
kǎi jiǎ
  • armor;armour;bard;barde
铠甲 [kǎi jiǎ]
  • [armor] 中世纪通常在战斗中穿戴的金属护身服

铠甲[kǎi jiǎ]
  1. 他穿好铠甲准备战斗。

    He girded himself with armour for the battle .

  2. 想象自己穿上高科技人体铠甲,变得超级强大、不知疲倦。

    Imagine wearing high-tech body armour that makes you super strong and tireless .

  3. 在现实生活中,全球各地使用这种铠甲的人越来越多。

    Yet the equipment is increasingly being worn in real life around the world .

  4. 事实上,美国企业界在这方面早已有了身着闪闪铠甲的白衣骑士典范&前德尔福(Delphi)首席执行官史蒂夫•米勒,他在职业生涯中曾多次在最后时刻成功拯救陷于绝境的企业。

    In fact , corporate America has its own knight in shining armor in that category : former Delphi CEO Steve miller , who 's made a career out of last-minute rescues of ailing corporations .

  5. 网站上的商品从鸡蛋到武士铠甲,应有尽有。

    The site will sell you anything from eggs to Samurai armor .

  6. 决斗者不能穿任何铠甲,只能希一条裹腰布。

    They 're allowed no armor , only a loincloth .

  7. 还有穿着耀眼铠甲的骑士。

    There will be a knight in a shinig armor .

  8. 我向你推荐一桩简单的交易&用他的命换荷露斯的铠甲!

    A simple trade – his life for the armor of Horus !

  9. 甲胄;挽具状带子马鞍是马铠甲的一部分。

    harness The saddle is a part of a horse 's harness .

  10. 我才该穿铠甲,你应该穿裙子当女人.

    I should wear the armor and you the gown .

  11. 我已经将它变成了一种仪式,穿着它就像是一位身穿铠甲的骑士。

    I take it ceremonially and feel like a knight in his armor .

  12. 格里夫在甲板上踱步,铠甲在他狼皮斗篷下轻轻碰撞。

    Griff paced the deck , mail clinking softly beneath his wolfskin cloak .

  13. 英雄的铠甲在阳光下闪闪发光。

    Under the sun the hero 's armour glistened .

  14. 连帮人穿铠甲都不会.

    He can 't even put a man 's armor on him properly .

  15. 你们应准备盾牌铠甲,冲锋上阵!

    Prepare ye the shield and buckler , and go forth to battle .

  16. 他说过:铠甲就是铠甲,用来防身,而非装饰。

    Steel was steel ; it was meant for protection , not ornament .

  17. 无聚焦结的光纤连接器电缆铠甲的接地连接器

    Optical fiber connector without focusing junctio earthing cable bond

  18. 他一挥手就敲碎对方的胸膛,咯啦,铠甲打得稀烂。

    He smashed in his chest , crunch , right through the armor .

  19. 他全身披着闪亮的铠甲。

    His body was encased in shining armour .

  20. 用来指装甲;有附在皮革衬背上的搭接金属铠甲。

    Used of armor ; having overlapping metal splates attached to a leather backing .

  21. 森林女神攻击和铠甲防御在升级后提升。

    Dryad attack and armor increase from upgrades .

  22. 这铠甲太小,陛下.穿不上的.

    It 's made too small , Your Grace . It won 't go .

  23. 为军需品着装多功能铠甲

    Multi - functional package for the military supplies

  24. 你要卸下铠甲

    You have to let the armor fall

  25. 仿真胡子,手绘头雕,精细制作中国古装铠甲,配套1/6战马。

    Simulation beard , hand-painted head , Chinese armor , 1 / 6 scale horse .

  26. 听着吉恩我会成为你身披铠甲的骑士

    Listen , Gene , I 'm about to become your knight in shining armor .

  27. 骑士们在战鬭中装备著能够提升他们魔法能力的特制铠甲。

    The knights wear a special armor into battle , from which their magical ability arises .

  28. 中国铠甲虾类一新种和三新纪录

    A new species and three new records of squatlobster ( crustacea , anomura ) from China

  29. 揭幕其新的铠甲的最高技术,固特异推出四个新的轻型货车轮胎作商业用途的

    Unveiling its new Armor Max Technology , Goodyear introduced four new light-truck tires for commercial use

  30. 中国的铠甲虾海虾带来的烦恼

    THE SQUAT LOBSTERS ( CRUSTACEA , ANOIVIURA ) OF CHINA The Trouble Created by the Shrimp