
  • 网络Political economy theory;The Theory of Political Economy
  1. 创建社会主义政治经济学理论体系的几点思考

    Reflections on Theoretical System of Establishment of Socialist Political Economy

  2. 浅议当代中国政治经济学理论发展的二个新观点

    My View on the Theoretical Breakthrough of Modern China Plutonomy

  3. 对马克思主义政治经济学理论构成与历史价值的再认知

    The recognition of the theoretical composition and historical value of Marxism political economics

  4. 政治经济学理论研究综述

    Research and Summary on the Theory of Political Economics

  5. 政治经济学理论动态的分析评述

    Commentary on the Theoretical Trend of Political Economy

  6. 政治经济学理论体系探索

    Research on the Theoretical System of Political Economics

  7. 因此,在具体论证之前需要引入相关的国际政治经济学理论。

    Therefore , introducing the related international politics economic theory was extremely essential before elaborating specifically .

  8. 罗伯特·吉尔平的国际政治经济学理论研究

    On Robert Gilpin s International Political Economy Theory ; The Internet and Extended Research on Traditional Issues of International Politics

  9. 其符号政治经济学理论有一定的积极意义,但是也存在一些局限性。

    We cannot deny the advantages in his political economy of the sign theory , but it also has some limits .

  10. 时代背景的急剧变化成为马克思创立科学世界观和全新政治经济学理论的经济社会根源。

    The sharp changes of epoch became the social root of Marx founding the scientific world outlook and the new political economics .

  11. 经济学理论、法理学理论以及国际政治经济学理论是银行跨国并购政策协调的主要理论基础。

    Economics theory , jurisprudence theory and international political economy theory are the main theory foundation for us to research the policy coordination of bank cross-border MA .

  12. 世界市场理论是马克思六册计划的重要组成部分,在马克思主义政治经济学理论体系中占有十分重要的地位。

    The world market theory is an important part of Six Books Plan , it has very important position in the theoretical system of Marxist political economics .

  13. 总过程是马克思政治经济学理论的重要组成部分,社会主义生产总过程仍然是社会主义政治经济学的重要组成部分。

    Whole process is the important part of Marx 's theory of political economics . The whole process of socialism production is still the important part of socialism political economics .

  14. 马克思的资本原始积累理论,是马克思主义政治经济学理论体系的重要组成部分,是马克思资本积累理论的重要基础。

    The theory on Marx 's capital original accumulation is an important part of the system of Marxist economic theory , is an important fundation of the theory on Marx 's capital original accumulation .

  15. 资本有机构成理论是马克思政治经济学理论的重要组成部分,并有资本有机构成不断提高是资本主义发展的客观趋势的结论。

    The organic composition of capital theory is an important part of the Marxist political economy theory , and reached a conclusion that continuously improvement of the organic composition of capital is the objective trend of the development of capitalism .

  16. 本文从理论的定义出发,逐一分析了现存国际政治经济学理论的各个流派。国际政治经济学是建立一门国际关系的综合理论的重要一步,但是其本身的理论建设却很不成熟。

    By examining the concepts , this paper analyzes each branch of existing theories of international political economics and argues that , although IPE is an important step to establish a comprehensive IR theory , its theoretical construction is far from mature .

  17. 她的国际政治经济学理论把世界权力分为联系性权力和结构性权力,并从安全、生产、金融、知识四个基本因素分析国际政治中的权力结构。

    Her international political economic theory define the world power as " relation power " and " structure power ", and analyze the power structure in the international politics from four basic factors which are security , production , finance and knowledge .

  18. 而有关粮食部门改革的理论与经验研究还很不深入,尤其是粮食政策变革的政治经济学理论研究和粮食市场组织结构性变迁的经验分析目前还十分不足。

    Meanwhile , previous theoretical or empirical study about grain policy change are not deep enough , especially in the theory study about political economy of grain-policy change , the empirical analysis about structural changes of grain market organization are still quite few .

  19. 文章试图从国际政治经济学理论和现实的层面对东亚货币合作给出新的解释。同时文章分析比较了东亚货币合作与欧元路径和拉丁美洲国家美元化的路径。

    In the article , author tries to give a new explanation to the East Asian currency cooperation from International political-economics theory and reality level , and analyses and compares the East Asian currency cooperation with Euro path and US dollars path in Latin American countries .

  20. 主要分为如下几部分:第一部分,从马克思主义政治经济学理论出发,结合西方经济学理论,阐述并总结国内外关于风险资本概念的描述,指出本文对于风险资本概念的理解。

    Mainly divided into the following several parts : The first part , from the marxist political economics theory and combined with western economics theory , elaboration and summarizes the domestic and foreign venture capital concept , and points out what is venture capital concept in this paper .

  21. 通过课内外互补、师生角色互换、理论与实践互动的方式可以提升劳动价值论的课堂教学活力,从而最终带动整个政治经济学理论教学充满生机。

    The energy of classroom teaching of labor value theory can be enhanced by such ways as mutual supplement inside and outside classroom , exchange of roles between teachers and students , interaction of theory and practice so as to bring about the full energies in teaching of political-economics theory .

  22. 中国政治经济学发展理论体系的构建与创新&《反思与创新:转型期中国政治经济学发展研究》评析

    The Establishment and Innovation of Theory System of Chinese Political Economics

  23. 论马克思主义政治经济学基本理论的创新发展

    On The Innovation and Devel-opment of Marxist Political Economics'Basic Theories

  24. 劳动价值论是马克思主义政治经济学的理论基础。

    The theory on labor value is a theoretical basis of political economics of Marxism .

  25. 与时俱进是马克思主义政治经济学的理论品质和精髓。

    Marching with the times is the theoretical character and the essence of Marxism Political Economics .

  26. 国际政治经济学的理论范式:一种比较分析

    IPE Paradigms : A Comparative Analysis

  27. 《马克思主义政治经济学&理论、历史及其现实意义》中文译本评述

    Comments on the Chinese Version of Marxian Political Economy : Theory , History and Contemporary Relevance

  28. 科学的劳动价值论是马克思主义政治经济学的理论基础,是剩余价值理论和科学社会主义理论的基础。

    Scientific Labor Value Theory is theoretical basis of political economics of Marxism and of surplus value theory and scientific socialism .

  29. 而且为政治经济学课理论联系实际找到了结合点,可以有效地提高学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。

    We find a good joint to link theory and practice . This method also can develop the students ' ability to analysis and solve problems .

  30. 现代马克思主义政治经济学强调理论假设的现实性、科学性和辩证性,因而具有更大的理论认知功能和社会建设功能。

    The theoretical hypotheses of modern Marxist political economy stress a realistic , scientific and dialectical approach , so that it has a stronger theoretical cognition and social construction function .