
  • 网络series reactor
  1. 两级串联反应器的平均表面负荷为NH+4N3~4g/(m2·d),总的全程自养脱氮率达70%左右。

    The average surface load of two reactors in series was NH + 4 N 3 ~ 4 g / ( m 2 · d ), and the general autotrophic ammonium removal efficiency was about 70 % .

  2. 微机在多釜串联反应器设计计算中的应用

    Application of Microcomputer in the Calculation of Tanks-in-series Reactor

  3. 混合多级串联反应器在草甘膦生产中的设计和应用

    Design and Application of Mix-multi-joint-reactor in Glyphosate Production

  4. 多釜串联反应器中平行&连串反应的优化

    Optimization of tanks-in-series reactor with parallel-consecutive reaction

  5. 缩合反应采用两个串联反应器,反应停留时间2小时,反应温度-2~6.5℃;

    Two series reactors were employed at retention period 2 hours and the temperature was - 2 ~ 6.5 ℃ .

  6. 针对串联反应器铁离子浓度缺失问题,提出了基于一阶动力学与平均插值的铁离子浓度插值方法。

    And aimed at the undetection of iron concentration of the central reactor in CSTR , the interpolation method for iron concentration combined first order kinetics with average interpolation algorithm was proposed .

  7. 介绍并讨论了近期开发的流化催化裂化反应器,包括两段串联反应器、双提升管反应器、下行式反应器、多段进料反应器以及新型提升管反应器端口结构技术。

    Recent reactors for fluid catalytic cracking ( FCC ) process are introduced , including two-staged reactors in series , dual-riser reactor , down-flow reactor , multiple-staged feeding reactor , and new structures of the inlet and outlet of the riser reactor .

  8. 自交换串联环流反应器系统及其在H2S脱除中的应用

    Automatic intercycle loop reactor system and its application for hydrogen sulfide absorption from natural gas

  9. 首先分析了反应器的混合模式,研究认为预聚釜可视作全混流(CSTR)反应器,后聚釜可视为CSTR与平推流(PFR)串联的反应器。

    First of all , the flow behaviors in the industrial reactors are investigated , and the results indicate that the pre-polymerization reactors might be simplified as CSTR models , and that the post-polymerization might be simplified as CSTR and PFR models in series .

  10. 串联流化床反应器冷态实验研究

    Study on a cold condition for a serial fluidized bed reactor

  11. 在基准条件下,对气液串联放电反应器中悬浮活性炭对降解有机污染物的作用进行了评价。

    In standard conditions , the effects of suspended activated carbon particles in gas-liquid series electrical discharge reactor were evaluated for the degradation of organic contaminants .

  12. 为了提供铂重整工业装置的设计数据及操作指标,进行了三个和四个串联绝热反应器的中型试验。

    In order to obtain the process design data of platforming plant , the pilot plant studies have been made in a multiple adiabatic reactor system containing three or four reactors in series .

  13. R-X图解法计算多级串联理想混合反应器

    Calculation of continuous stirred tank reactor of multistage-series by R-X graph method

  14. 多级串联釜式反应器的优化设计

    Optimized Design of Multi - stage Series Reactor

  15. 利用纤维原料在串联式生物反应器中协同酶解发酵乳酸

    Simultaneously Saccharification and Lactic Acid Fermentation for Using Cellulosic Material as Raw Material in a Coupling Bioreactor

  16. 多级串联悬浮床反应器系统中自絮凝颗粒酵母乙醇连续发酵耦合废糟液直接全循环使用的研究

    Continuous Ethanol Fermentation Using Self-flocculating Yeast in Multi-stage Suspended Bioreactors Coupled with Directly Recycling of Waste Distillage

  17. 两段串联提升管反应器是为适应两段提升管催化裂化新工艺技术而研究开发的一种新型高效反应器。

    The reactor of two staged riser in series is developed into a new type of riser reactor with improved efficiency .

  18. 针铁矿法沉铁通过在五个串联连续搅拌反应器中分别通入氧气和添加焙砂,使溶液中的铁离子以针铁矿的形式沉淀。

    In iron precipitation process , iron ions are deposited as goethite in five continuous stirred tank reactors ( CSTR ) in series using zinc calcine and oxygen .

  19. 从传统的两级串联固定床反应器到流化床反应器,再到复合床反应器,数学建模和计算机模拟分析一直是工业反应器放大和操作优化过程中一个有效的辅助方法。

    Mathematical modeling and simulation analysis played an important role in scale-up of reactors and operation optimization , from traditional two-stage fixed-bed reactor to fluidized bed reactor and compound reactor .

  20. 在串联式生物反应器中,将纤维原料酶水解与固定化乳酸杆菌发酵相耦联,纤维素的酶解产物葡萄糖被有效转化成乳酸,纤维素对乳酸的转化率和乳酸产率分别为70.3%和0.713g?

    The glucose from cellulose hydrolysis could be converted to lactic acid effectively by the immobilized Lactobacillus delbrueckii cells , and the yield and productivity of lactic acid were 70.3 % and 0.713 g ?

  21. 对于多级串联釜式反应器,以反应器的总体积最小为目标函数,利用图解法,确定各釜最佳的出口转化率,从而计算各釜体积。

    Taking minimum total volume of the reactor as the objective function , and making use of graphic method , to determine the optimized outlet conversion rate and based on this to calculate the volume of each multi-stage series reactor .

  22. 论文针对环己烷液相无催化氧化的五釜串联鼓泡搅拌反应器生产装置(BSTR),建立了氧化装置的过程数学模型。

    A model of five-bubble-stirred-tank reactor ( BSTR ) for industrial uncatalyzed oxidation process of cyclohexane was established to predict and optimize the the industrial production .

  23. 事实证明通过一系列多级串联连续流动搅拌反应器的混合能够获得高产率和重大的经济效益。

    It was shown that considerable gains in production rate and economics can be achieved by passing the reacting mixture through a series of CSTRs .