
  • 网络tilting train;tilt train;Pendolino
  1. 摆式列车的H∞鲁棒控制研究

    Research on Robust H ∞ Control to Tilting Train

  2. 基于模糊自适应PID的摆式列车倾摆控制系统研究

    Research on Fuzzy Adaptive PID Control to Tilting Train

  3. 基于DSP的摆式列车测试系统研究

    Study of the Testing System of Titling Train Based on DSP

  4. 基于BP神经网络摆式列车倾摆控制系统的辨识

    Identification of Tilting Control System of Titling Train Based on Neural Networks

  5. 基于PCI总线的虚拟仪器数据采集卡在摆式列车信号检测系统中的应用

    Application of Data Acquisition Card of Virtual Instrument Based on PCI Bus in Tilting Train Mesurement

  6. 德国新一代城间摆式列车ICT

    The new Generation of ICT ( Inter city Train ) in Germany

  7. 摆式列车径向转向架优化设计及I-DEAS算法

    Structural Optimum Design about the Radial Bogie and Optimum Algorithm of I-DEAS

  8. 基于AIC信息准则法的摆式列车倾摆伺服系统建模研究

    The Modeling Study of Tilting Servo System of Titling Train Based on AIC Information Criterion

  9. 介绍了日本JR北海道客运公司开发研制摆式列车的概况。

    General conditions of development of tilting trains in the Hokkaido Transport Corporation in JR are described .

  10. 摆式列车倾摆控制系统的研制是铁道部科技开发项目,论文针对摆式列车倾摆控制系统的特点,设计出一套基于MCS-51系列单片机的倾摆作动系统。

    A control system based on MCS-51 single-machine is designed to match the characteristics of the tilting control system of the tilting train .

  11. 本文介绍德国西门子公司开发的新一代城间摆式列车ICT及其转向架的结构原理和性能。

    In this paper , the structural principle and performance of the new generation of ICT and the bogie developed in Siemens Company are introduced briefly .

  12. 接着介绍了在VISUALBASIC6.0条件下串口通信的特点,设计了摆式列车倾摆控制系统维护软件。

    Next the characteristic of serial communication in the condition of Visual Basic 6.0 is discussed , the tilting train maintenance software is programmed by Visual Basic 6 . 0.At last , the test of tilting control maintaining system is discussed .

  13. 针对摆式列车数学模型的不确定性及倾摆控制系统设计的多目标要求,对摆式列车模拟试验装置的辨识数学模型分别用H∞方法和μ方法设计三个鲁棒控制器。

    Considering the uncertainty of the identified mathematics model of the tilting train and the multiple design targets of declining control system , three robust controllers were synthesized for analog test rig of tilting train with H ∞ approach and μ approach .

  14. 文中不仅对摆式列车测试系统的组成进行了讨论,并围绕DSP设计了测试系统的前向通道,中断、复位子系统,存储了系统,通信子系统和调试子系统。

    In the paper the constitution of the testing system in the tilting train is discussed , as well as the design of the front access , the subsystems performing the function of interruption , resetting , saving , communication and debugging .

  15. 用基底矢量法对瑞典X型摆式列车的摆式机构进行了动态静力分析,整个过程没有近似处理,全部未知力都表示为已知量的显函数。

    With base vector method , the dynamic state static force analysis is carried out on tilting mechanism of Sweden tilting form train type X. The whole process has no approximation processing , all unknown forces are expressed as explicit functions of known quantities .

  16. 目前韩国正在新建高速线,扩建铁路网,提高既有线的速度,研究350km/h的高速列车、轻轨列车和摆式列车。

    At present , Korea Railway is building new high speed lines , expanding railway network , raising running speed of the current lines , studying high speed train with a speed of 350 km / h , light rail train and tilting train .

  17. 目前,由于国内没有成熟的倾摆控制技术,各大铁路工厂相继研制和生产的摆式列车,主要依靠从国外ESW公司成套引进倾摆控制系统。

    Now , as there is no tilting control system that can be used in our country , some of the railway manufactories are developing the tilting train whose tilting control system is imported from ESW corporation .

  18. 仿真结果表明,用所设计的数字滤波器对陀螺平台系统进行动态补偿,能使超高信号的延时小于0.4s,满足摆式列车实时倾摆控制的需要。

    The simulation result shows that the delay time of superelevation signals is less than 0.4 s with the designed digital filters to meet the needs of real-time tilting control of tilting trains .

  19. 摆式列车摆式机构的动态静力分析

    Dynamic State Static Force Analysis on Tilting Mechanism of Tilting Train

  20. 摆式列车传感器故障检测原理与方法的研究

    Study on sensor ' fault-detection principle and technique for tilting train

  21. 分析了摆式列车倾摆控制系统的可能故障;

    The probable failure of tilting mechanism control system is analyzed .

  22. 液压摆式列车倾摆调试系统的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Hydraulic Tilting Train 's Tilting Testing System

  23. 摆式列车横向加速度传感器的故障诊断与优选方法

    Fault Diagnosis and Choice of Transverse Accelerometers Installed in Tilt Train

  24. 摆式列车迫导向径向转向架的设计

    Design of the Force - Steering Radial Bogie of Tilting Train

  25. 摆式列车倾摆机构动力方式试验研究

    Experimental Research on Power Modes of Tilting Mechanism of Tilting Train

  26. 车端联接装置对摆式列车横向动力学的影响

    Influence of joint device for lateral dynamics behavior of tilting train

  27. 意大利摆式列车成功商业化运营及其影响因素的分析

    Analysis of Commercially Successful Italian Tilting Train and Its Influences

  28. 摆式列车倾摆伺服控制系统辨识方法仿真研究

    Study on identification methods of tilting servo control system for titling train

  29. 简要介绍了我国发展摆式列车的背景;

    Background of developing tilting train in China is briefed .

  30. 山区铁路应用摆式列车提速的探讨

    Exploration on Speed-Raise on mountain railway by adopting pendulum train