
  • 网络front window
  1. 结合SAE(美国汽车工程师协会)标准和我国铁路行业标准,确定了适合于我国机车特点的前窗刮扫视野范围。

    In combination with the SAE Standards and railway industry standards of our country , the wiping vision range of the front window , suitable for China-made locomotives is determined .

  2. 昨天,教室的前窗被打破了。(不知谁打破的)

    The front window in the classroom was broken yesterday .

  3. 菲亚特500L驾驶室前舱的开放状态——提升了高度的前排座位、低矮的前窗挡板、以及这车与众不同的玻每窗式A柱(让车的前角基本上变得透明)——营造了令人叹为观止的全景外部视野。

    The 500L 's openness in the front cabin -- the raised height of the front seats , the low scuttle , and the car 's unusual , windowed A pillars , giving the car essentially transparent front corners -- all create a compelling panoramic outward view .

  4. 机车前窗玻璃胶粘工艺和质量控制

    Stickiness technology and quality control for front-windows on locomotives

  5. 基于工效学的机车前窗刮雨器尺寸参数的设计

    Ergonomics-based Design of Size Parameters of the Locomotive Front - window Windshield Wiper

  6. 嘉莉打开前窗,迎面吹来一阵南风。

    Carrie raised the front windows , and felt the south wind blowing .

  7. 或许,那前窗的两个弹孔对我们已是一个警告。

    Perhaps the two bullet holes in the front window should have been a warning to us .

  8. 一块金属刚刚打在小汽车的一块前窗玻璃上并且把它砸碎了。

    A piece of metal just struck one of the car 's front window and shattered it .

  9. 不论是那种火域类型的壁炉,都有平直或拱形前窗可供您选择。

    No matter what type of fire field fireplace , have available straight or arched windows for you to choose .

  10. 将此系统应用于汽车前窗冰层融化速度的检测,具有明显的实用价值。

    Put this system into detecting speed melted of ice layer on windowpane of car , it shows a practical meaning .

  11. 从工效学角度,对机车前窗刮雨器尺寸参数的设计方法进行了深入的探讨。

    Based on the ergonomics , this paper deeply discusses the method of designing size parameters of the locomotive front-window windshield wiper .

  12. 她再一次看了看那张明信片,注意到上面圆润、孩子般的字迹。她起身走向前窗。

    She looked at the card again , at the round , childish handwriting.She got up and went to the front window .

  13. 它由声音指令操作,使用与现代喷气式战斗机相同的平视显示器系统(前窗玻璃映像显示系统),并且把数据投射在挡风玻璃上。

    It was operated by voice commands and projected its data on to the windscreen , using the same sort of head-up display system found in modern fighter jets .

  14. 图案装饰的轻纱玻璃灯让餐厅显得独一无二,如同雕塑般装饰前窗,同时赋予空间艺术美感。

    The Tiffany color glass lamp , an iconic decoration unique to the restaurant , is now treated as a sculpture and dress up the window front in an artistic way .

  15. 路对面,光秃秃的树枝在风中摇曳。这景色让她想起了老家。12月份时从她们家的前窗看到的也是这种熟悉的景色。

    Somehow the swaying of some dead branches of trees across the way brought back the picture with which she was familiar when she looked from their front window in December days at home .

  16. 简述了单组分聚氨酯在电力机车装配过程中的应用,重点介绍了前窗玻璃胶粘工艺的质量控制及前窗玻璃更换措施。

    One-component polyurethane used in assembling production line of the electric locomotive is briefly described . This paper presents the quality control of the front-windows stickiness technology and replacing measures for the front-windows glass .

  17. 我们公司主要供应的雨刷片有:前窗雨刷,后窗雨刷,雨刷臂,以及配件,包括插座、橡胶、染色刮板等。

    Our company is mainly supplying wiper blade : front window wipers , rear wipers , wiper arms , as well as wiper accessories , including adaptor , wiper rubber , stain plate and so on .

  18. ST段抬高性急性心肌梗死溶栓治疗院前时间窗分布研究

    Analysis of the Prehospital Time to Thrombolysis in Acute Myocardial Infarction with ST Segment Elevation

  19. 论述汽车车身CAD中有关数据输入的问题,实现了前挡风窗玻璃的数据自动输入及图形生成等功能,从而为该CAD系统解决了一道难题。

    Problems about input of vehicle body CAD data are expounded and the front windscreen data automatic input and the graphic formation are realized , resolving a major problem for the CAD system .

  20. 研究目的:了解中国ST段抬高性急性心肌梗死患者溶栓治疗院前时间窗分布的现况,探讨目前影响溶栓治疗院前时间的因素。

    Objective : To evaluate the distribute of prehospital time in thrombolysis in the patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation , and to study the prehospital factors which cause delay .

  21. 汽车前风窗玻璃除霜除雾数值模拟分析和研究

    Numerical Simulation Analysis on Defrosting and Defogging of Automotive Windshield

  22. 汽车前风窗玻璃刮水器刮扫区域的计算机确定及校核

    The Computer Checking Method for the Wiping Area of Auto Front Windscreen

  23. 汤姆被要求在离开前关窗。

    Tom is asked to close the windows before leaving .

  24. 前风窗玻璃的安装角

    Inclination angle of a windscreen front axle slip angle

  25. 提高航线维护效率汽车前风窗计算机辅助设计

    Front - line Efficiencies Automobile Windscreen CAD

  26. 通过对大客车前风窗检具及主控空间曲线特点的分析,探讨了测量检具的方法,进一步分析了各种测量误差。

    By analysis of inspection gauge of bus windshield and dominant Space curve characteristic , method of inspection gauge measurement is probed into and then different measurement errors are further analyzed .

  27. 方法分析400份DDR立位后前位胸片窗宽、窗位与密度值的变化。

    Methods 400 DR post-anterior chest films were observed . Change of window level , window width and density value of these films were analysed .

  28. 结论认识DDR立位后前位胸片窗宽、窗位与密度值的关系,对提高其质量有很大价值。

    Conclusion It is important to recognize the relationship between window level , window width and density value in DR post-anterior chest films in order to improve its quality .

  29. 你离开前请关窗。

    Shut the window before you leave , please .

  30. 在登陆前,百叶窗会持续落下来一周,直到我们不再用火星时间,它们才会被拉起来。

    The blinds went down all over the building about a week before landing , and they didn 't go up until we went off Mars time .