
  • 网络Demand shock;demand impact
  1. 我国供给和需求冲击的区域差异效应研究&基于结构VAR的分析

    Differential Regional Effects of Supply and Demand Shock in China Based on Structural VAR

  2. 引入供给冲击优于引入需求冲击。

    Supply shock works better than demand shock .

  3. 本文以VAR模型分析包括中国在内的9个东亚国家与地区总需求冲击和总供给冲击的对称性,并通过与欧洲经验数据的比较,判断东亚实现区域货币联盟的可行性。

    The paper analyses the symmetry in aggregate demand shocks and aggregate supply shocks in nine Asian countries and regions including China with VAR approach , and assesses the feasibility for east Asia to realize regional monetary union on the basis of comparison with European experience .

  4. 工业产值的波动受供给冲击和需求冲击的双重影响。

    Fluctuations in industrial output are influenced by supply shocks and demand shocks .

  5. 经济周期不同阶段中总供给和总需求冲击具有不同的作用机制。

    Aggregate supply and demand shocks in different stages of business cycle have different mechanisms .

  6. 社会服务机构都在争先恐后地满足未来几年开展的需求冲击。

    Social service agencies are scrambling to meet the onslaught of demands unfolding over the coming years .

  7. 外部需求冲击与中国投资波动基于冲击传导关联的实证分析

    External Demand Shocks and China Investments Fluctuation : Empirical Study Based on the Connection of " Shocks-Transmission "

  8. 需求冲击无论在短期还是在长期,对通胀率的影响幅度较大。

    Nevertheless demand shocks have significant effects on inflation either in the long run or in the short run .

  9. 进一步讲,指数化投资的需求冲击是持久的,对股票价格形成了持久的压力。

    Furthermore , demand shocks can be permanently incorporated in asset prices , which give stock price permanent pressure .

  10. 这种收益既可能来自于突发的供给冲击,也可能是由其本身或作为其它商品的中间产品所面临的需求冲击所引发。

    It may come from gusty supply shocks , or be triggered by the demand impact of itself or intermediate goods .

  11. 其中,非货币因素包括金融系统信用收缩、外部需求冲击以及实体经济结构性因素。

    And the non-monetary factors include financial system credit contraction , external demand shock , and the real economy structural factors .

  12. 如果价格粘性较弱,反周期的货币需求冲击能够起到稳定经济增长的作用;

    If the stickiness of price is week , the impact of counter-cycle money demands will be able to stabilize economic growth ;

  13. 随着石油消费增速今年升至30年来的次高水平,市场正在经历一场“需求冲击”。

    The market is undergoing a " demand shock " as consumption growth this year accelerates to the second-highest level in 30 years .

  14. 采矿业无疑经历了一次需求冲击,价格(至少是名义价格)大幅飙升。

    The mining industry has definitely experienced a demand shock , and prices , in nominal terms at least , are through the roof .

  15. 在识别出供给冲击和需求冲击后,发现只有供给冲击对产出产生永久性影响,需求冲击对产出的影响很小;

    By identification between supply and demand shocks , we find that only supply shocks have pemanent effects on output while demand shocks have little effects .

  16. 本文运用动态一般均衡模型,探讨了总需求冲击影响长期增长的一个可能机制。

    By constructing a dynamic general equilibrium model , this paper tries to inquire a possible mechanism that the short-run aggregate demand shock may affect the long-run growth .

  17. 总需求冲击通过对研发投入和技术进步的影响作用于产出增长率,从而改变经济的长期增长。

    Aggregate demand shock has effect on the GDP growth rate through its influence on the R & D investment and technological progress , which will change the long-run economic growth path .

  18. 但美元贬值造成的美元冲击,以及金融投资者将石油(及其它大宗商品)作为一种资产类别进行投资,放大了本轮需求冲击的效应。

    It is amplified by a dollar shock caused by the fall in the dollar and by the embrace by financial investors of oil ( and other commodities ) as an asset class .

  19. 研究结果表明,与原油需求冲击和总需求冲击两种模型相比,原油供给冲击对国际油价上涨推动作用最大。

    The results showed that compared with the other two modes ( crude oil demand shocks and aggregate demand shocks ), crude oil supply shocks have the most important effect on the international oil prices .

  20. 其次,欧元兑美元汇率最近的上升意味着,欧元不再是朝着会引发对欧元区制造产品积极需求冲击的方向行进。

    Second , the recent increase in the euro-dollar exchange rate means that the euro is no longer heading in a direction that would generate a positive demand shock for products manufactured in the eurozone .

  21. 是的,当前高企的油价可能是几年来全球经济卓越增长引发的一种需求冲击,因此,相比于上世纪70年代那种中断带来的供应冲击,它要更为温和。

    Yes , the current high oil price may be a demand shock triggered by what had been several years of excellent global economic growth , and thus more benign than supply shocks caused by 1970s-style disruptions .

  22. 通过任意量冲击函数本文得到人民币受到等量的供给冲击、需求冲击和名义冲击作用时,在名义冲下实际汇率变化最大;

    Secondly , through random shock function this article draws conclusions that when RMB is shocked by the same supply 、 demand or nominal factors , the change of real exchange rate will maximize at the nominal shock .

  23. 就经济增长的内外部需求冲击而言,中国的经济冲击主要来自内部需求的影响,但出口冲击对经济增长的效应呈逐年上升趋势。

    As for the effect of internal and external demand , China has been mainly affected by internal demand shocks , but there is an increase in the effect of export shocks on economic growth over the years .

  24. 但是,由于正向资源供给冲击是以资源和要素所有者(或原使用者)的收入损失为代价,由此导致的负向需求冲击对经济发展的消极影响不容忽视。

    However , the whole economy may eventually pay a heavy price for this positive resource price , because the low price of natural resource can only be obtained at the income loss of the original resource owner / user .

  25. 二元结构使得当面临需求冲击时,供给能力较强、产能充裕的工业部门能够快速对接,而供需矛盾则逐渐向产能不足的农业部门累积,形成工农产品价格结构性上涨。

    When facing with demand shocks , under the Urban-Rural dualistic structure , the industrial sector can cope easily because of his strong supply capability and sufficient capacity , whereas the contradiction between supply and demand is gradually accumulated to the agricultural sector , whose capacity is insufficient .

  26. 对于国内而言,辐射恐慌对本土需求的冲击可能更加严重。

    At home , the impact on domestic demand may be much bigger .

  27. 新技术、工作的新方法、新组织文化及这些对于办公室空间使用者需求的冲击。

    New technologies , new ways of working , new organizational cultures and their impact on user demand for office space .

  28. 受全球需求锐减冲击最严重的产业之一汽车制造业预计将出现进一步亏损。

    The motor industry , one of the worst hit by the plunge in global demand , is expected to see further losses .

  29. 这种局面可能导致总体需求遭受冲击、贸易保护主义及“所有国家生活水准显著下降”。

    Such a situation could lead to a shock to aggregate demand , protectionism and " a substantial reduction in living standards across all countries " .

  30. 本文的研究表明,当经济波动对产业的需求产生冲击时,激进性的资本结构选择将对企业的市场份额产生不利的影响;

    The paper proves that firm 's aggressive capital structure choice would have a negative impact on its market share when the poor market demand happened under the macroeconomics fluctuation .