
  • 网络swing phase
  1. 通过对这一性能的定量分析,提出了踝关节在摆动相的升高量作为评价这一性能的指标,进一步阐述膝关节功能的评估问题。

    On the basis of quantitative analysis , a concept of the rising amount of ankle during the swing phase is presented to describe the evaluation of the kinematic performance of the multi axis A / K prostheses .

  2. 人体下肢摆动相冗余肌力分析

    Redundant muscular force analysis of lower extremity during swing phase

  3. 阐述了一种磁流变液阻尼器控制的智能假腿摆动相控制原理。

    A control principle of intelligent lower limb prosthesis using magnetorheological ( MR ) fluid damper is expounded .

  4. 本文对多轴膝上假肢在站立相的稳定性及向摆动相过渡的灵活性进行了探讨,提出了相对稳定性和稳定协调区的概念。

    The concepts of stability , coordinate region and relative stability were presented , based on analyzing the stand stability of the A / K prosthesis .

  5. 根据正常人体的步态数据,用气压控制装置来模拟假肢摆动相控制性,并达到良好效果;

    A pneumatic control device is used as swing phase control device of the AK prosthesis , for matching with the step phase of usually man .

  6. 根据正常人膝关节肌肉力矩的变化曲线,利用气控原理,确定气缸的正确安装位置,以满足摆动相的动态性能。

    According to the normal person 's curve of muscle-moment of the pneumatic knee-mechanism and with the pneumatic principle , it will determinate the correct installed position of the cylinder so as to meet dynamic capabilities of the swing-phase .

  7. 专项组与普通组相比支撑相百分比、跨步长、步速、膝关节摆动相最大屈曲角度,髋关节和踝关节矢状面运动范围有显著性差异,足底压力分布基本一致。

    The percentage of stance phase , stride length , walking speed , maximum knee flexion angle , hip and ankle flexion angle range were significant differences between normal students and athletes , while plantar pressure distribution was almost same . 3 .

  8. 作者提出一种新的步速测量方法,即测量人工腿在摆动相的持续时间,用该时间的长短来间接反映步速的快慢。

    In this paper , a new method for walking speed measurement of artificial legs is proposed , in which we measure the movement duration of an artificial leg in swinging phase and express its walking speed indirectly in terms of this duration .

  9. 转子摆动多相泵的研制及应用

    Development and Application of Rotor Swing Pumps for Transferring Gas and Liquid

  10. 活化-抑制系统的摆动情形。相平面分析。

    Oscillations in an activator-inhibitor system . phase plane analysis .

  11. 由解析表达式得到的数值结果与数值精确解相比较,二者在前几个摆动周期内相吻合。

    The numerical results obtained by the analytical expressions are in consistence with that of accurate numerical solutions at the first some periods .

  12. 对仿生机器蟹的单足轨迹规划问题进行了研究,提出了多项式逼近的轨迹规划算法,给出了摆动相和支撑相时足尖点轨迹关于时间的多项式表达式。

    In this paper , single leg trajectory planning problem is discussed and trajectory planning algorithm of polynomial approximation is presented . In addition to that , leg tip trajectory 's polynomial expressions about time is derived corresponding to swing and supporting phase respectively .

  13. 同时论文结合改进的基于位置的阻抗控制策略,实现了摆动足从摆动相到支撑相的良好过渡和期望的足力跟踪问题。

    Besides , the paper applies improved impedance control based on foot position to make legs achieve good transition from sway status to supporting status and expected force tracking .