
  • 网络Land zoning;land zoning regulation;resi dential zoning
  1. 县政府正在考虑是否改变涉及阿莫林公司等企业掩埋工业废料的土地区划法。

    The board is trying to decide whether to change county zoning regulations to allow utility waste landfills like Ameren ' s.

  2. 基于遥感技术的中国北方沙漠及沙质荒漠化土地区划研究

    Zonation of desert and sandy desertification land in North China based on remote sensing technology

  3. 湖北土地利用区划与可持续利用区域模式

    Land use regionalization and regional model of sustainable use in Hubei province

  4. 重庆市土地生态区划研究

    Study on the Land Ecological Regionalization in Chongqing

  5. 对土地利用区划的研讨

    Studies on the Division of Land Utilization

  6. 上海中心城土地利用结构区划研究

    A Study on the Regionalization of Landuse Structure in Shanghai Proper

  7. 青藏高原土地沙漠化区划

    Regionalization of Land Desertification on Qinghai-Tebet Plateau

  8. 山西省潞安矿区土地生态系统功能区划研究

    Ecology Function Division of Luan Mine Land System in Shanxi Province

  9. 杭州城市土地类型与自然区划

    The Land-type Classification and Natural Division in the City of Hangzhou

  10. 北京市昌平县土地类型及农业区划问题

    Land types and agricultural regionalization in the Chang Ping county , beijing

  11. 深圳土地类型与自然区划及利用评价

    Land types and natural regionalization of Shenzhen and their development

  12. 贵阳市土地类型和自然区划

    Land classification and Physico-geographical regionalization of Guiyang

  13. 贵州省土地类型、自然区划与地区开发研究

    Study on Land Classification , Physico-geographical Regionalization and Regional Development of Guizhou Province , China

  14. 土壤分类高级单元是制定土地规划、农业区划等方面的重要依据,砂砾质与壤质干旱土因在这些方面的应用不同要求在高级单元中区分开来;

    The senior units of soil classification are important bases for the formulation of land planning and agricultural division .

  15. 一个基于土地利用详查的中国土地资源利用区划新方案

    Land use zoning scheme of China based on detailed land surveys

  16. 土地环境容载力包括土地环境区划、土地环境人口容量和土地环境城市建设承载力。

    Environmental bearing capacity of land consists of land environment partition , population capacity and carrying capacity of city construction of land environment .

  17. 文章简要总结了中国土地资源利用分区工作,进而提出了中国土地资源利用区划的原则、依据和指标体系,确立了中国土地资源利用区划体系与分级。

    In the paper , combining historical review and status quo , the author summarizes the zoning work of land resource use in China , then sets up index system and establishes the zoning system and grading method for land resource utilization .