
  • 网络coated fabric;PVC coated fabrics
  1. 篷盖织物基布及涂层布撕裂性能研究

    The ground fabric for covering-use cloth and the tearing performance after coated

  2. 超细无机粉体对涂层玻纤布耐碱性能的影响

    Study on High Alkali-Resistance of Coating Glass Fabrics with Ultrafine Powder

  3. 浆点涂层非织造布粘合衬质量探讨

    Quality of Paste Dot Coating of Nonwovens Fusible Interlinings

  4. 核壳型丙烯酸酯乳液涂层玻璃纤维布的耐碱性能

    Study on the Alkali-Resistance of Glass Fabrics with Polyacrylate Core-Shell Emulsion Coatings

  5. 讨论核壳比、水的用量对乳液性能和涂层玻璃纤维布耐碱性能的影响。

    The influence of ratio of core and shell components and water content on the emulsion performance and alkali resistance property of the glass fabric coating by this emulsion are discussed .

  6. 环保型阻燃剂CH在纯棉织物上的涂层整理工艺纯棉布耐碱性强,可用各种肥皂及洗涤剂洗涤。

    Environmental Fire Retardent Agent CH Used in Cotton Coating Finishing Sex of alkali resistance of pure cotton cloth is strong , can use all sorts of soap and scour catharsis .

  7. 控制系统以8031单片机为主机,通过拨盘设定涂层厚度、膏布长度,实现闭环控制。

    The system uses 8031 single chip computer as host computer and the thumbwheels as setting device for coating thickness and length for closed loop control .

  8. 用此共聚乳液作棉织物涂层剂时涂层布在60℃下不发粘、-10℃下无裂痕;

    With this copolymer emulsion as a coating agent for cotton fabric , the fabric is not sticky under 60 ℃ and has no crack under - 10 ℃ .

  9. 玻璃纤维网格布在建筑方面的应用日益增多,网布的表面涂上高分子涂层可以提高网布抗碱腐蚀和承受复杂应力的能力。

    More and more fiberglass mesh were applied in architecture , it could improve the ability of alkali resistance and strength of fiberglass mesh by coating the mesh with emulsion polymer .

  10. 文中介绍以国产丙烯酸酯类涂层剂LF为原料,生产涤纶薄织物精细防水涂层功能布的工艺技术,并对加工过程中的关键性技术问题进行探讨。

    The author describes the coating technology and investigates some cruxes for processing thin polyester fabric with home-made acrylate coating agent LF .