take part in meetings , and to communicate with managers .

  12. 由于社会运动本身往往缺乏即时的作用效果,所以需要通过选举期间选民投票行为来反映社会运动对政治活动的影响,而选民在选举过程中的投票结果就是社会运动等诸多政治意愿表达的表现。

    However , social movement itself is often lack of real-time effects , the impacts on political activities should be reflected by voting behaviors during the election period .

  13. 然而投票行为的地域差异,早已被人注意,且势将支配单一选区制度下的选区划分与选举结果。

    However , the regional differentiation of voting behavior had been generally attended . Moreover , it would certainly dominate the division of Single-Member Districts and the eventual outcome .

  14. 本文通过对投票行为的理论追溯,学习和借鉴西方学者和本国当代学者对该领域的理论成果,从中深层次探求选民投票行为的动机(驱力)。

    This text adopts and traces back to the theory of the vote behavior , Study and draw lessons from the western scholar and contemporary scholar 's theory achievement to this field of our country , from hit profound level seek voter vote motive ( drives force ) of behavior .

  15. 他说,缺乏安全会加大投票违规行为的机率。

    He says a lack of security will increase the chances of voting irregularities .

  16. 企图影响投票的行为是违反工会条例的。

    Is attempt to influence the ballot is in breach of trade union rules .

  17. 西撒哈拉全民投票宣传运动行为守则

    Code of Conduct for the Referendum Campaign in Western Sahara

  18. 2010年02月22日乌克兰现任总理、总统候选人之一季莫申科20号撤回对2月7号总统选举第二轮投票存在舞弊行为的诉讼。

    2010-02-22 Ukrainian prime minister and presidential candidate , Yulia Tymoshenko , on Saturday ( Feb.20 ) withdrew her appeal against the Feb.7 presidential run-off results .

  19. 本文从微观层面上考察国会的决策,以理性主义的角度来分析国会议员的决策行为,了解议员是如何投票的,以及有何种因素影响他的投票行为。

    This article will analyze the voting behavior of the individual congressmen by using the methods of rational choice , and try to find out how do legislators make decisions and what kinds actors affect their decision-making .

  20. 本文基于列表签名提出可用于大规模选举的电子投票方案,任何人都可以对不诚实投票行为进行验证;

    Based on the application in large-scale electronic voting systems advanced by the list signature scheme , anyone is able to check the dishonest voting behaviors .

  21. 投票监督团体说,已经发生了几起投票站违规行为的事件。

    The poll watchdog group said there had been a few incidents of polling irregularities .

  22. 受克里米亚亲俄议会邀请监督投票的外国观察员们也承认投票,否认基辅投票有胁迫行为。

    Foreign monitors invited by Crimea 's pro-Russia parliament to oversee the vote echoed the latter sentiment , dismissing Kyiv 's criticism that the vote was held at the barrel of a gun .

  23. 代理投票不同于一般的委托代理,代理投票涉及的是特定的投票行为,而非一般代理的交易或财产处分行为,并且在一定程度上导致了股权与投票权的分离。

    Proxy voting is different from the normal agency by agreement . Proxy separates stock right from the voting power to a certain extent .

  24. 作为主体的民众之所以投票,是为了实现“政治参与”,并且这种政治参与并不限于投票行为。

    The citizens vote as the constitutional subject for the purpose of political participation , while the participation is not limited to vote .