
  • 网络exchange student
  1. 我在去年夏天做了交换留学生。

    I was an exchange student last summer .

  2. 笔者作为交换留学生在硕士阶段曾赴日学习一年,全力学习体会日本传统文化的魅力、了解日本历史以及现当代社会。

    As an exchange student , I had been in Japan for one year when I was a first-year graduate student . The full learning experience was including the taste to the charm of traditional Japanese culture , Japanese history and the contemporary Japanese society .

  3. 让我们带交换留学生改去重庆餐馆吧!

    Let 's take the exchange students to the Chongqing restaurant instead !

  4. 这时的话题主要是两国间交换留学生的问题。

    The conversation was mainly having to do with exchange of students between the two countries .

  5. 两国交换留学生,实际上并不是什么新事物,你们的谢校长曾在美国史密斯学院获得学位。

    It is not entirely new , this exchanging of students & your President Xie earned a degree from Smith College in the United states .

  6. (两国间)交换的留学生两国关系已恢复正常。

    Exchange student Relation between the two countries have is restored to normal .