
bǎi dòng
  • swing;oscillate;sway;vibrate;flap;wave;wag;pendulate
摆动 [bǎi dòng]
  • [sway;swing;wave;wag] 从一个基点或枢轴点摇摆

  • 柳条儿迎风摆动

摆动[bǎi dòng]
  1. 挺直腰背,一条腿向后摆动。

    Keeping your back straight , swing one leg backwards .

  2. 按顺时针方向轻轻摆动右臂。

    Gently swing your right arm in a clockwise direction .

  3. 仔细看仪表盘上的指针如何摆动。

    Watch how the needle on the dial oscillates .

  4. 水里有个人大喊大叫,拼命摆动着双臂。

    A man in the water was shouting and waving his arms around frantically .

  5. 她的长裙在脚踝旁边摆动。

    A long skirt swirled around her ankles .

  6. 我查看了那根音量指针是否在摆动。

    I checked to see if the needle indicating volume was oscillating .

  7. 他的身体随着音乐的节拍慢慢摆动。

    His body slowly undulated in time to the music .

  8. 别靠近它摆动的尾巴。

    Don 't go near that lashing tail .

  9. 她的身体随着音乐节拍摆动。

    Her body swayed in time with the music

  10. 如果你挠他的下巴,他的耳朵就会摆动。

    His ears wiggled if you scratched his chin

  11. 挡风玻璃上的雨刮“啪嗒啪嗒”地来回摆动。

    The windscreen wipers thudded back and forth

  12. 挡风玻璃上的雨刷咔嗒咔嗒来回摆动。

    The windshield wipers clacked back and forth

  13. 树枝在微风中轻轻摆动。

    The branches swayed gently in the breeze .

  14. 绳子随风摆动。

    A rope dangled in the wind .

  15. 垂柳轻飘飘地摆动。

    The branches of the drooping willows were swaying lightly .

  16. 柳条迎风摆动。

    The willows swayed in the breeze .

  17. 指示针来回摆动。

    The pointer flickered .

  18. 老板摆动一下头示意她过去。

    The boss gestured her over with a movement of his head .

  19. 窗帘在敞开的窗前摆动。

    The curtains were flapping at the open window .

  20. 他坐在桌子边上,摆动著双腿。

    He sits on the edge of the table and dangles his legs .

  21. 圣诞音乐盒,音乐响起时,圣诞老人会摆动

    When the Christmas musical box , music resounds , Christmas old man swinging .

  22. 它们通过摆动尾巴在水中游走,除此之外,它们和鱼还有很多类似之处。

    They swim about in the water by the help of their tail , and they are very much like little fishes in many other ways .

  23. 基于PLC计数方式的摆动机构

    Research on a Pendulous Mechanism by Programmable Logical Control and Count Mode

  24. 微焦点X射线摆动式分层成像中的不完全投影研究

    Study on Limited Projections in Micro-focus X-ray Swing Laminography

  25. 焊接摆动器PLC控制系统设计

    Design of the PLC control system in welding oscillator

  26. 用极移数据直接测算钱德勒摆动Q值

    Specification of Q for Chandler Wobble Directly from Polar Motion Data

  27. 红外地平仪摆动扫描装置自适应控制器的FPGA实现

    The FPGA implementation of adaptive controller for infrared horizon sensor swing scanning device

  28. VS型垂直摆倾斜仪电容测微传感器摆动误差分析

    Error analysis of capacitor sensor swing in VS vertical pendulum tiltmeter

  29. 结论(1)平行秋千摆动中迷走神经活动显著增强,反映迷走神经兴奋水平的HF应作为前庭耐力评价的重要指标。

    Conclusion The vagal nervous activity was markedly increased during swing .

  30. CCD摆动提高摄象机性能的研究

    Study on raising performance of CCD camera