
  • 网络politics and law;Political Science and Law
  1. 英国的法治道路是一条较为顺畅的成功之路,其成功的根本原因在于政治与法律之间建立和保持了一种良性互动关系。

    The basic reason of success to this road lies in an establishment that keeps the positive interaction between politics and law .

  2. 民本思想是儒家传统文化中的一个重要概念,对古代社会政治与法律的发展产生了深远的影响。

    In chinese tradition culture idea that thought of common people first is cardinal play a important role on ancient politics and law .

  3. 北方海航道的政治与法律地位问题一直充满争议。

    The political and the legal status of the northern sea has been controversial .

  4. 包括政治与法律环境分析、经济环境分析、社会物质环境分析、技术环境分析。

    Including political and law Analysis , economical analysis , social analysis and technology analysis .

  5. 要协商一种避免双重不征税的机制,必须面对巨大的政治与法律挑战。

    The political and legal difficulties of agreeing mechanisms to avoid double no taxation are enormous .

  6. 对和平解决国际争端的政治与法律方式的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Peaceful Solutions to International Disputes Through Either Political Way or Judicial Settlement

  7. 它不仅存在于政治与法律领域中,而且存在于经济领域之中。

    It does not only exist in political and legal field , it also exists in economic field .

  8. 政治与法律之间进行平衡和抗争的检察权改革需要更为系统的理论论证和更为丰富的实践经验。

    The reform of the prosecutorial power to balance and oppose between politics and law needs more systematical theoretical argumentation and more practical experience .

  9. 民族地区构建和谐社会,要从构建和谐的政治与法律制度入手,研究民族地区的特殊性。

    To building harmonious society in national minority areas have to proceed with politic and law from building harmonious society , and study about the particularity of it .

  10. 对于格劳秀斯而言,研究自然本身,更确切地说,研究人类本性就足以教会人们伦理、政治与法律的本质。

    For Grotius , he researched the nature itself , more exactly , he researched human nature which told us the essence of ethic and politics and law .

  11. 万民法是罗尔斯关于国际正义问题的重要作品,是当代真正富有建设性贡献的政治与法律理论。

    The Law of Peoples is an important works on international justice by Rawls and it is a really constructive contribution to contemporary political as well as legal theories .

  12. 未决羁押的设计和适用状况,往往从一个侧面表现出一个国家和地区的政治与法律制度的性质和司法水平。

    Custody pending the design and application of state , often from one side to show a national and regional nature of the political and legal system and judicial level .

  13. 由于他过于强调道德情感而贬损理性,以至于他的政治与法律思想虽充满了革命激情却不利于法治社会确立。

    Because Rousseau put too much emphasis on moral and emotion to dispraise sense , his political and lawful thinking was full of revolutionary fervor but not conducive to establishing the rule of law .

  14. 进而,论文通过对不同国家政治与法律制度环境,公司治理与经济发展水平的分析,阐述了各国查阅权立法差异性的原因。

    To follow up , this dissertation finds the causes for different legislations on the right of inspection by analyzing the political and legal environments of different countries and different corporate governance and economic development levels .

  15. 而第三章则从政治与法律的出发,通过对中外检察权理论基础进行分析,导出对检察权的理解和定位。

    The third chapter starts from the relationship of politics and law , and then analyzes the theoretic basis of foreign and Chinese prosecutorial power theories , and in the end concludes how to understand and orient the prosecutorial power .

  16. 通过一年多的努力,纽伦堡审判的奠基人以及国际军事法庭,克服了重重政治与法律难题,使这次审判得以成为现代国际法发展史上的里程碑。

    After the efforts for more than one year , the founder of the Nuremburg Adjudgement and the international military court made this adjudgement a milestone in the history of international law , by way of overcoming various political and legal difficulties .

  17. 这些应对策略主要包括主权政治方面与法律制度方面。

    These coping strategies include the aspects of sovereignty politics and legal system .

  18. 政治文明与法律服务的社会化

    Political Civilization and Socialization of Legal Services

  19. 市民社会、政治国家与法律发展:马克思的思想概览

    The Theory of Civil Society , Political State and Development of Law : The Epitome of Max 's Idea

  20. 政府起源的相关问题是政治哲学与法律哲学中的重要问题,泰西思想史上的许多思想家和理论流派都曾针对此问题做出过许多经典论述。

    The origin of government is an important problem in political philosophy and legal philosophy , many west thinkers and west theories in the history have made many classics discusses for this problem .

  21. 政治与道德或法律与伦理,都是社会的基本价值元素,他们共同构成社会和国家生存与生长的规范基础和理想目标。

    Politics and moral , as well as law and ethics , comprises the fundamental social value elements , and constitutes basic regulations and ideal goals of the birth and development of any society and country .

  22. 西塞罗是古罗马重要的政治思想家与法学家,理解西塞罗有助于理解罗马共和国的政治体系与法律观念。

    Cicero is an important political thinker and jurist in ancient Rome , the study of Cicero can help us to understand the political system and legal concepts about the Roman republic .