
  1. 全球性的领导必须有高‘文商’!

    Global leader needs to be high on cq !

  2. 西安灿烂阳光地址:西安东大街骡马市文商大厦一楼。

    Xi'an brilliant sunshine Address : East Street , Xi'an Luomashi first floor commercial paper .

  3. 应用科学,文,商,教育,科学,研究生院。

    Applied Sciences , Arts , Business Administration , Education , Science .

  4. 新编高中语文第三册古诗文注商三则

    Discussion on the Three Notes to the Ancient Poetry and Prose in the New Edition of the Chinese Textbook for Senior High School Book 3

  5. 闽台由于地缘、血缘、文缘、商缘、法缘优势,两地的经贸、文化交流由来已久。

    Due to the destiny of geography , kinship , culture , business and law , Fujian and Taiwan have had communication in trade and culture for a long time .

  6. 该文通过简化商根系定义的条件利用商根系同构的判别,给出了四个确定商根系结构的公式。

    In this paper , we firstly simplify the conditions of the definition of the quotient roos system , and then obtain four formulas to determine the quotient root system by the isomorphism between quotient root systems .

  7. 在市场均衡理论的基础上,文中对发电商的申报价格与其收益之间的关系进行了分析。

    In the conditions of equilibrium , the relationships between one participant 's bidding prices and its profits are analyzed in this paper .