
  • 网络doma
  1. 通过室内实验掌握格栅与土间的界面作用效应,以及填料在不同密实度、不同含水率情况下填料的c、?值的变化,找出变化规律,从而得到相关模拟计算参数。

    Experimental control through indoor grille and the interface between the role of the effect of soil , As well as the packing density in different , under different moisture conditions change in the value of packing c 、?

  2. 结合宁波某小区住宅楼基础工程,利用ANSYS,通过折减接触带土体弹性模量的方法模拟大荷载作用下桩土间的相对滑动;

    Combining with a domestic foundation project in Ningbo , the method that reducing soil elasticity modulus of contact region is adopted in order to simulate the sliding between pile and soil .

  3. 对桩&土间的相互关系使用接触单元进行模拟,采用DP弹塑性模型来反映土体的本构关系。

    On pile-soil interface , mechanics properties of contact surface are simulated by contact elements , and soil nonlinearity is simulated by DP elastic-plastic model provided by ANSYS FEM program .

  4. 基于FLAC3D数值分析软件,探讨了大直径长桩的数值模拟方法,分析了桩土间接触面参数对数值计算结果的影响。

    The numerical simulation method based on software FLAC3D for the large-diameter long pile is discussed , and the influences of parameters of soil-pile interface on the numerical results are analyzed .

  5. 林木根系与均质土间相互物理作用机理研究

    Study on Physical Mechanism of Interface between Root System and Loess Soils

  6. 尼尼伯,于黑暗遗落诸土间飘荡,聆听,并记住!

    NINIB , Dark Wandered of the Forgotten Lands , Hearken and Remember !

  7. 实测资料分析钻孔灌注桩桩土间相互作用

    Analysis of Drilling Pile-soil Interface Interaction with Measured Data

  8. 路堤填土在桩与桩间土间发生了不等的沉降变形,导致路堤土拱效应的产生。

    Unequal settlements between the piles and the soil will result in soil arching of embankments .

  9. 其研究结果可为进一步的桩土间的本构关系研究提供参考。

    The results of this paper are useful for studying the constitutive relation between pile and soil .

  10. 桩-土间无厚度轴对称滑动面单刚矩阵的一种闭合解

    Element matrix 's precise close solution of no thickness axial symmetry sliding surface between pile and soil contact

  11. 海底管道牵引铺设过程中管壁与基土间摩阻力试验研究

    Experimental Research on Resistance between Pipe Wall and Foundation Soil in the Process of Submarine Pipeline Towing and Laying

  12. 两种材料变形模量的比值也不能反映复合试样中的桩土间的应力分配。

    The deformation modulus ratio of the two materials can not reflect the stress distribution among the pile soil of composite samples .

  13. 传统设计计算理论采用了许多假设,在不同程度地回避了桩-土间相互作用的全面分析。

    Traditional designing and computing theories build on some assumption which avoid comprehensively analyzing interaction between anti-slide pile and soil mass in some degree .

  14. 通过已有对嵌岩桩研究理论知识的学习,提出桩土间荷载传递的双折线模型。

    Through the existing research theory of socket piles , this paper puts forward the bilinear model of load transfer between pile and soil .

  15. 提出插筋复合土体边坡二种破坏模式和杆筋与杆间土间的四种破坏模式。

    Two failure models of composite soil stability with sttel bar reinforcement and four failure models of steel bars and the soils are shown in the paper .

  16. 通过分析各参数对传递函数的影响,认为桩土间的极限位移是双曲线传递函数的主要参数。

    By discussing the influence of various parameters on transfer function in this model , it was considered that the limit displacement among pile-soil was a main parameter in transfer function .

  17. 引入一种对桩体承载力的计算方法,根据桩&土间的相互作用关系,建立桩身在土中相互作用的模型,以判断缺陷对桩身承载能力的影响。

    Introducing a kind of pile to calculate bearing capacity , according to pile-soil interaction , and setting up in the soil pile interaction model to determine the defects on the bearing capacity of pile .

  18. 目前,按《工业与民用建筑抗震设计规范》对建筑物进行抗震验算时,都遵循底部为刚性的假定,没有考虑建筑物-基础-土间的相互作用。

    Computations of earthquake resistance for building structures at present are checked according to Aseismic Design Code for Industrial and Civil Buildings , in which rigid base is assumed without considering the building structure-foundation-soil interaction .

  19. 试验获得了筋土间的摩擦特性,通过直剪试验研究了加筋方向、筋带端部锚固对于加筋土抗剪强度的影响。

    The characteristic of strip friction in soil was acquired successfully . By direct shear test , the effect of strip direction and anchoring situation of strip end on shearing strength of the reinforced earth was carried out .

  20. 在桩、土间设置较合理的接触面,用三维的计算模型对工程实例进行计算,并将结果与实测情况作对比,验证了有限元计算方法的正确性。

    After setting logical contact surface between pile and soil , this thesis adopted 3D models to calculate real engineering . Then compare the result to actual data . It was proofed that these models were inosculate to fact .

  21. 桩的纵向振动理论是桩各种动态测试方法的理论基础,开展桩纵向振动理论的研究对于进一步弄清桩&土间动力相互作用、动力试桩的机理以及正确分析试桩测试曲线是非常重要的。

    Longitudinal vibration theory of pile is the basis of any kind of method in dynamic pile testing , which can be used to explain the dynamic reaction between pile and soil , the mechanics of pile testing , and to illustrate the pile testing curves .

  22. 该区土壤pH值在4.8~7.1之间,平均为6.0,呈微酸性~中性,各土类间pH值变化不大。

    Soil pH values in the areas were on the average of 6.0 , between 4.87.1 , was slightly acidic to neutral response .

  23. 通过SEM图像分析表明,微观结构为絮凝结构的土粒间力(其宏观表现为结构屈服应力)小于外力时就发生破坏,而一旦进入团粒结构,土体的变形发展缓慢。

    The analysis of Scanning Electronic Microscope shows that the failure happens when the inner particles force of flocculent structure is less than outside force , but the development of soil deformation with agglomerate structure is slowly .

  24. 若土坡失稳,由加速度和谐条件计算各土条间的水平传力Ri和各土条的稳定系数Ki,并由Ki计算失稳土坡的稳定系数K;

    If the slope is not stable , to calculate the transferal force R_i between individual slices , the stabile factor K_i of individual slices and the stable factor K of the unstable slope in term of concordant conditions of acceleration .

  25. 非饱和黏性土粒间吸力测试研究

    Experimental study on suctions between grains in unsaturated cohesive soil

  26. 这三种作用发生的条件以及程度都受到土颗粒间水环境的影响。

    The water environment between soil particles affect on their occurrence and development .

  27. 黏性土桩间土拱效应计算与桩间距分析

    Analysis of soil arching effect between adjacent piles and their spacing in cohesive soils

  28. 使用弹性半空间或有限层理论分析土节点间的相互作用。

    The interaction between soil elements can be analyzed by elastic semi-space or finite layer theory .

  29. 试验表明,土筋间的剪切关系服从莫尔&库伦理论;

    The results have shown that the shear relationship between soil and reinforcement obeys to Mohr-Coulomb theory .

  30. 由于土料间存在孔隙,在坝体自重和水荷载作用下,坝体和地基(土基)都会由于压缩而产生沉陷。

    The dam body and foundation will sink under their self weight and water load besides the space between earth granules .