
  • 网络literati garden
  1. 文人园林的特点与艺术魅力&从拙政园看文人园林的意境美

    Characteristics and Artistic Charm of Literati Garden & Viewpoints of Artistic Beauty of Literati Garden through Humble Administrators Garden

  2. 太湖石具有独特的审美属性,其艺术内涵顾与文人园林的精神内核顾盼相生。

    Taihu stone has its own unique aesthetic properties , which is co-operating with the spiritual connotation of literati garden .

  3. 文人园林意境美在现代景观设计中的价值

    The Value of Literati Landscape Garden Mood Esthetics in Modern Landscape Design

  4. 第三章探讨文人园林的审美品质:雅。

    Chapter three studied aesthetic quality of the scholar garden : elegant .

  5. 论中国文人园林之美

    On the Beauty of Chinese Scholars ' Private Gardens

  6. 从无我之境到有我之境&中国文人园林的美学表述

    The Aesthetic Formulation of Chinese Literator Landscape Garden

  7. 艺术是中国文人园林的美学主题

    Art : An Aesthetic Theme In Chinese Scholars'Gardens

  8. 中国古典文人园林意境&探析

    Analysis , of Classical Chinese Garden of Scholars

  9. 中国古典文人园林中儒的渊源

    Exploring the Confucianism in Chinese Classical Landscape

  10. 隐逸文化对文人园林的影响

    Reclusive Culture Influenced on the Literator Garden

  11. 文人园林,是中国传统文人追求人生至高精神境界的感性诠释。

    Chinese literator landscape garden is the annotation of the traditional literator pursuing the highest realm of life .

  12. 从艺术风格和审美情趣上看,《园冶》主要是围绕着文人园林的建造而展开的。

    According to the art style and aesthetic taste , Yuan Ye mainly concluded principles of constructing scholar garden .

  13. 文人园林的建造已是当时普遍的社会现象,是盛唐气象的缩影。

    The literator landscape gardens construction already was the universal social phenomenon , which was the epitome of the Tang Dynasty .

  14. 换句话说,计成所阐发的主要是中国古典文人园林的审美理想和艺术特征。

    In other words , Ji Cheng mainly illuminated the aesthetic ideal and art characteristics of the Chinese classic scholar garden .

  15. 而以折枝这一形式出现的中国古典文人园林窗景,其原型大多是来源于文人画家所创作的折枝画。

    The classical Chinese literati garden folds the window scenery was created by artists from the literati of painting broken in branch .

  16. 江南文人园林中的太湖石石景艺术最为成熟,对后世石景审美影响深远。

    The art of Taihu stone and rockery in Jiangnan literati garden is highly developed and has huge influence on the later stone aesthetics .

  17. 本文对儒家美学思想体系进行了系统的梳理,进而对中国古代文人园林的造园思想进行了深入研究,分析其在发展过程中的儒学基因。

    This paper systemically reviews Confucian aesthetics thought , further studies Chinese ancient litterateurs ' gardening thought and analyses Confucian gene in its developmental process .

  18. 儒家思想不仅为后来的文人园林美学奠定了发展方向和基础,也为士人的人生道路提供了仕、隐、出、处的多元价值取向。

    Confucian thought not only established the direction of development and foundation for subsequent landscape aesthetics , but also provided multiple value orientation for litterateurs ' life .

  19. 因文学文本的意境延展至园林景观的形态,这充分说明了文人园林把文学艺术与园林技术逐步整合的历程。

    From an artistic conception of literary version to various forms of landscape architecture , it fully displays the combining course between literature and technology on scholar garden .

  20. 论文成果的价值主要在以下三个方面:1、把折枝画引入到对中国古典文人园林窗景的思考之中。

    The value of the paper is in three aspects in the following : 1 、 To introduce painting broken in branch into the thinking of the classical Chinese literati garden window scenery .

  21. 《园冶》的园林审美观可以概括为三大方面:自然、如画和尚雅,它们也是中国古代文人园林的主要艺术和审美特征。

    These gardening aesthetic viewpoints in Yuan Ye can be generalized into three parts : Natural , picturesque and elegant . They are also the mainly art and aesthetic properties of the scholar garden .

  22. 本文主要通过对魏晋南北朝时期隐逸文化的产生的回顾与研究及其与文人园林的联系,初步揭示隐逸文化对文人园林的影响。

    By looking back and studying the naissance of the hermit culture in the Wei Jin and the Southern-Northern Dynasty of China and its relationship to the literator gardening , we could open out the influence of the hermit culture on the literator gardening .

  23. 在种类众多的古典园林中,文人园林是园林文化的代表,是文人臆造的自然,也是文人在世之内外所取得的一个平衡点,寄托了文人对生活环境的最高理想。

    Among the classical gardens , literati garden is the representation of garden culture and the imaginable nature , also an equilibrium point between the inside and outside of the world . It is the anchorage of the literati supreme hopes about the living environment .

  24. 因此本课题将从宋词的角度审视文人园林的意境,探讨它们之间的相似性与相互影响的关系,从而更深入更细致地研究中国古典园林的内在本质,挖掘其深厚的文化内涵和精神意蕴。

    So this subject will survey the artistic conception of the literary gardens from the view of Song Verses and discuss their similarity and interactional relationship that we can research the internal inbeing of Chinese classic gardens and investigate their profound cultural connotation and mental meaning more deeply .

  25. 这些作品描绘了当时的园林风貌及当时文人在园林中的生活状态。

    These works depict the landscape at the time of the literati style and then in the garden of life in the state .

  26. 非一般的园林&中国古代文人与古典园林

    Not Simply Gardens & Ancient Chinese Literary Men and Classic Gardens

  27. 吴门画派这种文人化的园林绘画是非常具有创造性的,改变了以前界画形式为主的园林绘画,并对以后园林绘画产生了极为深远的影响。

    Wu School of such literati painting of the garden is very creative , change the previous sector consisting mainly of landscape painting forms of painting , landscape painting and later produced a very far-reaching implications .

  28. 早在公元3世纪和4世纪的魏晋时期,中国的文人就透过整体园林的宏观设计与花卉和叠石的微观布置,来不断尝试寻找他们自我独特的个性。

    Ever since the Wei-Jin Period , between the third and fourth centuries , the Chinese literati continuously tried to find their own distinct character in the expression of garden design in general and flower arrangement and rock formation in particular .