
tú dǐ qī
  • priming;undercoat;padding
  1. 车主用劲擦除锈斑。除锈-涂底漆联合作业机

    The car owner scoured at rusted spots cleaning and priming machine

  2. 发现稀土化合物确实能提高硅橡胶与刷涂底漆的HMXCMDB推进剂或AlRDXCMDB推进剂之间的粘接强度,并且硅橡胶与HMXCMDB推进剂粘接的剪切破坏形式为硅橡胶本身的内聚破坏。

    It is discovered that rare earth compounds added into silicone substrate can certainly increase bonding strength between RTV Silicone rubber and HMX-CMDB propellant or Al-RDX-CMDB propellent coated with the primer , and the failure mode of shear samples is cohesive failure of silicone rubber itself .

  3. 为标记区域和中的粘结车身法兰涂底漆。

    Prime bonded body flanges in the marked areas and .

  4. 聚酚氧预涂底漆的研制

    The Preparation of Phenoxy Precoating Primer reactive oxygen species

  5. 用于涂锌底漆钢板的药芯焊丝

    Flux cored electrode developed for zinc primer - painted steel plate

  6. 车用预涂防腐底漆钢板的研发和应用

    Development and Application of Anti-Corrosive Primer Pre-Coated Steel Plate for Automobile

  7. 油漆这木制东西前,你得先在上面涂上底漆。

    You must prime the wood before you paint it .

  8. 在可靠近的区域内,两边都涂上底漆。

    Prime on both sides in the accessible areas .

  9. 只能将车身密封胶涂抹在涂过底漆的钣金件上。

    Only apply body sealant to primed sheetmetal parts .

  10. 可根据车辆颜色代码喷涂所有已涂过底漆的零件。

    All ready-primed parts can be painted according to the vehicle 's colour code .

  11. 道路机动车辆或拖拉机底板车用预涂防腐底漆钢板的研发和应用

    Floorboard for road motor vehicles or tractors Development and Application of Anti-Corrosive Primer Pre-Coated Steel Plate for Automobile

  12. 厨房橱柜后挡板区域墙上被涂上底漆和磁性黑板漆,这使它能完美的书写留便条。

    The backsplash behind the desk area in the kitchen was painted with magnetic primer and chalkboard paint , which makes it the perfect spot to leave notes .

  13. 水性辊涂实色底漆的配方设计及应用

    Formulation Design and Application of Waterborne Roller Coating Solid Color Primer

  14. 作为环氧地坪涂料系列的中间漆,涂于封闭底漆或腻子之上,用来增加漆膜厚度和涂层的平整性。涂料机,用于油毡加工中为其底层织物、纸板或其他物品上胶

    For intermediate paint in epoxy floor coating series on sealer or putty to increase film thickness and smoothness . coating machine , linoleum-manufacturing , for applying paste to base fabric paperboard or other support

  15. 彩涂板用环氧底漆的研制

    Epoxy Primer Used in Color Steel Sheet

  16. 涂底料,底漆涂在某一表面上的底漆或底料黑铅第一度船底防锈漆

    A preliminary coat of paint or size applied to a surface . black lead first coating anticorrosive

  17. 当建桥用的钢运抵旧金山时,为了进一步粉刷已经被涂了一层底漆。

    When the steel to be used for the bridge arrived in San Francisco , it was already painted with a base coat to prepare the steel for more paint .

  18. 那时,大多桥梁都被粉刷为灰色、棕色和黑色,但莫洛将这座桥涂成了与底漆类似的“国际标准橘色”,不仅在雾中可见,它还与天空和海湾形成对比而更具魅力。

    Back then , most bridges were coated in grey , brown , and black , but Morrow had it painted in " international orange , " similar to the color of the base coat . Not only is international orange visible in fogs , it also complements and contrasts with the blues of the sky and the bay .