
kǎi zhuāng
  • armor;armour;sheath;shield
铠装 [kǎi zhuāng]
  • [armor] 在电线、绳索或软管上的保护性外皮

铠装[kǎi zhuāng]
  1. 单芯XLPE电力电缆负载试验与铠装结构选型

    Simulated load test of single core XLPE power cable and selection of armour construction

  2. 磁性不锈钢丝编织铠装损耗的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Loss of the Armour Consisting of Magnetic Stainless Steel Braid

  3. 套管材料对K型铠装偶高温热电势稳定性的影响

    Sheath Materials Effect on High-Temperature Thermoelectric Stability of Type K Sheathed Thermocouple

  4. 提出并设计完成了金属铠装结构的FBG温度传感器和类陶瓷封装结构的FBG温度传感器。

    We have designed and fabricated metal armoured FBG temperature sensor and ceramic FBG temperature sensor .

  5. 研究了用X射线探伤方法检查铠装热电偶焊接质量,介绍了焊接仪器、透度计设计和探伤实验方法,讨论了铠装热电偶X射线探伤实验结果

    The welding quality of sheathed thermocouples was investigated by X ray testing . The design of penetrometer , the testing method , and the testing results were introduced

  6. 金属铠装结构的FBG温度传感器具有温度灵敏度高、响应快、结构强度高、易于嵌入式测量。

    The characters of metal armoured FBG temperature sensors are high sensitivity , rapid response , highly rigidity and easy embedded .

  7. PCCP限制性管段止推设计和铠装接头试验

    Thrust Design and Armored Joint Test for PCCP Restricted Tubulation

  8. 在铠装FBG温度传感器中,光栅粘贴于热膨胀系数较大的金属片(如Cu和Al)表面的线槽内。

    In the metal-clad FBG temperature sensor , the FBG is bonded on the surface of metal fluted slice ( such as Cu and Al ) with biggish thermal expansion coefficient .

  9. φ3mm铠装热电偶保护管焊接

    Welding for protective tube of φ 3mm armored thermocouple

  10. 81至1000V电压用铠装地下绝缘电缆

    Armoured underground insulated cable for a voltage of between 81 and 1000v

  11. 详细介绍了PCCP限制性管段止推设计和铠装接头水压试验的情况。

    This paper introduces in detail the thrust design and armored joint hydraulic test for PCCP restricted tubulation .

  12. 超过1000v电压用铠装绝缘电缆

    Armoured insulated cable for a voltage exceeding 1000v

  13. 介绍了利用低温超导铠装式电缆导体(Cable-in-ConduitConductor,CICC)在核聚变中的优点和存在的问题。

    The advantages and disadvantages of the CICC ( Cable-in-Conduit Conductor ) in nuclear fusion superconducting magnet are described .

  14. 并就铠装热电阻的检定方法、铜电阻的应用价值及在DCS中取消温度中间测量环节等提出看法。

    Also , some views on the calibration method of armoured thermal resistance , the application value of copper resistance and the cancellation of intermediate temperature measuring links in DCS etc. are put forward .

  15. 其中,变压器回路采用10kV截面为185mm2的三芯铠装电缆,马达回路采用10kV截面为95mm2的三芯铠装电缆。

    Among them , transformer circuit uses x3-core armored cable with10kV cross-section185mm2 , motor circuit uses three-core armored cable with10kV cross-section95mm2 .

  16. 文章最后摘要性介绍了OPGW雷击断股情况,对OPGW外层铠装金属材料的选取给出建议。

    Some accidents of OPGW strands break because of lightning are given and suggestions for choosing outer materials of OPGW are put forward at the end of the paper .

  17. 高梯度磁选机铠装圆柱形螺线管磁系磁场分布的间接边界单元法(IBEM)研究

    Study on the Distribution of the Magnetic Flux Density of Magnetic System of HGMS by Indirect BEM

  18. 铠装钢带厚度变化对0.6/1kV电力电缆生产的影响

    Influence of the Changing of Steel Tape Thickness for the 0.6/1 kv Power Cable Producing

  19. 特别分析了电缆铠装作为非理想参考地对传输性能的影响,最后分析了参数随频率变化时,FDTD的近似处理方法。

    Especially , the author analyzes the impact of the cable armor as the nonideal reference ground on the transmission capacity . At the end of this chapter , the author analyzes the adjusted method of FDTD , when parameters change with frequency .

  20. 压缩处理后的图像信号经过调制、放大、隔离,由3000m单芯铠装电缆传输到地面,在地面进行阻抗匹配和解调提取信号。

    Image signal , after compressing process , is modulated , amplified , isolated , and transmitted to the ground through 3000m single armored cable . It is , then , extracted through impedance matching and demodulating .

  21. 文中对PCCP铠装接头的结构型式、试验过程、试验结果进行了论述和分析,可供其他工程采用PCCP铠装接头时的设计和制作借鉴。

    In this paper , the structure of armored joints , the experiment process and the experiment result of PCCP are discussed and analyzed . These can be used as reference by other similar engineering that uses the armored joints of PCCP .

  22. 用边界单元法求解巷道围岩的散热量高梯度磁选机铠装圆柱形螺线管磁系磁场分布的间接边界单元法(IBEM)研究

    Calculation of Heat Quantity from Rocks Around Roadways with Boundary Element Method Study on the Distribution of the Magnetic Flux Density of Magnetic System of HGMS by Indirect BEM

  23. 适用于夹持和固定各种类型的钢丝编织或带状铠装电缆,用于必须对电缆芯线部分隔爆及外壳气体密封达IP66的场所。

    Applicable to all types of wire clamp and fixed ribbon weaving , or armored cable , for the need for cables and the core wire part of the flameproof enclosure up to IP66 sealing gas place .

  24. 这种铠装热电偶短时工作上限为900℃,长期工作上限为800℃,时间常数小于0.3s,能经受发动机振动和高温气动力的作用而可靠地工作。

    The upper temperature limit of this kind of MST is 900 ℃ for short-time use and 800 ℃ for long-time use . Its time constant is less than 0 . 3s and it operates reliably in engine under vibration and hot aerodynamical conditions .

  25. 测井电缆铠装断丝定量检测方法与实验研究

    Experimental Research on Quantitative Testing for Broken Wires in Logging Cables

  26. 高压铠装电缆中间接线盒的设计与使用

    Design and Use of Connected Box for High-pressure Steel Clad Cable

  27. 厂用母线由铠装开关装置组成。

    The auxiliary buses are normally composed of metal clad switchgear .

  28. 钢丝铠装抗侧压性能优良,并具有防弹能力。

    Wire-side pressure Armored excellent performance , and a bullet-proof capability .

  29. 基于直流漏泄电流的无铠装电缆绝缘性能检测方法

    Detection of Insulating Performance for Unarmored Cable under DC Leakage Current

  30. 光导纤维电缆,(不包括单独铠装的光导纤维电缆)

    Cable optical fibre ( excl. those of individually sheathed fibres )