
  • 网络slurry bed reactor;slurry reactor;SBCR;slurry phase reactor
  1. 浆态床反应器中熔铁催化剂的费托合成反应性能

    Performance of Fused-Iron Catalyst in Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in Slurry Reactor

  2. 浆态床反应器有很好的移除反应热的作用;两段反应器的设置利于改善醇合成的效果。

    Slurry reactor has a good effect to remove the heat of reaction ; two reactors in series helps to improve alcohols synthesis effects .

  3. 低温技术则包括早期的Arge管式固定床反应器技术和新开发的浆态床反应器技术。

    And low temperature technique includes Arge Tubular Fixed Bed process and slurry Plase Bed Process that is a newly exploitation .

  4. 操作变量对大型浆态床反应器流体力学特性的影响

    Effect of operating variables on hydrodynamics in large scale slurry bubble column reactor

  5. 浆态床反应器中含氮合成气合成二甲醚的研究

    The Study of Direct Synthesis of DME from Syngas Containing N_2 in Slurry-Bed Reactor

  6. 浆液外循环过滤分离费托合成浆态床反应器研究开发

    Slurry-bed Reactor Research and Development of External Slurry Circulation Filtering Separation of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis

  7. 外环流浆态床反应器浆液循环速度的研究

    Slurry Circulating Velocity in an External-Loop Slurry Reactor

  8. 费托合成浆态床反应器的温度动态响应分析

    Analysis of the Dynamic Temperature Response for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis in Slurry Bubble Column Reactors

  9. 运用神经网络预测浆态床反应器气含率和体积气液传质系数射流柱气液传质数模研究和扩散系数测定

    Predict Gas Holdup and Volumetric Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer Coefficient of Slurry Bubble Column Reactor by Means of Neural Network

  10. 采用建立数学模型的方法在鼓泡浆态床反应器体系中讨论了传质对费托合成反应行为的影响。

    A mathematic model was established to discuss effects of mass transfer on Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in slurry bubble column reactor .

  11. 在温度240-280℃、压力5.0MPa的反应条件下,考察了浆态床反应器中甲醇脱水催化剂和甲醇合成催化剂的稳定性。

    Ability of methanol dehydration and methanol synthesis hybrid catalyst in slurry bed was investigated under reaction conditions of 240-280 ℃ and 5.0 MPa .

  12. 浆液循环速度是外环流浆态床反应器研究中一个重要的流体力学参数,对流体的流动行为和相间传质有重要的影响。

    Liquid circulation rate and gas holdup in an air-lift loop reactor were experimentally investigated as changing with the superficial gas velocity for the system of air-water .

  13. 相对于鼓泡床反应器,强制内循环浆态床反应器内煤粉的径向流速更均匀,能够减少或避免大密度固体颗粒在反应器内的沉积现象;

    The forced inner recycling reactor is better than bubbling reactor because it can alleviate or avoid the deposition of solid particles with high density due to the uniform distribution of velocity .

  14. 目前鼓泡塔或浆态床反应器大型化已成为煤化工与石油天然气化工的发展趋势,相关的放大问题和过程强化问题取决于对塔内流体力学规律的了解与把握。

    At present , more and more large scale reactors become the tendency in coal , natural gas and petrochemical industries . Hydrodynamics of bubble column is the key for scale-up and process intensification .

  15. 气体分布器对浆态床环流反应器内流体流动特性影响的研究

    Influences of gas distributors on hydrodynamic characteristics in slurry loop reactor

  16. 浆态床FT合成反应器的固液分离现状和进展

    Status and progress of Slurry Fischer-Tropsch reactor solids-liquid separation techniques

  17. 加压浆态鼓泡床反应器中部分流体力学特性的研究

    The Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Slurry Bubble Column Reactors with Elevated Pressure

  18. 浆态鼓泡床反应器的混沌性研究

    Study of chaos characteristic in the slurry bubble column reactor

  19. 浆态鼓泡床反应器气液传质特性的研究进展

    Progress on Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer in Slurry Bubble Column Reactor

  20. 喷管分布器大型浆态鼓泡床反应器气含率的研究

    Gas Holdup in Large Scale Slurry Bubble Column Reactor with Jet Sparger

  21. 浆态床鼓泡反应器流体力学的研究进展

    Progress of Hydrodynamics in Slurry Bubble Column Reactor

  22. 本文总结了有关浆态鼓泡床反应器气液传质特性的研究成果。

    The characteristic of gas-liquid mass transfer in slurry bubble column reactor ( SBCR ) is reviewed .

  23. 基于动量平衡建立了预测气含率和浆液循环速度的流体力学模型,并成功用于一步法二甲醚合成的气升式循环浆态床中试反应器的设计。

    A hydrodynamic model for predicting the gas holdup and suspension circulation velocity was developed for ALSR based on momentum balance , and was successfully used to design a pilot scale ALSR for direct synthesis dimethyl ether from syngas .

  24. 浆态床低压甲醇合成反应器的数模分析与设计(I)&催化剂颗粒床层轴向分布

    Mathematical modeling and design of a slurry reactor for threephase methanol synthesis under low pressure ( I ) Distribution of catalyst particles in a slurry bubble column

  25. 多相催化过程在化学工业中占有重要地位,传统固定床和浆态床等多相反应器在化工生产中应用广泛,但面临着不容忽视的问题与挑战。

    Heterogeneous catalysis process plays an important role in the chemical industry . The traditional multi-phase reactors such as the fixed bed and the slurry bed reactor are widely used in the chemical production , but the problems and challenges they faces can not be ignored .