
chuàn zǐ
  • a string ;receipt for goods in a storehouse
  • a string of
串子 [chuàn zǐ]
  • [a string of ] 连贯起来的东西

  • 钱串子

  1. 有时他们带着满钵子的、或用草穿起来的长串的莓子到来。他们坐在小枞树旁边,说:“嗨,这个小东西是多么可爱啊!”而这株树一点也不愿意听这话。

    Sometimes the children would bring a large basket of raspberries or strawberries , wreathed on a straw , and seat themselves near the fir-tree , and say , " Is it not a pretty little tree ? " which made it feel more unhappy than before .

  2. 该算法分为三个主要步骤&建立后缀树,寻找公共子串,连接公共子串。

    There are three major steps : establish suffix tree , search for common strings and link common strings .

  3. 关于一个串为正则语言中某串的子串的判定算法

    Algorithm for deciding whether a string is a substring of the string which belongs to a regular language

  4. 应该说,近似匹配是精确匹配的变种和发展,也就是按照一定的近似标准在文本串中找出与模式串相匹配的子串。

    Approximate string matching is an extension of the string matching problem which can been simply described as the type of allowing errors ( differences ) between pattern and substring of the text .