
  • 网络traffic circle
  1. 这辆轻型货车开始从山上冲下来,冲向交通圈。

    The van began to rush down the hill towards the traffic circle .

  2. 在底部的山,它起步走向全面的交通圈错误的方法。

    At the bottom of the hill , it started going round the traffic circle the wrong way .

  3. 到2012年,中国将建成以北京为中心的8小时高速铁路交通圈。

    Until 2010 , China will set up a Beijing-centered eight-hour reached high-speed railway transportation circle .

  4. 象其它许多城市一样,费城尝试过很多设备让车手减速,用过真正的减速带,交通圈,控制带,橡胶条,略微提升的行人过道。

    Like many other municipalities , Philadelphia has tried a variety of devices to slow drivers : real speed humps , traffic circles , curb extensions , rumble strips , slightly raised crosswalks .

  5. 到2012年底,我国高速铁路网将初具规模,北京到全国绝大部分省会城市,将形成8小时以内交通圈。

    By the end of2012 , China 's high-speed rail network will take shape , which means that people will be able to travel to most of China 's provincial capitals from Beijing within eight hours .

  6. 桂林市老城区分流交通保护圈规划设计

    Design and Layout of Traffic Diversion Guard Circle of Old Urban Areas in Guilin

  7. 文章系统地阐明了交通屏蔽圈的概念和组成,进而提出了它的强度及其可调节性概念。

    This paper stated the transportation ircumscription concept and composition , and proceeded to put forward its flexibility of intensity .

  8. 五是危险驾驶罪将醉酒驾驶与追逐驾驶行为犯罪化,扩大了道路交通犯罪圈。

    Fifth is the crime of drunk driving and dangerous driving will decriminalize , which enlarge the road traffic crime circle .

  9. 在传统的交通屏蔽圈的基础上提出了强度及其可调节性的概念,使得交通屏蔽圈的应用范围不断扩大。

    On the basis of the traditional means of transportation confining , author made the transportation circumscription greatly expand its scope of the application .

  10. 公路交通促进城市经济圈发展的作用分析

    The Action Analysis of Highway Traffic Promoting City Economic Circle Development

  11. 乌鲁木齐都市圈交通联系分析及2小时交通圈建设

    Analysis on Transportation Relationship in Urumqi Megalopolis and Construction of Two Hours Circle of Transportation

  12. 交通枢纽理论研究是规划大都市交通圈重要基础

    The theory of transport hub is the basic on the planning of metropolis transport circle

  13. 对于外部交通的问题上,本文提出了构建“交通屏蔽圈”的方法,进而提出了屏蔽强度和强度的可调节性。

    To solve the External transport issues , this paper build a " Transportation Circumscription " approach , then presents a shield strength and the adjustment of the strength .

  14. 当常规的交通组织和管理手段难以取得良好的效果时,交通屏蔽圈作为较为强硬的手段被提出了。

    When conventional urban transportation organizing and managing means are hard to obtain good results , transportation circumscription as a tougher means is raised .

  15. 通过对交通与经济、交通与空间的相互影响的分析,疏理交通建设与都市圈发展之间的联系;

    After the close analysis of influence between traffic and economy , additionally traffic and space , find the relationship of transport developments with MCR growth .

  16. 到本世纪中叶,全面建成现代化高质量国家综合立体交通网,拥有世界一流的交通基础设施体系。其中提出“全国123出行交通圈”和“全球123快货物流圈”两个概念。

    By the middle of the century , a modern , high-quality and comprehensive national transport network will be built in an all-round way , with a world-class transport infrastructure system .