
  • 网络Total investment;aggregate investment
  1. 在投资总量扩大的同时,中国对非投资层次也不断提升。

    While increasing aggregate investment , China is also improving the level of its investment in Africa .

  2. 在西部地区经济发展的过程中,投资总量不足、投资来源渠道不够畅通、投资结构不合理、投资效率低下等问题已成为制约西部地区经济发展的重大因素。

    In the process of western development , the lack of aggregate investment , inadequate investment origin channel , irrational investment structure , and poor investment efficiency have been the key restrictions for economy development .

  3. 文章运用1978~1999年和2000年第一季度的统计数据,通过对上海经济增长的数量推动机制的剖析,较为全面地论述了上海固定资产投资总量及结构与上海GDP变动的数量决定关系。

    This article systematically discusses the quantitative determining relationships of the amounts and structures of investment in fixed assets and GDP 's growth in Shanghai , by analysing the quantitative promotion mechanism of shanghai economic increase , with statistical datum in 1978-1999 and the first quarter in 2000 .

  4. 论我国近年来教育投资总量及其收益与经济增长的关系

    On the relationship of total edication investment and its benefits with economic growth

  5. 在这一期间内,中国投资者占缅甸外商投资总量的29%。

    Chinese investors accounted for 29 % of Myanmar 's total foreign investment during the period .

  6. 投资总量偏小等。

    Small investment gross .

  7. 本文以全球外商直接投资总量为研究对象,采用实证分析方法研究全球外商直接投资的波动周期、变动幅度和周期走势。

    This essay studies the cycle , margin and tendency of global FDI fluctuation with empirical analyzing tools .

  8. 本部分研究从投资总量视角和投资结构视角采用典型的测算方法对农业资本配置效率进行测算。

    This study calculate the agricultural efficiency of capital allocation from the total investment perspective and the investment structure perspective .

  9. 首先对我国住宅投资总量预测,提出我国住宅投资存在的不仅是总量问题,更是结构问题。

    At first the author put forward the question of housing investment not total amount issue , but structure question .

  10. 通过对孩子投资总量和构成的动态分析,能够准确地把握孩子质量的变动情况和现时水平。

    By analyzing on the gross and makeup of investment in rural child , we can correctly grasp complexion of quality of them .

  11. 从重庆市外商直接投资总量利用效率差异来看,本文通过采用四个指标,与同类三个直辖市进行了比较分析。

    This study measured the utilizing efficiency of foreign direct investment and made compare between Chongqing and the other three municipalities from four indicators .

  12. 鉴于资本流入远远超过贸易和外国直接投资总量,中国似乎正在接收巨额的投机性热钱。

    Given that the inflows far outstrip trade and direct foreign investment , China appears to be receiving vast amounts of speculative hot money .

  13. 2002年,中国超过了最发达国家&美国,成为当年世界上吸引外商直接投资总量最多的国家。

    2002 , China exceeded the U.S-the most developed country , and become the largest country which attracted gross foreign direct investment in the world .

  14. 这要求我们增加社会投资总量,暂停收紧财政与货币政策。

    This requires an increase in overall social investment and a halt to tightening of both fiscal policy and monetary policy , the paper wrote .

  15. 政府综合运用产业政策和财政货币金融手段,对石油、石化投资总量和投资结构实行宏观调控和引导;加快培育和完善石油工业的国家投资主体;

    The government should apply industry policy and financial monetary means to adjust the macro-control , the direction of petroleum & petrochemical investment and the investment structure ;

  16. 全球跨国直接投资总量增长速度放缓,流入发展中国家的国际资本今年可能继续减少;

    With the slowdown of the aggregate growth of global transnational direct investments , the inflows of international capital into the developing nations this year may continue to decline ;

  17. 全球跨境投资总量去年上升了16%,至1.52万亿美元,不过仍然低于2007年近2万亿美元的峰值。

    Globally , the coveted pot of cross border investment gold rose 16 % to $ 1.52 trillion , still below the 2007 peak of almost $ 2 trillion in 2007 .

  18. 但目前仍存在着利用外商投资总量规模小、投资结构单一、投资比重有所下降、投资环境相对较差等问题。

    However , lots of problems are still existed , such as small scale of total foreign capital , singleness of investment structure , decline of investment proportion , imperfect investment environment .

  19. 至2009年底,全省实际到位外国投资总量达412.072亿美元,省外直接投资到位1019.3亿元人民币。

    By the end of 2009 , actual foreign investment in Yunnan has amounted to 4.12 billion dollars , and direct investment from other provinces also has reached to 101.93 billion yuan .

  20. 当前,我国农业机械化发展面临的一个非常突出的问题就是农业机械化投资总量不足、投资效益不高的问题。

    Current , a very prominent problem is the agricultural mechanization investment gross is insufficient and the investment efficiency is not high , which agriculture mechanization development is faced with in our country .

  21. 将影响非农产业就业量的增长因素分解为:投资总量效应、结构变化效应和要素替代效应;

    The factors influencing the growth of non-agricultural employment can be classified into three aspects : the effects of investment aggregates , the effects of structural changes , and the effects of factor substitution .

  22. 房地产业在迅猛发展的同时,也暴露出诸多问题,如投资总量偏大,结构失衡、空置率过高等。

    At the same time that real estate in swift development , many problems occur , such as too great investment , poor balance of various structures , and too high of empty rate .

  23. 文章第一部分从纺织业投资总量、投资的行业结构、地区结构、投资资金来源结构、国债投资情况几方面对九五纺织投资情况进行了总结,并分析了九五时期我国纺织投资的成绩与问题。

    The first section summarizes amount of textile industry investment , industry structure , region distribution , national debt of textile industry investment in the ninth five-year plan period , meanwhile analyzes achievements and problems .

  24. 通过四个指标,比较了重庆市与其他三个直辖市外商直接投资总量利用效率。而重庆结构利用效率主要从地区、产业和利用方式三个方面分析研究。

    This part makes compare between Chongqing with the other three municipalities from four indicators in total efficiency of the foreign direct investment , and makes compare from regional , industry , and utilizing way .

  25. 投资总量的增长是拉动非农就业增长的主要力量,投资的行业结构变化效应以及要素替代效应导致了非农就业的下降。

    The growth of investment aggregates is the leading force pulling the growth of non-agricultural employment , while the effects of structural changes and the effects of factor substitution lead to the decline in non-agricultural employment .

  26. 那么,在教育投资总量不足的情形下,如何优化投资构造,使有限的投资施铺最大的作用,对于落实教育战略位置,匆匆入经济社会发铺无疑是具有重大作用的。

    So , under the shortage of budget , how to make full use of the limited resource becomes key point to implement the strategic education measures , and it is very useful to our social development .

  27. 从1988至2009年云南省对基础设施的投资总量增加了128.6倍,特别是从2006至2009年云南省对基础设施的投资占地方生产总值的平均比重达到了22%。

    From 1988 to 2009 , the infrastructure investment in Yunnan Province increased by 128.6 times . Especially from 2006 to 2009 the average proportion that infrastructure investment accounted for the local GDP reached up to 22 % .

  28. 从投资总量、投资结构、经济增长、技术进步等方面论述了海外华人直接投资与中国经济增长的长效应分析,同时分析了在海外华人投资过程中存在的问题。

    Discoursing upon the domino effect between the direct investments made by Overseas Chinese and the economic growth , analyzing it from the point of view of gross investment , investment structure , economic growth and technological progress .

  29. 与此同时,青海省房地产市场也逐渐升温,日益活跃,青海省房地产行业的企业数量和投资总量也在不断的增加。

    Meanwhile , the real estate market of Qinghai Province intensifies gradually too , active day by day , the number of the enterprise of the real estate trade of Qinghai Province and aggregate investment are in the increase constantly .

  30. 然后从教育投资总量、教育投资结构和教育投资效益三方面详细剖析了教育投资对经济增长低贡献水平的成因。

    Then , the paper analyses the causes of low contribution level of education investment to economic growth from three aspects : the total volume of education investment , the structure of education investment and the benefit of education investment .