
  1. 好吧休息五分钟不是十分钟

    All right , let 's take five . Five , not ten .

  2. 学习了这么长时间,让我们休息五分钟吧。

    After study for such a long time , let 's take five .

  3. 如果没有人反对,我们休息五分钟。

    We can take a five-minute break if there is no objection .

  4. 休息五分钟接着换衣服进行举重练�

    Five minutes . Then I want you changed and hitting the weights .

  5. 让我休息五分钟。

    B : Give me five minutes to rest .

  6. 这个音乐家在预演中休息五分钟。

    The musicians took five during the rehearsal .

  7. 他们都是严肃的音乐人伙计们抱歉能休息五分钟吗

    These guys are serious musicians.Guys , can we ... Sorry . Can we take five ?

  8. 休息五分钟冷静一下!

    Take five and cool down !

  9. 20世纪50年代的爵士萨克斯管吹奏者保罗戴斯蒙说他想要他的乐曲听起来像干马提尼,听听他创作的曲子《休息五分钟》吧。

    1950s jazz saxophonist Paul Desmond said he wanted the sound of a dry martini . Just listen to his composition Take Five .

  10. 允许他们一段一段时间地去学习,如,学习一个小时,中间休息五分钟。

    Allow them to study in blocks of time , such as for half an hour with a five ¬ minute break in the middle .

  11. 你应该工作一个小时就站起来休息五分钟左右,去喝点水或者只是走到隔壁的格子间里。

    You should get up about five minutes every hour to get out of your chair , get a drink , or just walk to the next cubicle .

  12. 史蒂夫:人力资源部的人说我们应该每一小时休息五分钟,让一直盯着电脑的眼睛和打字的手休息一下。

    Steve : The HR department says that we should take a break for five minutes every hour to rest our eyes from staring at the computer and our hands from typing .

  13. 如果你工作时使用电脑,应该每小时让眼睛和手休息至少五分钟。

    If you work with computers , you should rest your eyes and hands for at least five minutes each hour .

  14. 我创作这款产品,基本上是为了服务于办公隔间里的怪才,他们用自己的头脑工作,想出创意,他说,他们需要时不时休息个五到十分钟,把玩一下实体物件。

    I basically created this product for cubicle geeks , people working with their minds , coming up with ideas , he said . They need to take a five - or 10-minute break , now and then , to pick up a physical object .

  15. 让你的眼睛定期休息。(澳大利亚眼科协会建议每一到两小时至少休息五到十分钟。你可以利用这个时间打个电话或做些别的事情。)

    Giving your eyes regular rests from looking at the screen ( The Optometrists Association of Australia recommends you do this for five to ten minutes every one to two hours of computer use . It 's a good time to make phone calls or do other tasks . )