
  • 网络geomembrane
  1. 防波堤复合土工薄膜防渗隔热研究

    A study on impervious and heat insulating performance of geomembrane composites within breakwater

  2. 结果表明,复合土工薄膜的防渗隔热效果是相当显著的。

    The results indicate that the impervious and heat insulation effect of geomembrane composites is significant .

  3. 论土工薄膜防渗结构&推广新技术,降低土石坝工程造价

    Application of Geomembrane to Reduce the Cost of Earth-Rock Dams

  4. 复合土工薄膜防渗材料在土坝施工中的应用

    The Application of Impermeable Material-Composite Geomembrane in Earth Dam Construction

  5. 将复合式土工薄膜用作坝上游的防渗铺盖

    The Complex Geomembranes Used for the Front Seepage Control Bedding of a Dam

  6. 复合土工薄膜的隔热特性

    Thermal insulating property of geotextile / geomembrane composite