
  1. 莆田书院文化对文献名邦形成的历史影响

    Historical Effect of Culture of Putian College on Formation of the Famous City with Great Literatures

  2. 建水,位于云南省南部,是滇南边地区文化与江南汉文化紧密结合的一座城市,历史上文风盛行,古有文献名邦、滇南邹鲁之誉。

    Jianshui city , located in southern of Yunnan Province , is a Combining city which southern Yunnan culture and Chinese culture including in , it is a city of culture history .

  3. 云南省大理白族自治州剑川县金华镇是一个典型的白族传统小城镇,享有文献名邦的美称。

    Jinhua Town , which is located in Jianchuan County of Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan Province , is a typical Bai town and enjoys the reputation of " a historic town with rich culture "?