
  • 网络Political elements;political factor
  1. 能源不仅是一种基本的经济投入,也正在逐渐成为具有权利特征的政治要素。

    Not only is energy an elementary investment on economy but it is gradually a political factor with features of power .

  2. 在现实中,几乎人人都认识到物质环境与社会、政治要素之间有着密切的联系,城市更新与建设项目的选择涉及到各种社会复杂关系。

    The choice of city renewal and construction refers to every social complicated relation .

  3. 明斯克协议的政治要素还没有得到实施,包括基辅向反叛军占领地区下放权力,以及俄罗斯和其代理人将国际边界的控制权返还给乌克兰。

    The political elements of the Minsk agreement , including the requirement that Kiev should decentralise powers to the rebel-held regions , and that Russia and its proxies return control of the international border to Ukraine , are yet to be implemented .

  4. 当前我国农村政治稳定要素与机制探析

    On the Factors and Mechanisms of Present Rural Political Stability in Our Country

  5. 这一框架主要由政治三要素组成:政治是一个过程;

    This frame is mainly composed of three parts : politics is a process ;

  6. 高校思想政治工作要素趋势论

    On the Trend of Main Factors of Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities

  7. 思想政治教育要素论

    A theory of fundamentals for ideological education

  8. 最后,探讨总结了进一步加强高校网络思想政治教育要素建设的相关对策。如:通过更新观念,深化认识,加强队伍建设,来强化高校网络思想政治教育者的主导作用;

    Finally , the paper probes into and summarizes the countermeasures of further reinforcing the factors building of the network ideological political education of college and university .

  9. 思想政治教育要素论也就是思想政治教育系统论,它包括静态要素和动态机制考察两种方法。

    Theory of fundamentals for ideological education amounts to a theory of system for ideological education . It consists of two approaches respectively named as static factor and dynamic mechanism .

  10. 文章首先阐述了网络思想政治教育要素的概念、特点,并提出网络思想政治教育五要素的观点,即教育者、教育对象、教育内容、教育方法和教育环境。

    The paper , firstly , expounds the concepts and characters of the factors of network ideological political education , and , put forward the idea of Five Factors of network ideological political education , i.e. pedagogue , education object , education content , education measures and education environment .

  11. 道德意识与政治及经济要素在这里是一致的。

    The moral impulse and the political and economic imperatives here are aligned .

  12. 论政治制度的要素结构

    On the constituent structure of the political system

  13. 现代思想政治教育基本要素视域下的苏联解体

    Soviet Union Collapse Under the Sight of Modern Ideological and Political Education Fundamental Elements

  14. 政治文明各要素的辩证运动构成政治文明发展的内部动力;

    The dialectical motion among every factor of political civilization is the internal motive force .

  15. 通过运用系统科学的相关理论,系统分析了高校思想政治教育的要素、结构、环境及其功能的关系。

    They are the elements of ideological and political education , structure , environment and their functional relationship .

  16. 思想政治教育的要素是思想政治教育发挥应有的功能或效果所必不可少的元素或条件,它们是思想政治教育理论研究和实践操作的基础。

    Elements of the ideological and political education are ideological and political education of theoretical research and practical operation of the foundation .

  17. 然后,指出提高高校思想政治教育系统要素的质量是促使系统功能充分发挥的前提。

    Then , this chapter points out that the quality of the elements of the system function is to promote full premise .

  18. 千年发展目标3的指标旨在监测妇女参与社会、经济和政治活动关键要素的进展,并引导建设性别平等社会。

    The MDG3 indicators track key elements of women 's social , economic and political participation and guide the building of gender-equitable societies .

  19. 在这个过程中,政治的诸要素得以改变以适应这个目标的实现。

    In this process , almost all of the elements of political system must be shifted for realizing the dream and solving any political problems .

  20. 一定社会的政治合法性要素、政治运作的状况、利益关系的结构和政治环境的变化等,都会影响政治认同状况的变迁。

    In a certain society , the elements of political validity , status of political function , framework of interest relations and the change of political environment all contribute to the evolving of political identification .

  21. 跨国经营环境的一般影响要素在整体轮廓上限定了我国矿产资源企业参与国际运作的空间,主要是自然、资源、科技、经济、法规、人文和政治等影响要素。

    General impact factors of transnational operation environment which limits Chinese mineral resources enterprises to participate in the international operation are mainly about nature , resources , technology , economic , regulation , culture and political impact factors .

  22. 另一方面,政治形态的要素构成和状态以及表现形式对经济、社会、文化和意识形态方面的发展又具有强大的整合功能。

    On the other hand , the constitution and the condition of the essential factors of a political form and it 's from have an integrated influence on the development of economy , society , culture and the ideology .

  23. 地方政府为了吸引和留住各种资源,增强本地区的竞争优势,促进地区经济的发展,围绕政治市场、要素市场及产品市场等方面,展开了以公共品提供及制度供给为手段的竞争。

    In order to attract or retain all kinds of resources , exert local competition advantages , speed local development , local governments have been competing on political market 、 factor markets 、 product markets by supply of public goods and institutions .

  24. 公司治理结构既包括公司治理的法律和政治途径、要素市场、公司控制权市场、声誉市场等外部控制系统,同时包括激励和约、董事会、债务融资等内部控制系统。

    Corporate governance includes legal and the political way , the essential factor market , the control market and the prestige market which belong to external control system . Simultaneously it includes internal control system , such as invigorative treaty , board of directors and debt financing .

  25. 这次会议具备了作为高度戏剧性的政治事件的一切要素。

    The meeting had all the ingredients of high political drama

  26. 政治文明的结构要素与功能分析

    Analysis of Structural Elements of Political Civilization and Its Function

  27. 城镇区域是一个由人口、资源、经济、环境、政治、文化等要素所构成的复杂动态系统。

    City region is a synthetical , complicated and dynamic system containing population , resource 、 economy 、 environment 、 politics and culture .

  28. 政治沟通的构成要素主要包括政治沟通主体、政治信息、政治沟通通道以及政治信息的反馈。

    The political communication includes the main-body , the political message , the channel , as well as the feedback of the political information .

  29. 然后对高校网络思想政治教育系统的要素进行分析,认为它是一个整体,是各个要素共同作用所产生的。

    Then the ideological and political education of university network system are analyzed , and the factors that it is an integral whole , is common elements .

  30. 随着市场经济发展、网络技术的推广,信息资源已成为我们日常生活中的重要元素,更是完善公民政治生活的必需要素。

    Along with market economy development , network technology promotion , information resource has become an important element in our life , is a perfect oneself in an effective way .