- soil genus

Variation characteristics of nutrient status of four soil genus in Zhejiang Province
A classification with four categories , i.e. , soil group , soil subgroup , soil genus , and soil type , was established , using the theory of pedogenesis .
The results showed that exchangeable capacity of Ca and Mg in cultivated soil varied significantly in different genera , and the ratios of Ca / Mg in topsoil were mainly influenced by parent materials and other soil formation factors .
Among the factors , elevation , type of rock , type of soil , landuse , PC 4 and PC 2 ( two indexes of vegetation coverage ) are considered as the most important variables for predicting soil OM .
Application of soil basic classification information on soil quality evaluation
Based on these , twenty one soil groups of eastern Sichuan were evaluated .
The soil which is mainly composed of middle and heavy clayey loam belongs to sub-laterite .
The same type of soil has different parent rocks , then the organic carbon content is also different .
Besides , the background values of these elements obviously have mobile and cumulative features in the red soil genus .
Through variance analysis , it is verified that there are differences at different degrees in some elements among the soil types .
Background data of 8 heavy metals in agricultural soils classified according to soil basic categories and limited within a suburban district were studied .
The results show that the plate-like saline soil is collapsible soil , and the coefficient of collapsibility increases with the increase of the salinity .
Status of exchangeable Ca , Mg , Fe , Mn , Cu and Zn contents in different soil genus in cultivated soils of Shenyang suburbs , China
The soft soil in Fuzhou area , which is epi-medium salt affected soil , is of the sedimentation of Holocene delta facies of river mouth and bay with high content of soluble salt .
Soil saline classification showed that halomorphic soil was a kind of severe salinized soil , chernozem soil was a kind of non-salinized soil , and meadow soil was a kind of light salinized soil .
The deposit type of bentonites could be easily classified on the base of feature of the third endothermal valley and the exothermal peak .
The regional engineering site within the city limits permitted by - 15m belongs to the wear site , being of Grade IV building site .
The pollens of the Apios species that distributes in East Asia are diverse and their primitive and evolutional types coexist , which indicates that East Asia is probably the birthplace and evolution center .
The dump of surface mine in the Loess Plateau is the typical artificial piled landforms , with the unique shapes , and significant difference in the laws of soil-rock dispersion , transportation and deposition compared with the soil erosion of the original undisturbed landforms .
The basic research on Linze Grassland Ecological Test Station owning 280 hm 2 salinity grassland showed that contents of salt in soil were about 3.6 g per 100 g dry soil , it was salinity soil which was mainly sulphate salt .
Bentonite ore is a lack mineral in Guizhou .
So , the factor of parent material should be considered in the family category in the classification of paddy soil .
A marmot ( Marmota caligata ) of the mountains of northwest North America , having a grayish coat and a shrill , whistling cry .
Classification of Earth and its Criteria in Guizhou
The effect of potassium application on yield gain in brown purple soil was not significant .
The studies on the relation of the soil-forming parent materials to the soil families in Jiangsu
Through soil spectral and chemical analysis , it is found that the brown soil in Dongling Xiang , Zhaoyuan , Shangdong is sandy loam .
The results obtained showed that the qualitative interpretation accuracies were 98.6 % , 92.5 % , and 86.3 % respectively at the level of great group , subgroup , and genus .
Potential yield of three paddy soils , which account for 80 % of paddy soil areas , is about 13510.5kg/ha under the wheat-single rice cropping system .
The electromagnetic spectra of four soils distributed in eastern part of Gansu Province were tested .