
  • 网络Government Street
  1. 与欧洲央行形成对照的是,美联储(fed)一直在执行为符合美国政府和华尔街需要而设计的利率和货币供给策略。

    In contrast to the ECB , the US Federal Reserve has been implementing interest rate and money supply strategies configured to meet the needs of the US government and wall street .

  2. 我们在丹佛市内停留时间不多,只在州政府和16街购物中心参观,匆匆一瞥。

    We were in denver city no longer , only visited the state government and the16th street mall , a glimpse at the denver .

  3. 布朗当时担任英国财长,政府在唐宁街分配了一套公寓供他使用,但他通常选择住在自己位于威斯敏斯特的一居室公寓。

    Mr Brown , who was chancellor at the time , was given the use of a grace-and-favour apartment in Downing Street but often chose to stay at the one-bedroom flat he owned in Westminster .

  4. 在美国政府向华尔街抛出救生索之时,高盛合伙人售股行为却激增,这可能激怒美国国会的议员们。

    The surge in selling among Goldman partners , coming at a time when the US government had thrown a lifeline to Wall Street , is likely to draw the ire of lawmakers on Capitol Hill .

  5. 从实践层面来看,为政府和商业街运营机构提供了切实可行的评估工具,可以识别商业街的战略特征要素,从而进行更为适宜的管理措施和发展方向。

    From the practical aspect , provide the feasible evaluation tools for government and commercial operation institutions to identify strategic elements of the commercial street , with the benefits of more appropriate management measures and the development direction .

  6. 对冲基金亿万富翁拉贾拉贾那纳姆(rajrajaratnam)被判犯有内幕交易罪,美国政府扩大对华尔街不当行为公诉的努力获得一项重大胜利。

    Raj Rajaratnam , the hedge fund billionaire , has been found guilty of insider trading , handing the US government a significant victory as it expands its prosecution of wrongdoing on Wall Street .

  7. 美国政府出面拯救华尔街,而你们美国大众来买单。

    The government saves Wall Street-and you , Main Street , foot the bill .

  8. 区人民政府设在市桥街清河东路。

    District People 's Government in the city , No.30 Ximianqiao Street River Road .

  9. 和近年来很多遭到国会质询以及政府调查的华尔街高管不同,芬克与奥巴马政府一直关系融洽。

    And unlike many Wall Street executives , who in recent years have endured congressional grillings and government investigations , Mr Fink has had good relations with the Obama administration .