
  1. 基于ASP的政府网络办公自动化系统的研究

    Research on Government Network OA System Based on ASP

  2. 它让国家安全局(NationalSecurityAgency)负责国家电脑服务商与网络的安全,其中包括政府网络、商用网络与个人网络。

    It put the National Security Agency in charge of securing all of the nation 's computer servers and networks - government , business and personal .

  3. 政府网络新闻发言人进驻SNS网站,可以更好地发挥政府公关、信息聚合、透明行政等行政功能。

    Network news spokesman moving into SNS has administration function of Government Relations , Syndication and Transparent administration etc.

  4. 谷歌在中国内地仍有业务,但其搜索和Gmail电子邮件等其他服务常常因政府网络过滤系统的干扰而中断。

    Google continues to operate offices in mainland China , but its search and other services like Gmail are frequently disrupted by the government 's web filtering system .

  5. 目前,还不清楚谁编辑了Wikipedia的记录,但是WikiScanner的开发者Griffith说,至少这些内容是被使用政府网络的人所编辑的。

    It is not clear who edited the Wikipedia entries , but Griffith says in the least they were edited by people with access to the government networks .

  6. 去年上市的最热门科技公司之一PaloAltoNetworks,以及紧随其后的FireEye,专门生产这样的防御软件,软件把守企业或者政府网络的网关,监视此类威胁。

    Companies such as Palo Alto Networks , one of last year 's hottest tech initial public offerings , and FireEye , tipped to follow it , specialise in appliances that sit at the gateway to corporate or government networks , looking out for such threats .

  7. 拥有逾15年历史的SS8,是通讯行业监控领域一家联合企业的坚实组成部分。这家日益发展的联合企业,集监控创新、政府网络安全新措施和连接快速扩展于一体。

    The company , more than 15 years old , is a solid part of a growing industrial-surveillance complex that weaves together innovation in monitoring , new government cyber-security initiatives and rapid expansion in connectivity .

  8. 政府网络监管与个人隐私保护

    Network supervision and administration by government and protection of personal privacy

  9. 政府网络已经返回正常的操作,他说。

    The government networks have returned to normal operations , he said .

  10. 地方政府网络治理与和谐社会构建的理论探讨

    The Network Governance of Local Government and The Construction of Harmonious Society

  11. 本文浅析了以上技术的工作原理,有利于该技术在政府网络或其它一些网络中推广应用。

    The paper analyzes the working principle of them .

  12. 政府网络互联研究

    The research for inter connection of government networks

  13. 政府网络公关是政府公共关系的重要组成部分。

    The government network public relations are the important part of the government public relations .

  14. 政府网络安全风险评估

    Security Risk Assessment of Government Network

  15. 本文分析了政府网络的一般拓扑结构以及由于非信任网络的连接带来的安全威胁,提出了基于应用的网络安全控制模型及建立安全环境的网络安全策略。

    The security stratagem and security control model based on application for GOVT network are given .

  16. 第三部分,政府网络公关模式的提出、构成与类型分析。

    Part 3 talks about the network mode of public relations proposed by the Government , Constitution and type analysis .

  17. 分四个小节重点阐述了政府网络公关的概念、形式、功能及影响因素。

    Divided into four sections focus on the Government networks concept , form , function and influence factors of public relations .

  18. 政府网络新闻发言人是政府信息发布和民意表达的新方式。

    A spokesman for the government network news is a new way for government to issue information and express public opinion .

  19. 第三部分,介绍美国、德国对政府网络信息治理的规定,比较两国不同的适用原则及特点。

    Chapter 3 discusses regulations of American and German governments in terms of network information administration and compares their different applicable conditions and characteristics .

  20. 自从美国总部公司表示不再希望与中国政府网络监管部门合作后,谷歌与中国的关系一度陷入僵局。

    Google 's relations with Beijing have been troubled since the US company said it no longer wanted to cooperate with government internet censorship .

  21. 本文从电子政务、政府网络的建设介绍了建设思路和组网方案实例及建设经验。

    This article describes the construction ideas , construct network scheme and the experience of the construction through the electronic government affair and the construction of the government network .

  22. 如何更好的建设政府网络发言人,充分发挥他的作用,让人民群众满意是政府需要解决的课题。

    The government needs to solve issues such as how to build a system of net spokesperson better and how to fully play its role to satisfy the people .

  23. 增强政府网络常态公关能力,能够对网络突发事件起到防范于未然的积极作用,有效维护政府的正面形象,提升政府公信力。

    Improving the normal government public relations capability can prevent the Network emergencies from happening , maintain a positive image of the government and enhance the credibility of the government .

  24. 政府网络公关是传统政府公关方式在网络载体中的投射,也在一定程度上有别于传统政府公关方式。

    Government network public relations are the cast of the traditional government public relations in the Internet world , and are different from the traditional government public relations in some degree .

  25. 政府网络办公就是利用现代信息技术,超越时间、空间的制约,打造一个便捷、高效的网上行政模式。

    Work online in governments refers to setting up a government network operating mechanism with convenience and high efficiency by resorting to modern information technology beyond the limits of time and space .

  26. 从政策、资源、文化、社会和技术5个方面阐述对政府网络公关的影响,为下文模式的划分和构建提供理论依据。

    From policy , resources , culture , society and technology 5 areas elaborated on the Government networks public relations impact , built for Division of the models below and provide a theoretical basis .

  27. 地方政府网络形象是在网络媒介高速发展的今天出现的新概念,是地政府的重要资源和无形资产,也是地方政府有效发挥作用的重要前提。

    Good image of the local government network is owned by a local government resources and intangible assets in the rapid development of network media , the role of local government effectively play an important prerequisite .

  28. 最后本文探析了现今阶段政府网络新闻发言人在突发公共事件舆论引导工作中存在的问题,并从媒介素养、法律监督等方面提出一定的改进措施。

    In the end , this paper analyzes the problems in the current public opinion guidance work of government network spokesman for emergent events and further puts forward improvement measures from media literacy and legal supervision .

  29. 近年来,由于网络突发事件频发,政府网络公关常处于被动地位,因此,对政府常态公关研究的关注度日益提升。

    Because of the Network emergencies , the government network public relations are in a passive position . As a result , the study of the normal government public relations is given more attention day by day .

  30. 针对目前我国政府网络工程发展与建设状况,根据电子商务发展的趋势,对我国电子政务的发展提出了相应对策。

    In the light of the current development and construction of our country 's governmental network engineering , and according to the developing trends of E-business , this paper puts forward some corresponding countermeasures for developing our country 's E-government .