
  • 网络policy culture
  1. 选举文化可以分解为三个层次,即选举体系文化、选举过程文化,以及选举政策文化。

    From the point of politics and sociology , modern elective culture in China was systematically introduced , including system culture , course culture and political culture .

  2. 从对电视媒体产业发展的政策文化环境、行业竞争环境、技术环境和业内竞争环境的分析来探寻电视媒体产业改革的可能性与可行性,为产业发展确定方向。

    Analyzing the environment of policy , culture , competition and technology , this paper looked for the possibility and feasibility in reform of TV media industry and defined its direction .

  3. 文化政策对文化发展起着关键性的作用,积极推进文化政策的创新,是中国适应加入WTO需要的当务之急。

    Culture policy have a crucial effect on culture development . Propelling culture policy innovation is the demand for China entering to WTO .

  4. 英国政府欧元政策的文化解读

    Interpretation of British Policy on Euro from Cultural Perspectives

  5. 课程政策的文化抵制研究

    Research on Cultural Resistance of Curriculum Policy

  6. 正确的文化政策对文化,以至政治、经济各项事业都有很大的促进作用。

    Correct cultural policy have significance to politics , economy , culture and so on .

  7. 他们调整企业政策和文化来创造一个快乐的环境。

    They adjust workplace policy and culture in order to create the conditions for happiness .

  8. 支教政策的文化视角&以宁波市为例

    The Study on Policy of Aid-education Program in County from Cultural Perspective : A Case Study of Ningbo

  9. 在扶持措施上,我区将通过财政、税收、金融、土地等优惠政策促进文化产业发展。

    In support measures , the district will finance , taxation , finance , land and other incentives to promote the development of cultural industries .

  10. 文化政策是文化的一种政治表现形态,也是国家文化利益、文化意志的集中体现,是一个国家发展政策的重要组成部分。

    Cultural policy is a political manifestation of culture . It is the embodiment of national culture interests and the cultural volition of a country .

  11. 在越南归难侨的文化适应和本土化过程中,政府的倾斜性扶持政策及文化差异这两大因素产生了重大和深刻的影响。

    Two main factors including excessively special aid offered by the government and the cultural difference profoundly impacted the course of their cultural adaptation and relocalization .

  12. 饮食和运动在儿童早期占重要位置,而这些受到政府及教育政策、文化因素和环境改变的影响。

    Patterns of eating and activity , often set during early childhood , are influenced by government and education policies , cultural factors and environmental changes .

  13. 北京市在2005年明确提出要重点发展文化创意产业,并出台一系列政策扶持文化创意产业发展,取得了一定成绩。

    Since 2005 . Beijing has issued a series of policy to support the development of the cultural and creative industry , and obtained some achievement .

  14. 德国是传统的文化产业强国,在文化产业的理论、政策和文化管理体制方面都形成了自己鲜明的民族特色;

    Germany is a powerful country with traditional culture industries . It has its peculiar national feature in culture theories , policies and the culture administrative system .

  15. 此外,转型时期的产业结构调整与其它相关政策和文化因素的综合作用,导致了我国特有的城市农民工贫困问题。

    In addition , the synthetic factors from the industrial structure adjustment and the other related policies and cultures lead to the special urban poverty in transitional China .

  16. 第二章:主要介绍了公共政策支持文化产业发展的必要性及理论基础,以及相关的概念界定和国内外研究综述。

    The second chapter : It mainly introduces the public policies to support the development of cultural industry the necessity and theoretical basis , and the related concept definition .

  17. 通过安塞腰鼓这一个案,阐明国家政策对于文化发展的重要性及大众的参与对于文化发展的必要性。

    Ansai waist drum , this specific case , is just to show the importance of national policy for cultural development , and necessity of public involvement for culture .

  18. 欧盟在通过文化政策促进文化融合,通过保护其成员国的文化加速欧盟的一体化的实践中积累了很多宝贵的经验。

    Through its multicultural policy , the EU promotes the cultural assimilation among its member states and it also accumulates a lot of valuable experiences in the process of integrating the Europe .

  19. 政府的产业政策对文化产业的健康发展具有重要的作用,这种影响可以概括为四个方面,即加速文化产业发展;引导文化产业结构调整;规范市场竞争秩序和提升产业区域竞争力。

    This effect can be summed up four aspects , that is , speeding up the development of cultural industry , guiding structure adjustment of cultural industry , regulating competition order and upgrading the regional competitiveness of industry .

  20. 东道国的影响因素包括:政策和文化因素、市场因素和本土企业因素;外商因素包括:战略规划因素、技术和品牌因素以及知识与经验积累因素。

    Factors rising from the host country include : political and cultural factors , market factors and local enterprises factors ; factors form foreign investors include : strategic planning factors , technology and brand factors and knowledge and experience factors .

  21. 文化涵化过程通常受各种因素影响,比如,文化之间的力量对比关系、各文化群体不同的意识形态观念及文化政策、文化接触人群对待文化涵化的态度等等,从而呈现出不均衡的文化涵化结果。

    However , the fact that the process of acculturation is often affected by various factors , such as the power relationship , different ideology and cultural policies , different cultural attitudes towards cultural interaction , etc. results in unbalanced acculturation .

  22. 进而,本文又得出以下结论:银行内部制度的完善是社区银行发展的根本,而经济、政策、文化等外部环境的支持则是社区银行发展的条件,两者缺一不可。

    And then the paper gets the conclusions : perfect internal systems are the fundamental development of community banks , and the support of the external environment is the conditions for the development of community banks , which are both indispensable .

  23. 本文致力于从新中国科技政策的文化来源入手,在科技文化的理论框架下,对1949&1955年这一具体时段内的中国科技政策展开综合、系统的研究。

    This paper is devoting to make an integrated and systematic research about science and technology policy during the specific period of 1949 to 1955 within a theoretical frame of cultural view of science and technology , starting from its culture source .

  24. 这种欧洲认同的出现加上欧洲共同的文化政策在文化全球化和霸权主义的压力下,在许多欧盟的经济,政治和科技政策无能为力的领域中对欧洲一体化的进一步深入发挥了极大的作用。

    However , the most notable development is the construction of a common European identity , which together with the European multicultural policy , facing the pressure of the cultural globalization and hegemony plays a very important role in the process of further integration of the EU .

  25. 文化创意产业政策在文化创意产业发展过程中具有重要作用,但是由于文化创意产业涉及文化产业的内容,使其受到一定程度的规制,其产业政策相对于其他产业受控制程度更高。

    Culture and creativity policies play important roles in the cultural and creative industry development stages . But since the contents are very much involved with the cultural and creative industry , so the policies in questions are fairly regulated , and are under more strictly controlled than other industries .

  26. 从白澳政策到多元文化教育&试探澳大利亚多元文化教育体制形成的艰难历程

    From " White Australia Policy " to Multicultural Education in Australia

  27. 民营企业技术创新环境由法律环境、政策环境与文化环境构成。

    Innovation circumstances was made up law , policy and culture .

  28. 西汉和亲政策与汉文化的传播

    The West Han Dynasty 's Marriage-for-Peace Policy and the Propagation of Chinese Culture

  29. 文化体制改革、政策环境与文化产业发展

    The Reform of Cultural System , the Existing Policies and the Development of Culture Industry

  30. 作为一项公共政策,多元文化主义包含政府为了对这种多样性作出回应而制定的各项措施。

    As a public policy multiculturalism encompasses government measures designed to respond to that diversity .