
  • 网络Chrysler;Daimler Chrysler;Chrysler Group
  1. 早在1979年夏天就很清楚只有采取严厉的措施才能挽救克莱斯勒汽车公司。

    As early as the summer of1979 , it was clear that only drastic measures could save the Chrysler corporation .

  2. Morgan领导的银行推迟了克莱斯勒汽车制造商的120亿美元债券的发售。

    Morgan , postponed the sale of twelve billion dollars in bonds for the carmaker Chrysler .

  3. 通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)和生产Ram皮卡的菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司(FiatChryslerAutomobiles)则保持观望状态。

    General Motors ( GM ) and Fiat Chrysler automobiles , which builds the ram pickup , are watching .

  4. 克莱斯勒汽车公司前领袖LeeIacocca在利哈伊大学学的是历史。

    Lee Iacocca , former head of Chrysler Motor Company , studied history at Lehigh University .

  5. 现在,本田汽车公司已作出一个让人惊讶但又在情理之中的决定:聘请一位前克莱斯勒汽车公司(Chrysler)高管出任市场营销总裁。

    Now Honda has made the surprising but understandable decision to hire a former Chrysler executive as its marketing officer .

  6. 通用汽车(GM),和福特汽车以及克莱斯勒汽车一起因为在本年第三季度消耗了数以十亿计的美金正在请求国会予以救助。

    General Motors ( GM ), along with Ford and Chrysler , islobbying Congress for a bail-out after burning through billions of dollars in the third quarter of the year .

  7. 在今年的晚些时候,新合并的菲亚特-克莱斯勒汽车股份有限公司(FiatChryslerAutomobilesN.V.)可能会进行首次公开募股。

    Later this year , a public share offering of newly-consolidated Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. is expected to take place .

  8. 根据意大利菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车(FiatChryslerAutomobiles)美国分公司克莱斯勒(Chrysler)的初步估算,去年12月美国汽车销量同比增长13%(经季节调整)。

    Sales across the industry jumped a seasonally-adjusted 13 per cent over December 2013 , according to preliminary estimates from Chrysler , the US arm of Italy 's Fiat Chrysler Automobiles .

  9. 底特律——在汽车安全方面,联邦监管机构采取了迄今最严厉的打击行动。由于菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车公司(FiatChryslerAutomobiles)未能完成涉及1100多万辆汽车的23宗安全召回行动,联邦监管机构本周日开出了创纪录的1.05亿美元罚单。

    DETROIT - In their most aggressive crackdown yet on auto safety , federal regulators on Sunday levied a record penalty of $ 105 million against Fiat Chrysler Automobiles for failing to complete 23 safety recalls covering more than 11 million vehicles .

  10. 克莱斯勒汽车公司在干活的工人,平均每人少拿将近一万美元。

    The working guy at Chrysler gave up close to $ 10000 .

  11. 戴姆勒-克莱斯勒汽车公司总部,莫斯科,俄罗斯

    Company headquarters DaimlerChrysler ag , moscow , russia , 1999

  12. 1925年的今天,怀特尔·佩西·克莱斯勒成立了克莱斯勒汽车公司。

    1925-The Chrysler Corporation is founded by Walter Percy Chrysler .

  13. 向克莱斯勒汽车公司提供贷款保证会树立一个危险的先例。

    Loan guarantees to Chrysler would set a dangerous precedent .

  14. 欧洲市场的戴姆勒克莱斯勒汽车的车身面板全用了树脂。

    MIKE : Daimler Chrysler is using all-plastic body panels on European cars .

  15. 福特汽车和克莱斯勒汽车公布了销售增长数据:福特公司的销量上升了3%;

    Ford and Chrysler posted its sales gain : Ford sales up 3 % ;

  16. 克莱斯勒汽车的销量上涨了13%。

    Chrysler saw 13 % sales gain .

  17. 我作为克莱斯勒汽车公司的董事长回到华盛顿去向政府申明求援的理由。

    I was back in Washington as chairman of Chrysler to make the case for government help .

  18. 克莱斯勒汽车一月份国内销售比去年同期下降一半以上。

    Chrysler 's domestic sales for January were less than half what they were a year ago .

  19. 意大利汽车制造商菲亚特同意收购自己尚未持有的克莱斯勒汽车41.5%的股份。

    Italian automaker Fiat has agreed to buy the 41.5 % of Chrysler it doesn 't already own .

  20. 今年,克莱斯勒汽车公司的广告让观众津津乐道,特别是广告中向美国及汽车之城底特律的经济复苏致以的崇高敬意。

    The most talked about this year was Chrysler 's gritty tribute to the economic revival of America and Detroit .

  21. 去年郑把现代汽车公司10%的股份出售给美国戴姆勒克莱斯勒汽车公司以建立战略联盟。

    Last year , Chung sold 10 % of Hyundai Motor to DaimlerChrysler with the aim of building a strategic alliance .

  22. 介绍了克莱斯勒汽车公司小客车巡航控制系统的故障诊断方法和主要部件的检查方法。

    The inspection and repair methods of trouble diagnosis , main part for the cruise control system of Chrysler minivan are introduced .

  23. 这意味着菲亚特将拥有克莱斯勒汽车的完整所有权,而这时距离克莱斯勒进入政府融资破产保护还不到不五年的时间。

    The deal means Fiat will have full ownership of Chrysler less than five years after the company 's government finance bankruptcy .

  24. 在美国,通用汽车和克莱斯勒汽车在重组后刚展现出复苏迹象,石油价格上涨就紧随而来。

    In the United States , higher fuel prices come just as General Motors and Chrysler show signs of recovery after their reorganizations .

  25. 文章以中国第一家合资制造企业&北京吉普,也即今天的北京奔驰-戴姆勒.克莱斯勒汽车有限公司为案例。

    This paper is a case study which emphasized on the first China joint venture - Beijing Jeep , Beijing Benz - Kreisler today .

  26. 如李·艾柯卡奇迹般地赢得了联邦政府的贷款,拯救了举步维艰的克莱斯勒汽车公司。

    Lee Iacocca , against nearly impossible odds , convinced the federal government to guarantee a loan , which saved the struggling Chrysler Company .

  27. 可以确定的可能性是,通用的主导者们在模拟着怎样组合克莱斯勒汽车,或者怎样减少开销。

    The betting odds were that GM 's planners were either war gaming how it would fold Chrysler in to the company or cut spending .

  28. 毋庸置疑:大众今年的市场份额已经超过本田动力公司和尼桑动力公司,仅次于丰田公司和戴姆勒-克莱斯勒汽车集团公司。

    No wonder : Volkswagen surpassed Honda Motor Co and Nissan Motor Corp this year by market value and is behind only Toyota and DaimlerChrysler AG .

  29. 在俄亥俄州的一个克莱斯勒汽车厂之旅,总统奥巴马表示,美国经济持续复苏,从数十年来最严重的衰退。

    On a tour of a Chrysler car plant in Ohio , President Barack Obama said the economy continues to recover from the worst recession in decades .

  30. 克莱斯勒汽车屈服于联邦管理机构的要求,召回近300万辆10多年前的旧款大切诺基和吉普自由人。

    Chrysler is giving in to federal regulators ' demands to recall nearly three million older Jeep Grand Cherokee and Liberty SUVs dating back more than ten years .