
  1. 价值的两个定义&政治经济学定义(支持劳动价值论)和哲学定义(支持效用价值论),各有自己的适用条件和范围,可以并存。

    The two definitions of value , one in political economics which stands for the labor theory of value , the other in philosophy which stands for the utility theory of value , can coexist in their own applicative fields respectively .

  2. 在政治经济学中,效率定义为资源分配的一种理想状态,在资源分配的过程中,在没有使任何人境况变坏的前提下,使得至少一个人变得更好,从而达到帕累托最优。

    In political economics , the efficiency of resource allocation defined as a kind of ideal , in resource allocation process , in no circumstances make anyone under the premise of bad , make at least one better , thus achieves pareto optimality .