
qián jìn sù dù
  • Forward speed;speed of advance;forward velocity
前进速度[qián jìn sù dù]
  1. 给出了甘蔗受到多刀切割和重复切割刀数的计算公式,出现多于两刀切割的现象主要是由于刀盘转速、收获机前进速度和刀片数之间的匹配问题,是可以避免的。

    The multi-blade cutting which exceeded two-blade occurred for the reason of matching among parameters of speed of rotation , forward velocity , and numbers of blades , and it could be avoided ;

  2. 对于作业平台的不同前进速度,PID控制器的P、D参数对其转向影响很大。

    To different speed of mobile platform , P and D parameters of PID controller influence greatly on its steering control .

  3. 在跨国公司中,前进速度最快的是丰田(toyota),该公司今年上半年在华销量增长了70%。

    Among multinationals , the strongest advance is being made by Toyota , which has increased sales by 70 per cent in the first half of the current year .

  4. 从管理的角度来看,我的目标是让产品团队保持专注,保持住我们的前进速度,同时尽可能高效地利用Oracle拥有的资源。

    From a management perspective , my goal is to keep the product team focused , to maintain our velocity , while being as effective as possible in using the resources available within Oracle .

  5. 通过广义的Maxwell模型,研究其松弛时间谱与滚动摩阻的关系,得出了轮胎滚阻系数与松弛时间谱的计算关系并讨论了滚轮前进速度对滚动摩阻系数的影响。

    Introducing the generalized Maxwell model and corresponding the relax time spectrum lead to the calculating relation of the tire rolling coefficient and relax time spectrum , and the influence of velocity on coefficient of rolling friction is discussed .

  6. 运用逆向运动学模型,根据PWLER期望的前进速度和转弯半径可确定出各驱动轮的速度。

    The robotic inverse kinematics model uses desired robotic linear velocity and turning radius as input and produces each driving wheel 's rotational velocity .

  7. 而最近,RyanTedder(onerepublic乐队主唱)和JanetJackson(MJ之妹)都认为在Gaga已经毫无疑问地作为一个令人惊讶的表演者和流行巨星成名后,她需要的是在她耗尽精力前降低自己的前进速度。

    Recently , both Ryan Tedder and Janet Jackson have noted that while Gaga has certainly made a name for herself as an incredible performer and pop artist , they also have said that she might need to slow down a little bit before she burns herself out .

  8. 最优组合为刀辊转速480r/min,动刀的顷角为6°,机组前进速度为2.45km/m。

    Optimized combination is that the rotational speed of blade-axle is 480 r / min , the obliquity of rotary blade is 6 °, and the moving forward speed of machine is 2.45km/m .

  9. 人太多,因此前进速度很慢。

    There were so many people that our advance was slow .

  10. 而传统织缝则会在入水时减缓前进速度。

    Seams act as speed bumps in the water .

  11. 微速前进速度是多少?

    What is speed at dead slow ahead ?

  12. 该装置通过对联合收割机的前进速度进行控制,使联合收割机在收割过程中保持高效稳定的状态。

    This equipment controls the speed of combine harvester to keep the load stable .

  13. 因此,设备的前进速度是由入口处管道顶进速度决定的。

    As the machine advances , more tunnel liner is pushed from the entrance .

  14. 慢速前进速度是多少?

    What is speed at slow ahead ?

  15. 全速前进速度是多少?

    What is speed at full ahead ?

  16. 设计开发了变量配肥施肥控制系统以及机具前进速度检测模块。

    A variable manure fertilization control system and equipment forward speed detection module were designed and developed .

  17. 他的前进速度缓慢。

    His advance was slow .

  18. 无覆盖物时是:滑道尾部的离地高度、滑道倾角、机具前进速度。

    That for testing without covering is height of throwing bowl , slideway obliquity , and advancing velocity .

  19. 报告警告称:欧盟的前进速度不够快,不能真正在世界舞台上展开竞争。

    The study warns : The EU is progressing at an insufficient pace to really compete on the world stage .

  20. 潜水器前进速度与步行速度相当,这意味着可能要花费数周、而非数日才能找到残骸。

    The submersibles travel at walking pace , meaning it could be weeks rather than days before any debris is found .

  21. 本文开发了一种去奇异面元法用于计算以定常前进速度运动的近水面椭球体引起的三维非线性自由面势流。

    A desingularized panel method was developed for calculating the three-dimensional nonlinear potential flow about a submerged ellipsoid moving at constant forward speed .

  22. 鞋楦的旋转速度与震动滚轴的前进速度,可配合平整之需求,加以调整。

    The rotation speed of shoe last and the moving speed of the roller bearing are adjustable to meet the need of flattening .

  23. 尤其是风向经常发生改变,它不仅影响帆船的航向,而且还直接决定了帆船向上风或竞赛标的前进速度,从而影响帆船最佳航线的选择。

    Not only the forward direction of sailboat is influenced by it , but also determine the velocity to the mark or windward .

  24. 结果表明,圆盘和铲的水平间距、机器前进速度、深松铲的入土角对牵引阻力和牵引功耗有显著影响,对深松机具的研究提供一定的基础。

    The result shows that the level interval of disk and shovel , working speed and penetration angle have outstanding influence on traction resistance and power consumption .

  25. 对电机驱动弹性驱动器作了控制性能和机械输出阻抗特性的仿真实验;对单足弹跳机器人整体做了弹跳高度、前进速度和身体姿态调整仿真实验。

    The control band and mechanical impedence of motor elastic actuator , the hopping height , forward speed and body attitude of one-leg hopper robot were included .

  26. 根据分析得出影响排种器排种质量的主要因素是取种器个数、机器前进速度和充种容积。

    According to analysis , the major factors impacting the quality of seed-metering device are the number of seed-access device , forward speed of the machine and the filling volume .

  27. 利用该方法分析了前进速度、刀轴回转速度及斜置角对斜置式旋耕的碎土程度的影响。

    The influence of forward speed , rotary speed of rotor and oblique angle on the distribution of clod size formed by oblique rotary tiller was analyzed by using the relationship .

  28. 本试验采用了裂区实验设计;土壤类型为主区,除草器的形状,转速、前进速度及耕深在小区内。

    A split-plot experimental design was used with differing soil types in the main plots and differing rod shapes , travel speeds , rod speeds and tillage depths in the sub-plot .

  29. 通过单因素试验考察前进速度、开沟深度和开沟器位置对秧苗移栽的直立度合格率、覆土深度和埋苗率的影响。

    Through single factor experiment , the impact of speed , ditch depth and the position of ditcher on the upright degree , buried soil depth and seedling buried percentage were analyzed .

  30. 分析结果表明,种子的几何尺寸、投种轮的高度、播种机的前进速度和投种轮的直径影响投种时种子运动的速度和方向,从而导致实际粒距的变化。

    The results showed that the seed size , throwing height of metering device , working velocity and throwing disc diameter had influences on the throwing velocity and direction of seed movement .