- 网络swing phase

On the basis of quantitative analysis , a concept of the rising amount of ankle during the swing phase is presented to describe the evaluation of the kinematic performance of the multi axis A / K prostheses .
Redundant muscular force analysis of lower extremity during swing phase
A control principle of intelligent lower limb prosthesis using magnetorheological ( MR ) fluid damper is expounded .
The concepts of stability , coordinate region and relative stability were presented , based on analyzing the stand stability of the A / K prosthesis .
A pneumatic control device is used as swing phase control device of the AK prosthesis , for matching with the step phase of usually man .
According to the normal person 's curve of muscle-moment of the pneumatic knee-mechanism and with the pneumatic principle , it will determinate the correct installed position of the cylinder so as to meet dynamic capabilities of the swing-phase .
The percentage of stance phase , stride length , walking speed , maximum knee flexion angle , hip and ankle flexion angle range were significant differences between normal students and athletes , while plantar pressure distribution was almost same . 3 .
In this paper , a new method for walking speed measurement of artificial legs is proposed , in which we measure the movement duration of an artificial leg in swinging phase and express its walking speed indirectly in terms of this duration .
Development and Application of Rotor Swing Pumps for Transferring Gas and Liquid
Oscillations in an activator-inhibitor system . phase plane analysis .
The numerical results obtained by the analytical expressions are in consistence with that of accurate numerical solutions at the first some periods .
In this paper , single leg trajectory planning problem is discussed and trajectory planning algorithm of polynomial approximation is presented . In addition to that , leg tip trajectory 's polynomial expressions about time is derived corresponding to swing and supporting phase respectively .
Besides , the paper applies improved impedance control based on foot position to make legs achieve good transition from sway status to supporting status and expected force tracking .