
  • 网络Intersection
  1. 交通路口混合交通流的分布式模糊控制

    Distributed fuzzy control under hybrid traffic flow of a traffic intersection

  2. 基于总线式、多处理器结构的交通路口控制系统设计

    Design of an Intersection Control System Based on Bus & Multiprocessor Structure

  3. 虚拟交通路口及造型实体的运动仿真研究,不仅实现了交通路口的虚拟仿真,而且对VRML在国内交通运输和教育方面的应用也起到了积极的作用。

    The system of virtual traffic crossing and emulation of sport body shows the traffic crossing . and improves the application of VRML in aspects of domestic education and traffic .

  4. 作为项目负责人,设计并实现了交通路口微观仿真系统TiSS,该系统可以仿真任意形状、任意红绿灯方案、任意非常规路口;

    As the chief engineer , I design and develop the Traffic Intersection Simulation System ( TiSS ), which can simulate any traffic signal methods , any intersections , regular or non-regular .

  5. 双周期信号配时法(Double-CycleSignalTimingAlgorithm,以下简称DCSTA法),是一种交通路口信号配时方法,已经成功应用于单交叉路口的静态控制。

    Double - Cycle Signal Timing Algorithm ( for short DCSTA ), which is one solution of traffic light timing , has been successfully applied into static control of single intersection .

  6. 上月,两个孩子在交通路口被车压了。

    Two children were run over at that road junction last month .

  7. 其中交通路口车流的长度是车流参数中最重要的一个。

    The length of traffic queue is one of the most important parameters .

  8. 介绍了一种嵌入式综合的交通路口控制系统的设计。

    The paper introduces the design of a new integrated embedded intersection control system .

  9. 智能交通路口控制器的设计

    The Design of Intelligent Traffic Crossing Controller

  10. 交通路口可变相位控制的专家系统实现及其算法改进

    The Implementation of Expert System and Improvement on Changeable Phases Signal Control of Traffic Intersection

  11. 交通路口可变相位信号控制

    Changeable phases signal control of traffic intersection

  12. 太原市不同交通路口尾气污染对学龄儿童免疫功能的影响

    Impact of different traffic crossroads exhaust pollution on immune function of the school-age children in Taiyuan City

  13. 通过对相邻三交叉口的交通路口模型的分析,再次使用前面设计出来的三级模糊协调控制器对相邻三交叉口进行模拟仿真。

    Then this thesis simulates the three adjacent intersection traffic intersections by using the three stages fuzzy coordinated controller .

  14. 这些科学家让车辆沿一条六公里长的环路行驶,途经10个交通路口,同时在车内进行测量。

    The scientists took their measurementsinside a car as it traveled on a six-kilometer loop , passing through 10 trafficintersections .

  15. 为此,人们通常采用在交通路口埋设感应线圈传感器并配合抓拍照相机的方法来监控。

    Therefore , people often utilize the methods of burying influence loop sensors cooperated with grasp cameras in the crossing roads .

  16. 其中各交通路口作为交通管理的重要部位越来越受到交管部门的重视。

    Among these , each traffic junction as part of authorities wins more and more attention by the traffic management department .

  17. 在古代,最为丝绸之路的起点,西安是中国重要的交通路口之一。

    In ancient times , as the beginning of the Silk Road , Xian was one of the transport junctions in China .

  18. 交通路口停车-启动的行驶状态是影响交通污染水平的主要因素。

    Stop-start driving conditions injunctions were thought to be a major factor in the relationship of traffic to metal pollution levels . 6 .

  19. 无论是在交通路口的各种视频监控系统,还是在实验室里进行的各种图像处理和视频算法的研究,都需要有一套稳定可靠的视频系统来支持。

    A stable and reliable video system is needed whether in the various traffic monitoring system or in the laboratory for research of image processing and video algorithm .

  20. 为了防止闯红灯这一违章现象,人们已经将图像、照相机、传感器等高新技术应用于交通路口,这些努力使称为红灯摄像机的一类系统出现。

    To prevent drivers disobeying or running the red light , people have already applied novel technology such as image , camera , sensor etc to road junctions .

  21. 越来越多的摄像机被部署在诸如交通路口、机场、商场、停车场和商业大楼等公共场所。

    More and more cameras are deployed in areas such as traffic junctions , airports , shopping malls , parking lots and commercial buildings and other public places .

  22. 校园路网由于缺少红绿灯,道路上人车混行,在进行疏散时容易造成拥堵,特别是在交通路口方面。

    On campus , when the typical emergency events happen , people and vehicles are likely to evacuate together due to the lack of traffic lights , and easily to cause congestion , especially at traffic junctions .

  23. 当然,能打下敌机固然可喜,但是这不是主要的任务,我们的主要任务是为了掩护步兵、坦克或者是交通路口免遭敌机轰炸。

    Sure , it 's great to shoot a plane down , but that 's not the main thing , the main thing was that the covered infantry , tanks , or a crossing don 't get hurt from the raid .

  24. 针对在交通路口采集的闯红灯的彩色图像中的色饱和现象,讨论了图像中高光区域的定位、边缘色彩的确定以及色彩校正等问题。

    The methods of locating the high light area of image , determining the color value on the edge of this high light area and the color rectification are discussed to resolve the problem of color saturation of traffic sign from crossing .

  25. 基于模糊逻辑的城市交通单路口复合式信号控制

    Study on a Compound Controller for a Signal Intersection Based Fuzzy Logic

  26. 在警察赶上他之前,他已飞速闯过了三个交通灯路口。

    He shot three sets of traffic lightsbefore the police caught up with him .

  27. 饱和路网中动态交通分配与路口控制一体化建模研究

    Integrative Modeling Study of Dynamic Traffic Assignment and Traffic Control in Saturated Network

  28. 其次根据实际道路情况建立了基于元胞自动机的交通主干道路口仿真模型。

    Secondly , according to actual road condition , the model of arterial road intersections was established .

  29. 随着汽车的逐渐普及,城市交通安全和路口通行效率等问题目益突出。

    As the increasing popularity of the car , the urban traffic safety and road traffic efficiency has become an increasingly important issue .

  30. 基于交通需求强度的路口多层模糊控制模型研究

    Research of Multi-layer Fuzzy Control Model Based on Traffic Demand Intensity