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  • soil genus
土属[tǔ shǔ]
  1. 浙江省水稻土四大土属土壤养分状况及变化特征

    Variation characteristics of nutrient status of four soil genus in Zhejiang Province

  2. 中国油茶林地土壤类型的划分,为油茶林地选择及土壤管理提供重要的科学依据。本文应用土壤发生学分类方法,建立了土类、亚类、土属、类型四级分类系统。

    A classification with four categories , i.e. , soil group , soil subgroup , soil genus , and soil type , was established , using the theory of pedogenesis .

  3. 结果表明:不同土属耕层土壤中Ca、Mg交换量有较大差别,交换性Ca/Mg的比值主要受母质等成土因素的影响;

    The results showed that exchangeable capacity of Ca and Mg in cultivated soil varied significantly in different genera , and the ratios of Ca / Mg in topsoil were mainly influenced by parent materials and other soil formation factors .

  4. 其中,高程、岩石类型、土属类型和反映植被覆盖度的PC4、PC2以及土地利用类型对于研究区土壤OM等级预测更为重要。

    Among the factors , elevation , type of rock , type of soil , landuse , PC 4 and PC 2 ( two indexes of vegetation coverage ) are considered as the most important variables for predicting soil OM .

  5. 土属信息在土壤质量评价中的应用探讨

    Application of soil basic classification information on soil quality evaluation

  6. 并在土壤肥力因子分级基础上,应用标准综合级别法对四川东部地区21个土属进行了土壤肥力评价。

    Based on these , twenty one soil groups of eastern Sichuan were evaluated .

  7. 该土属红壤亚类,土壤质地以中壤土和重壤土为主,氮、磷及有机质含量中等偏下。

    The soil which is mainly composed of middle and heavy clayey loam belongs to sub-laterite .

  8. 同类土壤的不同土属土壤,其有机碳含量也有明显的差异的。

    The same type of soil has different parent rocks , then the organic carbon content is also different .

  9. 同时这些元素存在土层纵向和土属之间的分异,而且在红壤土属中存在明显的迁移和累积特点。

    Besides , the background values of these elements obviously have mobile and cumulative features in the red soil genus .

  10. 经方差分析,各土属间几种元素都有不同程度差异。

    Through variance analysis , it is verified that there are differences at different degrees in some elements among the soil types .

  11. 以县区为单位,以土属为单元,对农业土壤中8种重金属元素背景值进行研究。

    Background data of 8 heavy metals in agricultural soils classified according to soil basic categories and limited within a suburban district were studied .

  12. 试验结果表明:板块状盐渍土属溶陷性土,随着含盐量的增大,溶陷系数增大;

    The results show that the plate-like saline soil is collapsible soil , and the coefficient of collapsibility increases with the increase of the salinity .

  13. 沈阳市郊耕地不同土属交换态钙镁铁锰铜锌含量状况的分析

    Status of exchangeable Ca , Mg , Fe , Mn , Cu and Zn contents in different soil genus in cultivated soils of Shenyang suburbs , China

  14. 福州地区软土属全新世时期的河,海湾三角洲相沉积。易溶盐含量较高,属弱-中等盐渍土;

    The soft soil in Fuzhou area , which is epi-medium salt affected soil , is of the sedimentation of Holocene delta facies of river mouth and bay with high content of soluble salt .

  15. 土壤盐化分级结果为,盐碱土属重度盐化土,黑钙土属非盐化土,草甸土属轻度盐化土。

    Soil saline classification showed that halomorphic soil was a kind of severe salinized soil , chernozem soil was a kind of non-salinized soil , and meadow soil was a kind of light salinized soil .

  16. 根据第三吸热谷与放热峰这两个效应的峰间隔差和形态变化对供试膨润土进行属型划分简单易行。

    The deposit type of bentonites could be easily classified on the base of feature of the third endothermal valley and the exothermal peak .

  17. 资料表明,市区-15m范围内区域工程场地土类型属软弱场地土,为Ⅳ类建筑场地;

    The regional engineering site within the city limits permitted by - 15m belongs to the wear site , being of Grade IV building site .

  18. 土儿属东亚分布种的花粉类型较为多样,原始和进化2种类型并存,表明东亚可能是土儿属的起源地和演化中心。

    The pollens of the Apios species that distributes in East Asia are diverse and their primitive and evolutional types coexist , which indicates that East Asia is probably the birthplace and evolution center .

  19. 黄土区露天矿排土场属典型的人工堆垫地貌,其形态独特,岩土分散、搬运、沉积规律与原地貌黄土侵蚀迥然不同。

    The dump of surface mine in the Loess Plateau is the typical artificial piled landforms , with the unique shapes , and significant difference in the laws of soil-rock dispersion , transportation and deposition compared with the soil erosion of the original undisturbed landforms .

  20. 对拥有280hm2盐渍化草地的临泽草地生态试验站的基本研究表明,土壤盐分含量3.6g/100g干土左右,属硫酸盐为主的盐渍化土壤。

    The basic research on Linze Grassland Ecological Test Station owning 280 hm 2 salinity grassland showed that contents of salt in soil were about 3.6 g per 100 g dry soil , it was salinity soil which was mainly sulphate salt .

  21. 膨润土矿尚属本省缺门矿种。

    Bentonite ore is a lack mineral in Guizhou .

  22. 红壤性水稻土分类中土属的划分必须对母质因素加以充分考虑。

    So , the factor of parent material should be considered in the family category in the classification of paddy soil .

  23. 一种北美洲西北部山区的旱獭,(暗旱獭土拨鼠属)属,具有灰色毛发,其叫声尖厉、高亢。

    A marmot ( Marmota caligata ) of the mountains of northwest North America , having a grayish coat and a shrill , whistling cry .

  24. 贵州土类及其判属

    Classification of Earth and its Criteria in Guizhou

  25. 同一土类不同土属施钾效应有差异,紫色土类棕紫泥上施钾效应不显著。

    The effect of potassium application on yield gain in brown purple soil was not significant .

  26. 江苏省的成土母质及其与土属类型关系的研究

    The studies on the relation of the soil-forming parent materials to the soil families in Jiangsu

  27. 通过野外、室内一定数量的光谱测试及其化学成分鉴定,详细地分析和研究山东招远东良乡潮棕壤土光谱特点,认为该土属沙土和沃土的混合。

    Through soil spectral and chemical analysis , it is found that the brown soil in Dongling Xiang , Zhaoyuan , Shangdong is sandy loam .

  28. 经试验,土类、亚类与土属的定性精度依次为98.6%,92.5%及86.3%。

    The results obtained showed that the qualitative interpretation accuracies were 98.6 % , 92.5 % , and 86.3 % respectively at the level of great group , subgroup , and genus .

  29. 占丹阳市水稻土类80%面积的三种水稻土属的自然生产潜力在种植小麦&单季稻两熟时基本上为13510.5kg/ha。

    Potential yield of three paddy soils , which account for 80 % of paddy soil areas , is about 13510.5kg/ha under the wheat-single rice cropping system .

  30. 对分布于甘肃省东部的黑壤土、灰褐土、黄绵土、新积土4个土类的7个土属进行电磁波谱测试。

    The electromagnetic spectra of four soils distributed in eastern part of Gansu Province were tested .