
  • 网络petroleum cracking;petroleum cracking process;cracking of oil
  1. GB9948-1988石油裂化用无缝钢管

    Seamless steel tubes for petroleum cracking

  2. 用于单晶炉、冶金铸造、石油裂化及空间技术耐烧蚀、耐高温隔热材料;

    Used for single crystal furnace , metallurgical casting , petroleum cracking and space technology antiablative , high temperature resistant heat insulation materials ;

  3. 它是作石油裂化催化剂和吸附剂的有前景的新材料。

    It is a new material of potential interest as catalyst and absorbent .

  4. 利用升温升压后,可将石油裂化成轻镏分或重镏分。

    With the use of the increased temperature and pressure , the oil is cracked into lighter or heavier fractions .

  5. 由于其优良的吸附和催化性能,在石油裂化、催化重整、芳构化等过程中有着广阔的应用前景。

    It has the wide foreground of use in the processes of petroleum cracking 、 catalyse reforming and aromatization etc. , because of its excellent adsorption and catalyse performance .

  6. 稀土催化剂是一种稳定性好、选择性高、加工周期短的很活泼的催化剂。其在石油裂化催化剂、汽车尾气净化催化剂、化肥催化剂等方面具有广泛的应用。

    Rare earth catalysts featuring good stability , high selectivity , short processing cycle and great activity have been widely used as catalysts for oil cracking , auto tail gas purification and chemical fertilizer production .

  7. 本文以石油催化裂化废催化剂作为废水中镉的吸附剂,探讨了吸附时间、温度、pH值、吸附剂用量对吸附效果的影响。

    The adsorption property of waste FCC catalyst for Cd 2 + is studied . The effects of adsorption time , temperature , pH and the adsorbent dose on adsorption are inspected .

  8. 不过石油催化裂化仍是其最大的用途。

    However , catalytic cracking of crude oil remains its largest application .

  9. 石油催化裂化重质产物部分替代煤液化循环溶剂的研究

    Processing of coal liquefaction recycling solvent substituted partially by petroleum FCC heavy products

  10. 石油催化裂化反应中生成附着在催化剂表面的碳的单质或化合物会隔绝石油与催化剂的接触,从而使催化剂的选择性、活性降低。

    Carbon or its compound formed in the process of oil catalytic cracking reaction , adhering on the catalysts surface , can prevent oil and catalyst from contact with each other . So , the selectivity and activity of the catalyst declined .

  11. 华东石油学院催化裂化基础研究三十年

    Basic studies on catalytic cracking at East China Petroleum Institute during the last thirty years

  12. 近年来,应用于石油化工催化裂化装置中的外取热器管束多次发生失效,严重影响了生产的正常进行。

    Failure to heat removing tube of external heat collector affects severely the run of the refinery .

  13. 以石油系催化裂化渣油为原料,调制出可纺性的中间相沥青,并纺出均匀的中间相沥青纤维。

    Spinnable mesophase pitch was prepared from catalytic cracking residue of petroleum and uniform mesophase pitch carbon fibre ( MPPCF ) was obtained .

  14. 烟气轮机是石油炼厂催化裂化装置能量回收系统的关键设备,并且长期在高速、高温环境下运行,机组振动较大。

    Flue gas turbine , as a typical example of refineries catalysis cracking device , is a key oil refineries energy recovery equipment , it works under high-speed and high-temperature operating environment in a very long time , and the vibration of the working set is biggish .

  15. 介绍了脱硫醇活化剂KTL-1在武汉石油化工厂催化裂化汽油脱硫醇装置上进行工业应用试验的情况,并与ZH-22活化剂应用情况进行了比较。

    A gasoline sweetening cocatalyst KTL-1 for fixed bed reactor was tested in Wuhan Petrochemical Works'sweetening unit and compared with cocatalyst ZH-22 .

  16. 针对美国RESCO公司隔热衬里材料RS9和耐磨衬里材料RS17E用于石油化工厂催化裂化装置制定了一整套施工程序,提出了各工序的注意事项,从而确保了施工质量。

    A set of construction procedure has been made based on RS-9 insulating liner material and RS-17E abrasive liner material which are used in catalytic cracking equipments of petrochemical plants . It points out notices for each process and ensures construction quality .

  17. 针对哈尔滨炼油厂重油催化裂化汽油液&液抽提氧化法精制系统存在的硫酸较难脱除、汽油带碱等问题,采用石油大学重油催化裂化汽油MCSP脱臭工艺,对该系统进行技术改造。

    MCSP deodorization process developed by the Petroleum University is used in technical modification of the cat gasoline liquid liquid extraction refining system in Harbin refinery to remove mercaptan and alkali in gasoline .

  18. 石油二厂催化裂化柴油化学方法脱硫

    Desulfuration for Catalytic Cracking Diesel Oil From No.2 Refinery

  19. 本实验采用纯糠醛为溶剂对石油二厂催化裂化回炼油浆进行了芳烃抽提小试考察。

    The properties of the catalytic cracking slurry ( FCC slurry ) extracted with furfurol at different temperatures and in solvent slurry ratio were determined .

  20. 采用离线调优的方法,对石油一厂催化裂化反再系统的操作条件进行了优化计算,建立了较精确的生产过程数学模型。

    The operation conditions of the reacting-regeneration system of fluid catalytic cracking in Refinery No 1 were calculated and the process modeling was established using the method of out - line optimization .

  21. 探讨石油馏分的催化裂化反应及影响催化裂化汽油辛烷值的主要因素,评述了催化裂化辛烷值助剂技术的近期进展。

    The catalytic cracking reactions of petroleum distillates and chief factors that influence the octane number of FCC ( fluidized catalytic cracking ) gasoline are discussed . Recent progress in the octane enhancer technology of FCC is reviewed .

  22. 抚顺石化分公司石油一厂催化裂化装置再生器、三旋等设备及烟气管道,由于应力腐蚀,致使器壁和管壁产生了大量裂纹。

    The equipments of regenerator , third stage cyclone etc , and flue gas pipe of catalytic cracker in the first refinery of Fushun petrochemical company , occured a great quantity of crack on the shell wall and pipe wall caused by stress corrosion .

  23. 本文回顾了近三十年来华东石油学院炼制系所做的有关石油馏份催化裂化的基础研究工作。

    The basic studies on catalytic cracking of petroleum fractions made at the Department of Chemical Engineering of East China Petroleum Institute during the last thirty years are reviewed in this paper .

  24. 石油被称为工业的血液和全球经济的命脉,2050年前全球的首要能源仍然是石油。催化裂化是重质油轻质化的一个主要炼油工艺,是石油加工工业的标志和支柱。

    Oil is the blood of the industry and the lifeline of the globe economy still it is the first essential energy of the world before 2050.Catalytic cracking is a main oil refining technique of making heavy oil lighter , and the mark and pillar of oil refining industry .