
xiū qì
  • rest;have a rest;repose;take a rest
休憩 [xiū qì]
  • [have a rest; rest] 休息

休憩[xiū qì]
  1. 城市休闲广场是城市外部环境空间中较为重要的组成部分,它是用于人们休憩、娱乐、交往、观赏等活动的公共空间环境。

    Urban leisure square is the external environment of the city space of the more important part , it is used for people have a rest , entertainment and communication , watch the activities of public space environment .

  2. 城市公园为在喧闹的城市中忙碌的城市居民提供了一处宁静、舒适的场所,它集游赏、休憩于一体。

    Urban park at the boisterous city provides a green and quietly comfort island for the engaged people , making them have the place to stop and have a rest after work .

  3. 但没有“其它额外”的服务了,不过KaedeIchijo会伸出臂膀,让客户蜷缩在旁休憩。

    There 's no " extras " but Kaede Ichijo offers the client4 his arm , and she snuggles up to him for some rest .

  4. SPA,休憩中的运动

    Spa sport in the rest

  5. 而作为城市休憩系统的重要组成部分的城市RBD的建设则成为目前研究的热点。

    But rests the system important constituent city RBD construction as the city to become the hot spot which at present studies .

  6. 庭院作为一种特殊的Garden,将自然要素引入到人工建筑环境中,满足人们休憩、交往、观赏等多方面的需求,所以,对这种景观的研究和应用应得到相当的重视。

    The courtyard introduces natural elements into the environment of artificial buildings as a special kind of " Garden ", which meet many demands of people such as rest , intercourse and view etc. Thus the study and application on this kind landscape should be given quite special attentions .

  7. 珠江三角洲住区休憩环境的总体特征

    General Characteristics of Residential Recreational Environment in the Pearl River Delta

  8. 很快你将找到夏天的家,休憩。

    Soon shalt thou find a summer home , and rest .

  9. 到了山顶,他停下来休憩。

    At the top of the hill he stopped to rest .

  10. 当轻柔的风休憩的瞬间。

    As a gentle wind take a rest in a moment .

  11. 互换一上工做是很好的休憩。

    A change of work is as good as a rest .

  12. 在月亮上来之前,这是一个幸运的休憩与隐蔽之所。

    This was providential rest and shelter until the moon rose .

  13. 带疗养室、更衣室和休憩观景台的温泉疗养浴场;

    a spa with healing huts , bathhouses and nap gazebos ;

  14. 现代城市街道环境中的小型休憩绿地设计探讨

    Designing Probing of the Miniature Rest Greenbelt in Modern City Street Environment

  15. 珠江三角洲住区休憩时间分配与住区规划

    Time distribution of residential recreation and planning of housing estates in PRD

  16. 问:有个休憩之处对你来说重要吗?

    Is it important to you to have a place to retreat ?

  17. 你的节奏掌控我们睡梦的休憩

    And the rhythm that governs the repose of our sleepingtime

  18. 广场选择性休憩行为方式研究

    A Research on the Choice of Rest Behavior in Square

  19. 具体分析了城市公共休憩空间与环境设计。

    A detailed analysis of Public Rest Space in city and environmental design .

  20. 然而难忘的时刻,伴着死尸休憩。

    Rests with those dead , but unforgotten hours .

  21. 人们傍晚在东方红广场休憩直至深夜。

    People relax in Dong Fang Hong Square in the evening until midnight .

  22. 居民休憩行为在多方面影响住区规划设计。

    Recreational behavior influences planning and design of housing estates in many ways .

  23. 展厅内不设休憩区;

    No resting area is reserved inside the gallery .

  24. 我们的身心在这里能得到无限的放松,休憩。

    Our bodies and hearts have a great relax and rest at here .

  25. 另外还有一间专供休憩和看电视的房间。

    We also have a room where we sit and look at TV .

  26. 使我在它安静的力量下泰然休憩。

    And rest serene beneath its tranquil power .

  27. 你的心灵渴望休憩,避免动荡。

    Today , your heart aspires to rest and seeks to save useless shocks .

  28. 半球形的植被成为了这个休憩场所的最基本的形式,还是令人难忘的景观。

    The raised tree balls became the memorable and primary form of the park .

  29. 空气污染及缺乏休憩娱乐设施亦减低了人们运动的意欲。

    Air pollution and lack of recreational facilities also discourage participation in physical activities .

  30. 休耕地播种季节的休种地地区休憩用地(频密使用)

    Land left unseeded during a growing season . district open space ( intensive )