
  1. 传统的定额计价方法主要用于为政府投资主体服务,显然已经不适应这种外部环境的变化。

    The traditional ration valuation model was used to serve the government investment , but now it has not accommodated to the environment of market economy .

  2. 基于前面的理论铺垫和具体的问题分析的基础上,从政府投资主体、范围、资金来源、项目预算管理、决策管理、监管以及法律责任方面为我政府投资体制建立提出一点建议。

    On the basis of the analysis in the the preceding theory bedding and specific problems . , this thesis aims to make suggestions on invest subject , scale , capital source , project budget management , decision-making management and legal liability of Chinese governmental investment .

  3. 浅析政府作为投资主体的投资范围

    Talking about the Investment Scope of the Government Being as the Main Body of the Investment

  4. 根据非经营性项目的特点,分析总结了这种以政府为投资主体的项目的主要融资方式。

    According to the non-sell projects ' characteristic , analyzed this kind project 's financing ways based on the government 's investment .

  5. 但我国风险投资机构主要是以政府投资为主体,逆向选择和道德风险问题更加严重。

    However , venture capital institutions in China are mainly government investment and the main problem of adverse selection and moral hazard is more serious .

  6. 狭义公共投资特指政府作为投资主体,在基础设施和自然垄断行业进行的物质性公共投资。

    The public investment of narrow sense especially means the government as the investment corpus , making the material public investment in the profession of infrastructure and natural monopoly .

  7. 在东部地区的7省、直辖市,建议实行以县级和省级、直辖市级政府作为投资主体的农村义务教育财政体制;

    It is suggested that the governments at the county , municipal and provincial levels should serve as the subject of public investment in rural compulsory education in the eastern region of 7 provinces and municipality .

  8. 我国基础设施领域长期以来以政府为投资主体,由政府制定管制价格,建设资金不足、经济效益低下。

    In Chinese infrastructure field , government has been regarded as the main body of investment for a long time , with government making the controlled price , lack of funds for construction and low economic benefits .

  9. 高等教育为社会提供充足的专业化人力资本并推动着经济增长,反过来,以政府为投资主体的高等教育投入又从根本上决定着高等教育的发展。

    Higher education for the community provides adequate specialized human capital and promotes the economic growth , in turn , higher investment of the government investment as a main body fundamentally determines the development of higher education .

  10. 论我国政府投资项目管理主体

    Study on management host for China ′ s government investment project

  11. 计算结果显示,辽宁省的资源效率与这几个因素紧密相连,随着科学技术应用、政府引导和投资主体多元化、合理的居民消费模式及产业结构的不断优化,辽宁省资源效率得到了逐步提升。

    As the result shows that the resource efficiency has the closed link with these factors .

  12. 作为市政府重要的投资主体和国有资产经营主体,昌润投资集团肩负着国有资产保值增值、市重点项目建设与投融资的重任。

    As the city hall important subject of investment and state-owned asset manage principal part , Chang Run investment group undertakes state-owned asset maintains value rise in value , the focus of the project construction and financing .

  13. 为此,要建立政府主导,投资主体多元化的投融资体制,分区实行经济开发与土地利用导向及限制措施,同时完善日常环境管理和社区共管措施。

    In order to realize sustainable development management , it is necessary to build investing system leading by the government , and limit land utilization and ecological development in different areas and at the same time perfect normal environmental management and community management .

  14. 我们要充分利用加入WTO的国际平台,进一步加强和明确政府在国家教育投资主体中的核心地位,调整教育投资经费结构性短缺问题。

    Accession to WTO also facilitates the strengthening and defining of the core position of government as an agent in educational investment .

  15. 政府投资项目相关利益主体的博弈及其利益最大化

    Gaming among Stakeholders of State Investment Projects and Benefit Maximum

  16. 对于非经营性城市基础设施项目,政府要担当起投资主体的职能。

    As for non-operational items , the government should act as investment main body .

  17. 这样就确立了政府的人力资本投资主体地位。

    Thus the government as the main body status of human capital investment is established .

  18. 本文重点研究了在中央、地方多级政府框架内水利投资主体的构建问题。

    By the game theory , this paper studies the construction of water investment institutes with multiple levels of government .

  19. 本文根据相关利益主体理论与博弈论的一般原理,对政府投资项目相关利益主体进行界定和分类,并对这种项目相关利益主体的多重利益关系进行博弈分析。

    In accordance with principles of stakeholder theory and game theory , the stakeholders are defined and classified , and the multiply game relations among them are analyzed .

  20. 从政府投资项目的管理主体、项目决策、工程采购和支付制度等四大子系统的相互联系和作用中探索了政府投资项目的投资运动规律。

    It includes four subsystems , namely management main body , project making decision , project procurement and payment system etc. It makes the investment work law of government project by the interrelation and interaction of the four subsystems .

  21. 论文以经济学理论为指导,分析了公共设施政府投资机理、投资主体选择以公共设施民营化趋势,对其他基础设施的投资制度进行了比较分析;

    Directed by economics theory , the thesis does not analyze the mechanism of governmental investment to public facilities , the choice of investment subject and the trend of nongovernmental-operated public facilities ; it also compares and analyses their investment institution with that of other infrastructures ;

  22. 政府投资是指政府为投资主体的投资活动,包括中央政府投资和各级地方政府投资。

    Government investment , including central government investment and local government investment , is the investment activity by government as the inventor .

  23. 教育财政能力的概念框架由两方面构成:一是从中央政府、省政府、地方政府等教育投资主体入手,建立分析近代教育财政能力的框架;

    The concept framework of educational finance capacity consists of two aspects : the establishment of the analysis framework of modern educational finance capacity from the education sponsored by the Central Government , provincial governments and local governments ;

  24. 各级政府要倡导多元化供给主体,加强对非政府投资主体的引导和产权保护,推进农村基础设施建设筹资方式的创新。

    The government should make the diversification of supply , guide non-governmental investment and protect property rights , promote the innovation of financing .

  25. 探讨了政府对工程造价管理的职能范围,分析了政府与市场及社会之间的关系,政府对待不同投资主体应采取的态度。

    The function scope of the government for construction engineering cost management is discussed .