
  1. 长三角地区前店后厂的引资模式

    The Capital-absorbing Mode of " Having Stores in Front and Factories behind " in the Area of Changjiang Delta

  2. 粤港前店后厂经济合作模式的交易费用分析

    Transaction Cost Analysis of Guangdong & H.K. 's " Store in the front , factory in the back " Economic Cooperation Mode

  3. 本公司前店后厂,自产自销各类糕捆松饼。

    This company , with a shop in front and a factory at the Back , produces and markets various cookies and pastries all on its own .

  4. 本店恢复前店后厂、产销合一的中国商业经济的传统经营模式。

    Our store has resumed the traditional operation mode of China 's commercial economy with the store in front and a plant at the Back , comBining production with sales .

  5. 前店后厂的利用外资模式,是长三角地区各城市结合自身功能定位,合力推进区域经济一体化进程的重要举措之一。

    The capital-utilizing mode of " having stores in front and factories behind " is one of the important actions taken in the area of Changjiang Delta to promote the integration of regional economy .

  6. 1980年初以来,内地开放,使这个工业体系在空间上扩大,与珠江三角洲一起构成“前店后厂”的地域分工。

    China 's opening and reform since the early 1980s has given the industrial system of Hong Kong the chance to expand massively and to attain a new " front shop , back factory " spatial division of labour with the Pearl River Delta .

  7. 改革开放30年来,粤港制造业形成了前店后厂的合作模式,取得了令人瞩目的成就,极大地推动了粤港经济发展,但同时可以看到,这种模式是一种低层次的区域合作。

    Since the reform and opening policy , with the Store in the front , factory in the back cooperation model , Guangdong and Hongkong has achieved marked results and substantially promoted in economic development , but the model was a low level of regional cooperation .